2-min walk from Exit B1, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (5)
CoCo Fresh Tea & Juice is chain store in Hong Kong. Signature drinks include Bubble Tea, Fresh Milk with Pudding, Pearls & Grass Jelly and Passion Fruit Juice with Pearls & Coconut Jelly. continue reading
Opening Hours
10:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
10:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus
Other Info
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
奶茶三兄弟 百香雙響炮 芒果綠茶 金桔檸檬 珍珠奶茶 桂圓紅棗茶
Review (42)
走過Coco都可茶飲,揀了幾款人氣飲品嚟試一試。點咗個經典珍珠奶茶先,珍珠Q彈得嚟又唔過甜,搭配嘅奶茶香濃到好似舊時候街邊茶仔咁懷舊,真係飲落暖笠笠好滿足😋。跟住我試咗個厚厚嘅自家製奶蓋,估唔到奶蓋滑溜得嚟帶點微鹹,啜一口,啲茶底香氣全都鎖住,簡直係奶蓋界中嘅極品!最後,個黑糖鮮奶真係突圍而出,啲黑糖珍珠底部仲係熱乎乎,攪勻後個香甜嘅黑糖味同鮮奶恰到好處地交織埋一齊,喉嚨過後留住隨時想再來一杯嘅濃郁回甘,實在太正喇👍!香滑嘅口感加上恰到好處嘅甜度,Coco呢家仔做嘅台式飲品絕對唔只得貌嚇人!插嘴提一句,我喺呢度試飲個過程中,店員嘅服務態度都幾nice,唔會因為係平民化嘅飲品而草草了事。飲過Coco,心情都好似帶點台灣日頭嘅暖陽,暖笠笠咁。話咁快,我已經計劃緊下次再過嚟試過其他款式,睇吓有冇新發現!🍹🍵🎉 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-07-25
今日天氣熱到一個點,見CoCo台式飲品店😍😍即刻同朋友買返杯嘢飲,消消暑先☀️☀️☀️☀️餐廳環境位於灣仔鬧市,非常方便✅✅✅推介:🙌🙌🙌🙌😋芒果益力多芒果混合益力多,酸酸甜甜,含益生菌,健康飲品😋檸檬霸加入整個檸檬🍋,超級愛超酸的飲品,檸檬富含維生素C,清涼解渴,消暑解熱, 好適合夏天飲用。😋生椰楊枝甘露香港特色的甜品,主要由椰汁、牛奶、楊枝等製成。口感清涼爽口,椰香味濃郁, 天時暑熱必選。大大杯,凍冰冰,價錢仲非常親民,仲有一個保溫袋,好貼心👍👍👍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-06-28
鮮百香綠茶(L)$20 🥥🍵 半糖少冰+$2 椰果Total:$22好耐冇見到全間舖幾乎都2字頭一杯嘢飲,平到傻咗!!!加個配料都只係$2,份量完全比得唔少,大大杯😍😍呢杯百香果綠茶唔係淨係用果汁,仲有果籽,可以增加口感🤤🤤又香甜,加咗椰果更好咬不過綠茶味唔算好濃,有少許回甘,全杯嘢飲感覺好清新🌿完全冇負擔,冰落得唔多,少冰真係少冰🧊放咗好耐都冇淡😚😚 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-06-05
自己好少飲手搖茶因為覺得太甜今日難得同同事食完飯佢地話想飲coco緊係跟大隊飲返杯見到呢杯青梅氣泡做緊promo $30就買黎試吓點知有驚喜喎酸酸地帶啲甜配上粒粒青梅果肉,好足料咬落仲好有口感唔洗加其他配料都好滿足梳打水好夠氣夏天咁熱勁解渴好岩飲記得嗌少甜/微甜甜同酸會更平衡飲落更滋味😃呢個系列仲有普通茶底價錢更實惠但係我就中意梳打水底喇因為口感豐富啲飲落涼爽fresh啲咁喺灣仔嘅朋友食完飯或者下午茶可以黎買杯寵幸下自己都好 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-05-19
In 1997, the small town of Tamsui was the starting point for CoCo Fresh Tea & Juice, where the brand began its journey towards realizing its dream of providing quality products and services.Starting with a commitment to the essence of quality products, CoCo Fresh Tea & Juice carefully selects premium tea and high-quality ingredients to offer more people a chance to taste their delicious drinks. In 1999, the brand expanded beyond Tamsui and began to spread across Taiwan, with a vision to expand globally.Over the past 20 years, CoCo Fresh Tea & Juice has remained passionate and energetic, adhering to its founding principle of "For You, For All." The brand continues to innovate its drink offerings, upgrade its stores, and source pure, fresh ingredients from around the world. By combining different ingredients and employing skilled techniques, CoCo Fresh Tea & Juice provides customers with a pure and enjoyable experience that spreads positive energy and brightens people's lives worldwide. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)