Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (60)
Level3 2009-06-19
26/1/2008 ~是晚, 是Toscana告別戰 ~主題: Black Truffle 與 dessssssert ~1) Vinegar and Olive Oil ~2) Lobster on Leeks and Ratte Potato and Black Truffle ~3) Classic Agnollotti in Black Truffle Sauce ~4) Wagyu and U.S. Prime Beef in Olive Oil, Grand Cru Chocolate Sauce ~ 5) Poached Tropical Fruit with Exotic Coulis, Ivory Cream, Banana Passion Fruit Sorbet ~6) Espresso Flavoured Ladyfinger and Gelee with Mascarpone ~7) Chestnut Fondant with Vanilla Panna Cotta ~8) Pear Tart with Vanilla Ice Cream ~ 31/1/2008 後, 它消失了...2010年, Kowloon Ritz-Carlton 再見 ~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2008-03-25
因為中環麗嘉將會成為歷史, 所以之前約左好友黎個Saturday lunch。自助前菜都好好食, 尤其係cold cut 同煙三文魚, 風乾火腿都OK不過都係Sabatini好D。主菜的魚和羊都係OK, 無咩驚喜。甜品夠多但都沒有特出之作。服務亦不及Sabatini, 但環境當然一百分。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2008-03-06
Reserved seats 2 months in advance b4 my boy's birthday in Dec... cuz i rmb the closing date announced was around Dec 2007. but i don't know if i rmb wrongly or it was changed some how later........anyway i'd been excited about going to nice beautiful and cozy place for 2 whole months cuz that was with my boy and that was the 1st time i'd been there~! and..... becuz it's closing soon, that was even more exciting and important to me.but i know some ppl reserved seats even earlier... cuz when i requested a private room, the reply was some other ppl had already booked them and all were fullt booked... =(okay. shud talk about the real evening of the dinner heehee.we ordered foie gras, sirloin, pasta and carpaccio~~~ the food was nice!!! =) the sirloin was good~WUT A PITY that it's closed already................................. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2008-01-31
今晚,零八年一月三十一日,是Toscana的最後一夜了。朋友的投資撈了點利潤,有幸參與其中,硬說要請食白松露菌,要我推介。老實說,白松露貴,係人都知。在這裡吃一碟蛋麵taglioini只需二百二,經主廚刨上幾下白松露菌,即刻變左五百八。而這等昂貴的東西,香味又會在出土後逐漸消散。所以等閒也不會在香港吃,要吃,也只會找最可靠的地方,如這裡。因地點之便,這裡的午市一向墟埳,沒訂位是幾難walk-in有位的。這裡可以配白松露菌的菜色很多,由頭盤都甜品都有,但我的心水只得兩款,一是前菜的炒蛋,二是第一道主菜的蛋麵,是日要了後者。加一客生牛肉作前菜,燒牛仔肉作第二道主菜,已很豐富。說起吃生牛肉,最好的經驗在Sabatini及Nicholini's,而這裡的也很不錯。牛肉肉質鮮嫩,配上特醇橄欖油,口感軟滑無比。這裡聰明的用上了烤巴馬山芝士片去提味,加上帶甘苦的火箭菜,吃起來是絕對的對辦;蛋麵用一深圓的意粉碟子送上來,當然隨之而來的,就是拿著銀桶子的大廚Mr Bombana。只見他挑了一顆白松露菌,用那專用的松露刨子Mandolin「嚓嚓」的刨了幾下,薄而大片的白松露菌就散滿在碟子中。遇到蛋麵的熱力,微卷曲並發出白松露那獨特又強烈的幽香。也只有這個處理的手法,松露的香味才能得以盡情發揮。這就是大廚對白松露的堅持,亦是對付出高昂價錢食客的專重,也是我只會來吃白松露菌的原因。說實話,白松露吃起來是沒有什麼特別的味道,獨特之處,只在處理的刻。蛋麵當然al dente又濕潤,夾雜濃烈的香氣,像大閘蟹,有機會及合時令的話,作為為食之人,怎能錯過?索價五百八十大元一碟,是貴,也是每天努力工作的動力及原因。付鈔的那個也滿意非常,也算是功德完滿。第二道主菜也很有水準,牛仔肉鮮嫩,要了medium rare,出面滲有血水而內裡是嫣紅色的,廚房的火侯,很到家。不過縱使是好,比較起白松露菌,這個牛仔肉,也都只可以淪為配角,亦因為趕著回公司,只可以在幾分鐘內清碟,違背慢食的原則,罪過罪過。時間關係,甜品也沒有要什麼特別的,就這裡的petits fours已經相當好。八款甜點做成的骰的小件裝,相當合我這個樣樣要試,怕重覆又胃納不高的人士。配上香濃咖啡,絕對是完滿的一餐。瞄了瞄張單,連麻麻地的紅酒一支及礦泉水,全單應是三千五百多。不便宜,但絕對吃得滿意。食好d,玩多d,穿靚d,這就是我不停搵錢的動力。而托斯卡尼,我是會懷念的。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2008-01-14
好高興能夠在這裡拆卸前,到來吃一餐!~ 那天是2007年的最後一個星期五,我們二人叫了半自助的行政午餐。環境真的華麗,巨型油畫、水晶吊燈;有少少殘舊,但別有一種英式貴族的古典美。首先係餐前包~ 幾多款式,亦好味!~之後到自助前菜,貴精不貴多;十款左右,但每樣都感受到是他們精心挑選的。主菜方面,個人認為意粉較普通,而個羊扖就好特別,好味!~肉質鮮嫩,醬汁配得好好,成功突出到羊的味道,令愛羊人士一吃難忘。吃到甜品,已八成飽。甜品賣相很吸引,再飽也不捨得不試!~ 味道不錯啊!~ 但不太驚喜。~最後以咖啡或茶及小茶點作結。另外,有d唔明點解那天的午餐要$488一位呢?有冇人知點解?對我來講這是一頓頗貴的午餐,但以她的歷史,地位...所有一去不返的,實在值得!!~ continue reading
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