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Signature Dishes
巴西汁鴛鴦扒 手打烏冬 奶油豬仔包 咖哩牛腩飯 魚湯米線 魚腐湯烏冬
Review (19)
閒日雨天晚上來到, 客人不多,於是我跟朋友選了一張近收銀的卡位坐下來,環境是一般茶餐廳格局,食物也是一樣, 我們點了西餐 , 西餐有2款, A餐跟B餐,A餐是鴛鴦扒, B 餐是炸魚柳+火腿, $59 , 凍飲 +$3,我最喜歡吃炸物, 就點了B餐,食物一來到給我一點驚喜,我選的是B餐跟薯菜, 原來這裡跟薯菜是一整個薯仔上的,當然薯仔是一個小size的, 比起吃炸薯條好得多, 而魚柳也出乎意料之外,因為比大快活好吃得多,哈,大家可能會覺得我不應以大快活作比較,因為價錢已經不同,但我真的想不起還有什麼地方吃炸魚柳。最有趣的,是餐飲來到時, 用來盛載熱飲的碟子打瀉了不少奶茶,我忍不住說出口, 年輕的女侍應聽到了便說”要不要幫你換隻碟?”難怪她剛剛打爛碗碟了,原來傳食物時,朋友說她是在擔天望地 。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2013-08-29
落到灣仔點可以唔去茶餐廳?咁啱就喺Tea Time行到去克街,朋友話想食魚腐米線,咁就行左入華康餐廳。  一入去就有人過黎帶位,坐落除左冷氣凍D之外都冇咩其他野。本身我飽飽地冇諗住叫野食。但係唔知點解望住佢個下午茶餐牌,我就俾佢個西多士吸引住。於是我地總共叫左兩個餐兩杯熱奶茶。  個熱奶茶好快就送到黎。個哥仔一擺低杯野就聞到撲鼻而黎既奶茶香。去過咁多間茶餐廳都未見到過有奶茶可以好似人地D咖啡咁,一擺底就係散發出黎嘅香氣。之後上碟嘅西多士好似識發光咁。喺上面舊牛油融融地又keep得住個shape。叫人簡直想即刻將佢分成三乘三然後倒埋D糖漿落去大啖大啖咁咬。切落去果下好鬆軟,後尾先發現原來入面夾左厚厚嘅芝士。D芝士好似心太軟咁係咁湧出黎,望住都流曬口水。倒埋糖漿落去,一叉一啖一咬……哇頂好食到暈。個皮又軟又鬆化,入面D芝士好似必出黎咁,加埋糖漿嘅甜味直情係Perfect Match。件西多士又香又冇油淋淋,入面嘅芝士又唔膩,認真好食。朋友嘅米線都唔錯,但係相比之下梗係呢個有驚喜D啦☆ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
無見過咁樣既薯條, 外賣黎到簡直嚇親, 佢夠膽比人食先最出奇, 佢地自己唔覺得過份既咩!? 話過以後唔會再幫襯, 打電話催2次, 45分鐘先到, 等到之後, 結果竟然係咁! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2013-01-14
Went to Tsui-Wah-alike (well it is a HK institution..!) chaan teng for lunch for colleagues. Unlike Tsui Wahit is bursting at the seams with customers, which is a shame. It is on a street where there were otherplaces a lot busier.The seating is quite spacious, unlike some of those other nearby places and seated 8 of us okay. There are alsobooth seats for those wanting a quiter space and romantic couples etc.I ordered Hainan Chicken rice - I wanted sweet n sour pork but alas, this wasn't on the menu (boo! hiss!). It came promptly, almost a bit too promptly (if you know what I mean) but seemed to be in order. The rice had a nice taste, and with 3 sauces but soy sauce I'd to pour myself. The soup was just average, and not the standard chicken soup with this dish. For $58 for this lunch set inc drink this seemed like a fair price.6/10 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-10-06
行完會展約了朋友食下午茶行下行下就来了呢間華康茶餐廳下午茶餐牌凍奶荼太多冰熱狗好大隻,好食三文冶,賣相唔错,幾好蛋煮到冇太陽,瑞士雞翼冇瑞士汁味,公仔麵完全冇味,超唔得普普通通一間茶餐廳冇嘜特別 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)