4-min walk from Exit D1, Central MTR Station continue reading
A member's only Shanghainese restaurant, Shanghai Fraternity Association serves traditional and authentic Shanghai-style food. The signature dishes include the Braised Duck with Scallion, Pan-fried Pork Dumplings, Fried Shrimp and Spicy Sweet Beans. continue reading
Good For
Group Dining
Additional Information
Accept members only Reservation for member only
Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Cash For member only
Other Info
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Parking Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Braised Duck with Scallion Seasonal Fish Pan-fried Pork Dumplings Drunken Pigeon Kaoru Egg
Review (42)
Level4 2023-06-02
燻蛋 🍳 指定動作啦,蛋黃夠流心,仲有好香既煙熏味舟山海蜇頭🪼 佢哋會問你想要食爽啲定係冧啲,我哋要左爽身,又真係索索聲勁清新~五香鴨舌 呢度菜十分驚喜,鴨舌口感軟滑恍如無筋,濃香既五香調味夠開胃亦唔會過火位~醉羔蟹 🦀上海派醬油蟹,整道菜都好濃郁,蟹膏綿密飽滿,鮮甜既蟹肉完全融合酒香complex 得嚟又和諧唔會互相搶味~❤️ 想大聲高歌一曲你把我灌醉~富貴雞清燉獅子頭, 呢個大推薦,望上去清湯寡水咁,但湯底鮮美唔肥膩🦁 獅子頭口感鬆化軟熟,煮完湯都完全唔柴~龍井蝦仁 🍤 蝦仁彈牙而軟嫩,味清帶茶既甘香,食完個人都風雅啲,喺一眾重口味菜式中完美點綴,絲毫都唔遜色龍鬚桂魚 🐟 一道傳統手工菜,首先將桂魚起肉切成幼絲,再落鑊炒香,啖啖肉鮮香十足~紅燒元蹄 🐽 肉質鬆化幼嫩,當然最緊要係食個皮,做到唔油膩而口感超級軟綿夠晒滑,難以抗拒既美味~收尾嚟番個甜品高力豆沙... 今晚全部都係大菜,好很飽~🐽🐽註:行會員制,需要會員簽單付款 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
終於有機會一訪「上海總會」,增廣見識之餘,亦感謝友人的悉心安排!「上海總會」於 1977年創立,至今已踏進第 46 個年頭,歷史悠久!會所設於中環雲咸街,三層自置物業為會員提供正宗的本幫菜。當晚飯局設於會所二樓寬敞雅緻的主席房,簡直是非一般的機遇!餐前,大家坐在沙發邊喝茶、邊談天說地。人齊便馬上移步飯桌,準備開飯。先來的是五款冷盤 。鹽水鴨是我最喜歡的冷盤之一,雖然賣相平平無奇,但味蕾卻被柔軟鴨肉、與及均勻的鹽香所打動,忍不住再多來一件!烤麩保留彈性的質感,且入味程度佳,唯個人覺得醬汁甜度可調低一點!聞名不如一嚐、坊間幾乎絕跡的豆辨酥,色澤像極班蘭蛋糕。 原來豆辨酥採用新鮮蠶豆製作,將蠶豆去皮、煮腍後壓成泥狀,當然需要加入適當的調味,方可成為充滿豆香的豆辨酥!欣賞豆辨酥天然的品味和粉軟的質感!名字充滿詩意的素黃雀,原來是選用腐皮包裹冬菇絲、筍絲、木耳絲、甘筍絲等材料,然後打上一個有如雀鳥尾巴的結而得名。而面前簡化版的素黃雀,是不重形、只重味的體會!舟山海蜇香筍充滿麻油香氣、海蜇極之爽彈,是名符其實的海蜇頭!為隨後豐富的菜式留有餘地,冷盤只許酌量享用。冷盤過後是經典的龍井蝦仁。蝦仁炒得非常細嫩,在細嫩之中,又可感應到蝦肉的充份彈性,仿似新鮮河蝦在嘴巴裡跳動!調味方面比以往嚐過的龍并蝦仁重手,未知是否因此而掩蓋了龍井清雅的香氣!無論美感、氣勢或是香氣,火朣雞燉大排翅無疑是大贏家,見大家爭相拍照,便略知一二!能夠穿透瓷器而出、叫人垂涎欲滴的鮮香,有懶份量十足的火朣和鮮雞!食材的質量無庸置疑,尤其是極為豐美的火朣,令我整晚不斷的追吃!名貴的大排翅,不但美觀,翅針粗密豐厚、爽口回彈,配合濃郁的火朣雞湯,令人大為滿足,相信體內膠原蛋白也隨此而火速提升!再來的蔥燒大烏參,亦是滋補養生的菜式!大烏參燜煮得十分軟腍,充份吸收了醬汁的精華,味道甜而豐厚,惜蔥香相對來得平淡!清蒸河鰻是老上海菜式,將河鰻切成一斷斷,放上金腿和冬菇蒸煮,風味有別於一般紅燒或蒜燒等烹調,此菜可遇不可求!   特意挑了一斷較幼小的河鰻嘗試,入口滿滿酒香,肉質肥糯、細滑鮮嫩,估計粗身的河鰻會更加肥美豐盈!緊接河鰻而來的煙燻軟雞,不單盛載著誘人的煙燻香氣,肉質嫩滑,就連雞胸也沒有一絲柴感。假如能保留一定熱度,味道必然更理想!期侍著一期一會的春筍菜式,搞手選了油燜春筍。春筍無渣細嫩,選料上乘,個人則偏好口感更突出的粗身切法。至於醬油方面,香而不死甜的味道不錯,但期侍更佳的收汁效果!我們努力地拍好青蔥的小豆,工作人員則努力地拆出蜜糖豆的豆仁,目的是為了這道火丁甜豆!清新富豆香的豆仁,牙齒一咬即感應到飽滿的豆感。不過甜度要比想像中高,略欠自然!意外地沒有粉麵飯的主食,取而代之是讓人叫好的鮮肉鍋貼。餡皮厚薄適中帶麵香,均勻摺痕透露細緻的包工。餡料鮑滿,配合煎得香脆而不焦硬的鍋貼同吃,一流的美味!甜品的油煎紅米八寶飯也相當好吃!採用與別不同的紅米,混雜紅豆蓉、花生、紅棗、蓮子等,軟糯微脆香甜集於一身,不禁要多添一塊!蔥油大餅和上海粗留待下回再試。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
[#central] [#hforchinesefood] 9/10 i wrote a long review for this and it was uploaded failed and that feed disappeared 😩😩😭Its hair crab season and I am so grateful to have the chance to get some quality orange crab meats and roes before it ends!The crab is so goood and it is just self-explanatory by its look. Liangxi crispy eel 梁溪脆鱔 is a must order when you have Shanghainese cuisine and it so awesome - that crisp and the sweetness on the outside just can't stop you from eating.Another wonderful dish was the Mandarin Fish 龍鬚桂魚絲. The steps for making this dish are complicated - the meat of the mandarin fish was first removed and shredded, then steamed. And then the shredded fish was fried with boiling oil. It tasted light and refreshing, together with the shredded beetroots(?) on top which added the sourness - i couldnt stop eating it The desserts were also fantastic but unfortunately I couldn't have a big bite of each of them due to contest prep😩 that Deep Fried Soufflé Egg White stuffed with Red Bean高力豆沙 were super tempting.... Red Bean Cakes 豆沙鍋餅 were also crispy at the outside with the mild sweetness of the red beans inside - Served hot, believe that must be super healing if I can have a big big big big big bite... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-09-04
近四十年沒見的學生請吃飯,說是謝師宴。我說他們畢業時已吃了,他們説那不算數,因為錢是父母出的。這麼有心,我當然欣然赴會了。上星期六晚我們就去了上海總會會所吃飯。全間餐廳間隔成不同大小廂房,私密性甚高。廂房陳設平實,頗寛敞,不算豪華。我們八人一席,有專一侍者負責招待,他態度誠懇,訓練有素,招呼週到,值得一讚。雖然我們人數不多,學生們為要孝敬師長,安排了多款該店珍饈美食,款款矜貴好味,齒頰留香,真不愧為本地滬菜翹楚。首先出埸是六個冷盆:醉乳鴿 — 大大隻,切件再砌成鴿型平放碟上,鴿肉滿滿花雕酒香味,潤嫩甘香。水晶肴肉 — 晶瑩剔透,層次分明,微微玫瑰露香味,嫣紅脂白,入口即化,蘸些鎮江香醋,更添美味。蒽油海蜇頭 — 既嫩滑又爽脆,蒽油麻油味交融,口感豐富。豆瓣酥 — 粉綿如豆腐,卻有濃濃豆香味。香乾馬蘭頭 — 翠綠悅目,味道清新,麻油味剛剛好,沒有蓋過馬蘭頭的獨特菜香味。燻蛋 — 色澤光亮美麗,溏心蛋黃入口醇香美味。剛品嘗完冷盆,其他名貴佳餚已陸續出場:蝦籽大烏參 — 滿滿一大碟,烏光透亮,入口糯軟卻有咬感,蝦籽鮮甜,肉汁甘香。火膧雞燉魚唇湯 — 火朣、大豬骨及雞熬製成濃湯,煨燉魚唇翅,翅豐厚軟滑,湯更是鮮醇美味。龍鬚桂魚— 桂魚起肉切絲炒,魚肉雪白鮮嫩,盡顯廚師功夫了得。龍井蝦仁 — 蝦仁晶瑩彈牙,但畧感鮮味不足。樟茶鴨 — 大大隻,一般做法,沒特別,反而是伴配的精美小饅頭,非常好吃。清炒甜豆— 這絕對是一味功夫菜色,人手拆出青豆,粒粒如珠,翡翠碧綠,真想串起掛在頸上作裝飾。素菜包 — 皮綿軟,餡有菜根香,美味。油煎紅米八寶飯 — 煙煙韌韌,不太甜。八人吃八寶飯,真是應景!很開心的一頓飯,師生無拘無束,盡情享受美食,暢談別後際遇,不過花費不少,實不宜,下不為例。知道大家安好,已是為師者最大欣慰! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2020-11-15
Every year we come here for the hairy crab. The crab is good, but some people find it too expensive at $4xx per crab. Every time we come, we order the same dishes : 1. the green peas. It’s not cheap, but they say it takes a lot of time for people to handpick the peas. It’s better to preorder cos they don’t always have it. 2. The sharksfin soup without the sharksfin. People fight to takeaway the leftover ham. 3. Any 蟹粉 related dish. Personally I like the it best with tofu and 豆苗. 4. The 河鰻- I’m not a fan of small bones but my friends say it’s one of the best they’ve tried 5. The tiny prawns河蝦. I like the version when they are made with the salty eggs, but most people prefer 清炒。6. Either 小龍包 or 鍋貼。By then I would b very full but must try the 皮 if not the meat inside, cos it is very crispy. 7. The 荷花so as dessert. The pastry is nicely done. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)