Cafe Deco established a new standard and style in restaurants when it opened in February 1994. The idea was to create a unique, landmark restaurant for Hong Kong on the Peak. The restaurant offered freshly prepared sushi, homemade pizzas to jet-oysters, Indian tandoori specialties and curries, salads, sandwiches and noodles, much of which is prepared in open show kitchen. The dedicated kitchens serve Chinese, Thai, Japanese and Western dishes. The Italian Bar serves fresh coffee, homemade cakes, pastries and ice-creams. continue reading
Additional Information
Some vegetarian dishes available daily.
Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
11:00 - 23:00
Fri - Sat
11:00 - 23:30
11:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay JCB
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
Parking Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Sea View
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Tandoori Seabass Fillet Oysters Hainan Chicken Rice Spicy Pepperoncini Pizza Foie Gras Hand Roll
Review (308)
上山頂咀嚼風味,我喺峰景餐廳遇到咗幾分驚喜好滋味!想同大家講吓我食嘅嗰啲美嘢:生蠔就絕對係揭開味蕾序幕嘅焦點。Irish Rock咖喱味嘅海鮮鮮,嗌到我想唱歌🎵;Claire 003相比之下就嚟得大氣啲,俾人一種滿足感。但Tasea小小一口,啱啱好畀捧著輕食嘅朋友。牛柳方面,佢哋話係New Zealand Prime Grade,吃落去是嘅嚟軟滑嘅,但係唔夠嫩,稍微老咗啲,令人有少少「咦?」嘅感覺。不過新鮮嘅蕃茄嘅炒真係令主菜分色唔少,又甜又多汁,攞嚟過癮。Fish and Chips就真係頂級選擇,炸得唔油膩,外皮脆卜卜,魚肉入面保持鮮嫩滑口。啲汁嘅味道純正,無任何調味粉強加,真材實料冇得輸👍。食物有得讚,但個服務就真係五十步笑百步。等水等到想生根,叫服勡親口點菜又等到半拉鬍鬚白。咁上下收碟嘅效率,有待提升!總結,呢度睇日落食晚飯,悠閒自得,招呼朋友去,都算係一個唔錯選擇。不過,若果係要請重要客人或者做紀念日,就嗌多個心眼,可能要斟酌下。哦,最後記得要訂埋個好位,睇住維港夜景食飯,增色不少! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2016-07-15
Since we knew Cafe Deco at the Peak would be moving to a new location, I had this once a month visit simply because I knew I would miss it. This is the best place with a view for chilling with great food, reasonable price and spacious seating in grand old Art Deco furnishings.On my probably last July visit, the two of us were greeted with a Welcome drink and we each ordered a glass of Rose Wine. We had Tandoori Corn-fed Chicken and then Cafe Deco Tapas Selection to savor for the rest of the afternoon.The Chicken was juicy but the grilled vegetables were a bit oily. The Tapas was savory. There were foie gras, blt crostini, salami on lemon-rye, feta, and olives. We liked the mini Caesar in Parmesan cup the most.To sweeten the memory, we had desserts. Instead of ordering their festive ice-cream, we opted for Fauchon desserts--Éclair Religieuse and Carré Citron-- which can never go wrong.We actually spent a full three-hour there. I will miss this location and the hike around Lugard Road before and after meals but look forward to visiting their new location at The One in Fall. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-07-11
 山頂峰景餐廳可以話係當年雙親一個重要既約會地點,所以小時候我地每年都會搵原因黎一次,仲記得細個小朋友會有一份填色簿派黎玩。由於峰景就黎要搬走,所以我地一家人點都要黎再食一次,重溫一下昔日既感覺。每次黎我地都會點半打生蠔,今次都係,款式都係咁多,新鮮、鮮味,其實亦好抵食。而Caesar Salad加雞串燒亦好好食,汁既分量剛好,串燒亦好香,雞好嫩。漢堡包都算OK,餐廳好有心思幫我地分左四份,牛肉生熟程度岩岩好,但包既質感普通。但今晚既pizza真係好難食,好乾,應該係烘得太耐,而料亦完全唔夠。應該係我呢兩年來食過最無心思既pizza。但爸媽喜歡既印度烤餅就仍然十分唔錯,尤其加上佢自己既咖哩汁同乳酪醬,好香、好軟熟!餐廳送左一份生日士多啤梨雪糕新地俾我地。其實有半杯都係whipping cream,所以好肥滯,其實就算係送都可以唔駛咁求其吧?我地另外仲點左兩份甜品,心太軟同雜莓撻,兩個都只能講係過得去。可能就咁點movenpick雪糕食會比較穩陣。雖然食物都算勉強過得去,加上十幾年來好似無乜加過價,而且又有信用卡優惠,三百幾蚊咁既風景都算抵食既,但講真峰景集團化之後食物同服務質素真係差左。如果價錢相若,有好多西餐廳比呢度食物質素都好。爸爸就覺得:唔係丫,呢度好好食,就算係都無咁好既風景。我地就開始討論希望呢度開一間咩新餐廳,爸爸就嘆息每論開乜野都無呢間咁有風味,即使係同一個夜景,都無可能再有呢種經典既風味。哦,【風味】!個刻我明白了,呢一個【風味】係回憶之中屹立不搖既。情意結既野真係無需要爭論。雖然而家食餐飯雙親都不自控地影相分享去群組,同小時候專心照顧我地百厭星既畫面截然不同,但見到面前既佢地兩杯雞尾酒交換飲,又不斷強調呢種【風味】仍在,我都感覺今晚係溫馨既一夜。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
之前見openrice評價唔錯,於是決定同屋企人朋友黎試下。book咗上層諗住可以睇夜景,點知果日大雨,山頂大霧到咩都睇唔到,已經好失望。 於是和家人朋友點餐,大概有4個都係哎 肉眼扒,medium,點知越食越奇怪,最後埋單時忍唔住問waiter阿叔'點解會有咁多水?係咪未解凍曬啊?' waiter阿叔嘅回答真係好有創意,佢話'係咁架,呢個係特色黎架,好多客就係黎食d 水'我從來都唔會寫食評,呢篇係第一篇,之前就算幾差嘅餐廳,最多下次唔再去,但我聽見呢個阿叔嘅解釋真係認唔住要影低張相post上黎。我覺得整得唔好,客人反應意見最起碼應該尊重同反應返俾餐廳,而亂up個理由敷衍了事。對呢間餐廳好失望,都唔會推薦or建議身邊朋友去。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-05-12
是夜,帶著一絲疲倦,還要應約到山頂晚膳,望是好的一餐。品嚐生蠔,小人就愛不加任何醬汁,直接啜入口中,欣賞那蠔的鮮香,口感之綿滑,在嘴裡融化的感覺,還帶著陣陣海洋的氣息,簡直是舌尖上的享受!忌廉湯,奶香豐盈,滑是夠滑的,惟較烯,水準一般,無甚特別。蟹籽元貝就是在焗好的元貝上鋪上蟹籽,帶子肉嫩,連汁吃已很滋味,配上蟹籽又未能增加甚麼味道,又不覺得有何特別效果,總之兩者就是不大合襯,有點畫蛇添足之感。上有蕃紅花,純粹裝飾用,香味並不顯著。這碟surf & turf是由大蝦及牛扒組成,大蝦燒得頗香,蝦肉爽彈,牛扒亦做到外層微焦而肉質細嫩,一起吃,味蕾爆炸。在餐廳看著夜景,不失怡人之處,但食物質素只屬普通,性價比較低。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)