2-min walk from Exit B2, Sung Wong Toi Station continue reading
All Branches (4)
Cambo is a Thai restaurant in Kowloon City and it has been established for many years. Famous and signature dishes include Stuffed Shrimp Balls and Raw Shrimp Sashimi. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus UnionPay Apple Pay
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
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Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (375)
Level3 2024-04-02
Already visited Cambo for a few times and it doesn’t disappoint. However, it was my first time visiting for lunch on a weekday!They had quite a lot of rice and noodles selection for their lunch menu, yet I opted for a safe option that I know will never go wrong! Super flavourful and generous portions of their Thai basil pork with rice 😋 the meat to rice ratio was almost 1:1, which is a steal for $68!Since I came after a hike, I also chose their iced drip coffee. Always love a coffee mixed with condensed milk ☕️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-03-29
來到九龍城這個最多泰國餐廳的地方,當然要吃泰國菜了,今次就選擇了位於衙前塱道的這間「金寶泰國菜館」。「金寶」在九龍城已屹立多年,店內裝修簡潔,放了藤椅,令人有身在泰國的感覺。餐廳環境舒適,食物款式選擇多樣化,有海鮮,串燒,烤魚,粉麵飯等泰式美食。老細炒飯很足料,整體味道偏濃,極具鑊氣和鮮味,令我喜出望外。米飯粒粒分明,芥蘭焦脆又有油香,與炒到乾身的炒飯撈在一起吃是最好的配搭。加了魚露好惹味。仲叫咗個綠豆冰。生牛肉湯河湯㡳清甜,牛味濃郁,河粉嫩滑爽口,牛肉味道十足,整體味道配合得天衣無縫。新鮮爽口的蝦酸酸甜甜,加上洋蔥、乾蒜、香蔥,一入口就有多種層次的味道,真的很開胃。甜品點了黑芒果糯米飯,上檯時仍暖暖的,滿口香濃的椰汁味,芒果夠香甜 ,煙煙的糯米飯又軟又好食,加上和暖的椰汁放入口,真的好幸福! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-01-25
本來也算常光顧的餐廳,想食品質素比較有保証,星期六下午便選吃兩份午餐,一份泰式豬排,一份80元的海鮮燴河粉,另加錢選特別飲料,沒想到,那個泰式豬排,十分乾,質素與一般快餐沒有分別,那份海鮮燴河粉,驚見一個人份量也不夠,草草加了幾片魷魚和幾棵菜,連给一個正常食量的孩子也不夠,如果每次都要賭博廚師的心情,出品質素和份量都不隐定,這次光顧的體驗,令人感到非常失望,應該不會有下次了,至少也不會是首選餐廳,到九龍城,也少了一間有質素的老店了。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-12-06
今次品嚐嘅泰式炒金邊粉實在係一場味蕾的視覺盛宴!當熱氣蒸騰嘅金邊粉一上桌,立即散發出誘人嘅香氣,金邊粉口感煙韌,炒得恰到好處,能感受到濃濃的泰國風情。椰青更是這頓美食之旅中的亮點!新鮮的椰肉搭配清甜的椰水,帶來一陣清涼的口感實在令人難以忘懷。不僅品味到泰國道地的美食,更感受到那份細緻入微的烹飪藝術。一定會再度蒞臨 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
🥣🇹🇭🥢九龍城冇人排隊嘅泰國菜去食泰菜去左九龍城,行左2間都要等位又見餓,是但入左間吾洗等位嘅,明白點解吾洗等位。。。▫️免加一▫️qr code落單🆗冬陰功(細)🍲-$88冬陰公用明爐上,有個小火熱住個湯,配料有一隻開邊大蝦,但感覺吾太新鮮,另有草菇及番茄。個冬陰功湯有啲粉,尤其飲到最尾時會有沙沙口感,感覺偏辣。☑️泰式乾炒金邊粉🍤-$73金邊粉炒得幾有鑊氣,夠乾身,調味都唔錯幾惹味,蝦只有兩隻,其他配料有火腿,芽菜、雞蛋及豆腐乾。🆗青咖哩軟殼蟹🦀-$118軟殼蟹同青咖哩會分開上,避免浸淋,青咖哩一大鍋明爐上,椰汁味濃但冇咩咖哩味,入面有豆角同圓型嘅茄子,茄子生生地吾係幾入味,豆角好d。軟殼蟹吾錯,脆口量多,點汁食吾錯。🆗蒜蓉包🥖-$32叫黎點青咖哩的。2件法包,就甘食超級硬,一家要浸湯點汁,都有蒜蓉味。🔘三色冰🍸-$28係我飲過最難飲嘅三色冰😂😂個味好怪,吾似椰汁味,感覺溝咗好多水,另外叫咗少冰都好多冰。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)