Exit C1/ D1, Kowloon MTR Station/ Exit B5, Austin MTR Station continue reading
全港首間影院餐廳,店中用上不少意大利 designer chair,開放式設計,可見到海景及溜冰場。食物選擇較一般影院小食部多。 continue reading
Good For
Drivers Friendly Dining
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Review (97)
有些餐廳,你會毫不猶疑地將佢歸類為「試一次就夠」。野姜正是其一。野姜的唯一優勢只是在戲院旁邊,可以話係懶人專屬餐廳。講真,在大商場裡面,由服務到食物都唔合格,都咪話唔罕見。服務員真係比較奇怪,例如入面大把位但偏唔俾你入,跟手輪住幾個服務員逐一走過黎問:「你幾位?」「兩位」「幾位?」「兩位呀」…無限Loop……想不到,入到去,女店員仲問「你唔係6位咩?」……去到呢個moment,我累了,已經冇氣再回應呢位發緊夢的店員,可能我身旁有其他「朋友」我見唔到啦。對於呢間舖已無任何期望,求其食完就走的態度。見到佢有魚生檯擺出黎,我解讀係佢對魚生有一定自信先會擺魚生檯對客。所以我揀左「創作魚生丼定食」。對不起,我又錯了!外貌看似還可以,但一食又見真章,新唔新鮮冇得呃。尤其是三文魚,竟比某些放題的貨色更差。帆立貝開邊一分為二,體積不小,但缺乏鮮味,連一田買到急凍帆立貝比它更新鮮。相對好的是上方橙色一坨,貌似喜靈魚和右上角的池魚,相對新鮮(相對啊)。吃一口飯,嚇然發現飯碗淺平得有點過份,飯量很少。但咁少的飯我仍要靠豉油和山葵「吊命」才撐完成碗,可見情況幾咁惡劣。不合格!朋友叫了「即燒原條鰻魚定食」,首先,由鰻魚的溫度告訴我,它應該不是「即燒」,起碼是燒完呆了好一陣子,可能天氣凍啦。份量是不細的,但鰻魚的魚骨沒有處理好,醬汁也不夠入味,我懷疑是燒的時候掃汁掃得不夠多,不過比起魚生丼,這個相對已經好少少了。我和朋友各自加$20加了一款小食。朋友叫的「八爪魚丸子」,看上面的木魚屑多有個性?快要走出碗邊了。又是不夠熱,中間又是空心的,愛吃章魚丸的朋友都只吃了一粒又停晒手了。你懂的。值得一說的是,很少餐廳可以咁首尾呼應,徹底地連飲品都做到咁難飲。我們叫了兩杯熱檸水,夠穩陣啦熱檸水。一上檯,見檸檬核切開晒我就知係「大檸樂」至真!飲一啖,又酸又苦……真係受夠了!「彈」得太多,「彈」到夠寫一首歌。都要讚下唯一一樣好食的食物,係加$20小食「紫薯甘栗餅」。溫度夠熱,外層夠鬆脆,裡要紫薯香甜,加上栗子碎粒,質優味美,非常好味。食到尾段食到呢塊「紫薯甘栗餅」我想到的是「苦中作樂」、「柳暗花明又一村」等絕地翻身的字句,原來上天將你置身黑暗中,總會為你留一扇窗,總會有一絲曙光。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Last Sunday when my husband and I went to Wild Ginger for dinner before our movie, little did we know it will be such a horrific experience.  This restaurant have definitely been put onto our blacklist.The service was aweful.  There were a lot of new staff that day and I completley understand that training needs time, but the old staffs are completely useless!  You see these new young boys trying to do their best, whilst their managers are just busy chatting away to each other.  I think it took me a good 10 mins to get someone's attention so we could be served.  When the food arrived, it was less than satifactory.  My husband barely ate any of it as it tasted horrible.  The sashimi was not fresh and the pork cutlet was super fatty, more fat than meat.  They forgot orders that we have been made and it was just generally a terrible dining experience.  Honestly, I think this restaurant is only still up and runnin because it is next to the cinema, if not, I think it would have gone bust a long time ago.  So next time when you go to the Grand cinema at Elements, please eat somewhere else.  It will save you some grief and money.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2015-10-07
這間於Element戲院附近的高級日本食府, 可能由於較划算的午市套餐關係, 人流頗旺◦燒羊架便當 $128 包三文魚及帶子刺身, 蟹籽沙律, 燒青椒仔, 蕃薯及麵豉湯◦ 由於要燒的關係, 點餐後等了頗久才送到◦ 單看賣相, 挺吸引, 先談主角, 真的很失望, 雖然很香, 但太生了, 只有表面燒過, 裡面是全生的… 或者是自己忘記要求熟的程度吧… 由於本人好怕血淋淋, 因此不能欣賞◦三文魚及帶子刺身都挺鮮, 不錯, 而燒青椒仔及蕃薯都不錯◦但$128加一只吃到這樣質素, 只可說還可以吧~ 因為九龍站來說, 大部分餐廳都偏貴的◦ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2015-09-21
呢到開12點,趕得切睇戲前食飯,不過估唔到星期日都有set lunch,正!!其實魚生飯同烏冬我都有興趣,經過掙扎,都係叫左魚生飯,仲加左$20叫左個紫薯甘栗餅,好味!但略嫌啲飯實左少少!!餐飲就有普通嘅檸茶檸水嗰啲!下次有機會再去! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2015-08-29
其實野姜食過好多次, 今次係約咗人尊程去食門口雖然有招牌, 但係容易入錯, 因為隔離個招牌比較唔顯眼當晚唔算多人, 好多枱, 提一提, 如果人多d, 座得滿佢一個間隔 (唔算係房)都應該幾好500ml Kirin Draft Beer $62算抵飲, 立即order解下渴先原來3個人叫半份刺身拼盤係唔夠食, 因為幾正, 新鮮, 厚切, 高質, 所以唔夠喉 如果你係怕海胆果陣腥味, 咁就可以放心試, 佢冇腥味, 只有海胆鮮味牛柳粒好juicy, 肉質鮮嫩, 趁熱食露荀有d失望, 賣相味道, 同荀本身都麻麻地烏東一般, 湯比較淡, 牛肉over cook太老身, 烏東本身就ok, 爽滑串燒唔錯, 味道濃淡適中, 外脆內嫩提一提個煙肉荔枝卷, 燒到煙肉熟, 荔枝啱啱好, 唔酸 good!燒雞翼食完2串又叫多2串芝士年糕波波黎到果陣中伏, 好熱, 條脷熟咗, 不過我地不安於只點沙律漿, 又點豉油, 又點wasabi, 又幾夾河豚乾係當晚句號, 冇"完美"兩個字係因為唔夠厚身, 燒唔夠乾但又唔夠juicy, 不及以前 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)