8-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
Awards and Titles
Michelin 1 Starred Restaurant (2023-24), Asia's 50 Best Restaurants (2018-2021)
Opening Hours
18:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sat
18:00 - 23:00
*Closed on Sun
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Other Info
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (83)
Level4 2024-01-19
Neighborhood喺香港已經開業好多年,佢係位於荷李活道旁嘅小巷,鋪面好低調,真係行過就miss左!! 岩岩又喺亞洲50最佳餐廳2023 上榜啦!由於當晚係同一大班朋友食,所以無特別留意餐牌,想食咩就叫咩,當然有點餐廳最出名嘅「鹽焗雞雞雜飯」(Salt Baked Morel Chicken with Giblet Rice)啦,以新鮮三黃雞配上大量新鮮雞雜,鮮味十足!! 另外都仲有好多平日好少食到既菜式,大家有興趣都可以去試試 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-11-02
哩間中環法國餐廳係其中一個朋友提議去食🤡食之前上OpenRice睇先發現原來佢負評多到咁🫢🤯喺冇得縮沙嘅情況之下唯有硬着頭皮照去🫠扣定分嘅情況之下去食...廢事希望越大失望越大三個人總共叫咗萵筍沙律,北海道生蠔,魷魚仔,牛骨髓with魚子醬,石斑魚腩,Salt Baked Chicken Rice,wagyu ribs steak,甜品仲有一枝wine🫢苘筍沙津嘅sause唔錯..成功調起萵筍嘅味生蠔新鮮嘅..而且幾鮮甜🤡係衰在入口個吓比較鹹牛骨髓with魚子醬可能因為唔係我本人杯茶🫢我食得唔太多🙈因為太過膩🥲我自己就比較鐘意石斑魚腩😌因為食得出啲魚肉好fresh好彈😇 魷魚仔亦都幾特別..係出奇地整得嫩滑🫢而佢嘅味道有啲HK style feel 似中式小炒嘅味🫣😂而Salt Baked Chicken Rice反而驚喜唔太大🫢唔會有嘩出聲嘅程度🙈整體嚟講不過不失甜品真心要大讚一下cannelé😌不嬲我都好怕食cannelé因為通常都太甜而且好癡牙🫠但哩個mini版嘅居然做到甜到岩岩好嘅效果當然唔不能少share la🤭 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-10-28
前幾天,本身懷着興奮嘅心情去食飯。咁話晒依間嘢都係食高級食品㗎嘛,咁好啦,我哋一行六人就叫咗佢哋嘅招牌菜嗰隻雞同埋幾個餸菜咁樣啦,咁其實未食咗一半嘅時候我哋已經叫咗兩支酒。但係個女經理不斷係咁催我哋再叫多啲,再叫多啲,我哋已經同佢講咗話我哋夠飽。佢都係咁問使唔使加嘢飲或者加嘢食,毫無食Fine dine嘅體驗。我唔講以為自己俾緊二三百蚊食餐飯啫。總括而言就係去完一次唔會再去。同埋講真都唔係特別好味都食咗我每人$1000 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Michelin 1-star兼Asia’s Best 50法國菜- ̗̀‎𖤐今年生日飯挑選左Neighborhood 想一試同時擁有呢兩個榮譽既餐廳會有幾wow◦ sicillian red prawn tartare/burrata/pequillo pepper先講前菜 burrata既creamy同紅蝦刺身既鮮甜意外地合襯仲岩哂送麵包◦ daily seafood specials: baby squids未見其人先聞其香( ˶'-'˶)上菜時用上鐵pan 仍然熱辣辣pesto蒜油仲滾緊Baby squids口感剛好又入哂味 umami大爆發.ᐟ‪‪‬◦ "mayura station" wagyu shortrib roast beef/potato/lettuce/garlic confitMust order既主菜之一 絕對係for sharing既份量事前睇圖都不以為意 真心食左先知有幾出色(ˊo̶̶̷ᴗo̶̶̷`)M9級別澳洲和牛又軟嫩又油香十足但不至於好似日本和牛既肉味咁低存在感配角既薯仔同生菜吸收左牛油香之餘 亦平衡到牛肉既膩醬汁再將成道菜連結起來◦ salt baked chicken/griblets/morel mushrooms我到訪既最大原因 被譽為香港四大名雞之一(≖֊≖)但不幸呢道菜我會排係全晚最低分…真心隻鹽焗雞無特別更加略嫌overcooked不過個飯會加番分 cream sauce加入羊肚菌同雞內臟係高質既飯既味同口感好好 帶啲煙靭仲有啲飯焦但好好笑 本身以為內臟係來自同一隻雞 但數數下雞子竟然有成4 5粒lol◦ truffle french toast好飽但甜品都係要食(˶ˊᵕˋ˵)意外地係凍既 食落似bread pudding一啲◦ canelé餐廳送既petit four反而更好食呢ˏ₍•ɞ•₎ˎ細細粒好qq 標準既外脆內軟P.S. 見openrice唔少人投訴staff會push人order多啲又催埋單但好彩serve我地既staff好專業又friendly又helpful ·͜-✿#lastbitematters#lastbitematters_central ✿ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-08-06
The food here is actually ok, not as bad as the people describe here (but don’t expect fine dining after all it’s just a bistro). However, the restaurant ppl tend to ask you to order and order, at a point that they would tell you misleading information: we are a party of 2 and we order a WHOLE salt baked chicken rice already and 3 more other dishes. And the waitress still said: actually the portion of the food is very small so suggest us to order more. And turn out I was surprised by the amount of food on my table and I felt so not right to order food so irresponsibly. Before the last-order time, the waitress came again if I wanted dessert and I was like… 🌚 again…? continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)