Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Cash Octopus
Other Info
Eco-Friendly Details
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (72)
Level4 2013-02-27
Last week, I went to MOS Burger to use my $5 coupon that was about to expire. I decided to have the original MOS Burger ($22) with combo A ($17+$3). With this coupon, I still had to pay $37. I guess if one is to look for an inexpensive fast food meal, it is not going to be at MOS. For combo A, I chose a Pumpkin Potato Hashbrown and a Lemon Honey Drink (蜂蜜檸檬蒟蒻) did not realize that the drink I took was not in the free drink section so I had to pay an extra $3. The drink looked quite small, only later did I find out that the size was right because this lemon thing was actually not a drink, but some kind of jell-o/jelly. I was quite disappointed to have ordered this by mistake. I mean it would have been good to drink some liquid while eating the burger and the hashbrown. Good thing there are drinks in the office pantry because I had quite a dry throat. Anyway, the 蜂蜜檸檬蒟蒻was more of a dessert than a drink for me. About the hashbrown, it was not bad - different from usual potato one. It could have been more delicious with a little bit more salt. As for the burger, I found it slightly salty. A bit of balance between the burger and the hashbrown and it would have been a great match. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-10-20
記得第一次認識MOS Burger是當年初次去日本旅行,於當地的MOS Burger吃過一個照燒雞的珍珠堡。在那個年代MOS還未進軍香港市場,記憶中類似的產品只有大快活的rice burger,當年還找來剛出道的謝霆鋒作代言人。而當MOS Burger正式進軍香港後,自己亦第一時間去試試香港店的珍珠堡,可惜感覺比較油膩,不及日本的做得乾身好吃,自此之後便少了光顧MOS Burger。這次看見雜誌的廣告,MOS Burger推出了40週年的限定版極味摩斯芝士漢堡,吸引了我的注意,而且還有特價優惠,於是便趁午飯的時間來試一試久違了的MOS Burger。午市的初時食客並不算太多,點了餐得便拿著收據回到座位,等候牆上的顯示器出現自己的號碼後便可以取餐享用。這天除了一個極味摩斯芝士漢堡外,我還要了一件南瓜薯餅及一杯薑味汽水。從墊盤的宣傳紙張上看到,這個極味摩斯芝士漢堡內除了有漢堡扒外,還有一片蕃茄及肉醬和秘制辛味醬。當我看到這個漢堡的時候,看到份量也不少,整個漢堡看來也頗厚,漢堡的兩片麵包經過烘焗,吃起來也感覺鬆軟好吃。內裡的蕃茄片夠厚,吃來也算新鮮。主角的漢堡扒相比之下不算厚,吃起來肉味不濃,只是一般。不過那個加了秘制辛辣醬的肉醬吃來很不錯,味道微甜帶點辛辣,內裡有點黑椒粒及洋蔥碎,增加了這個肉醬的香氣及口感。這個南瓜薯餅剛拿到手的時候是熱辣辣的,當我吃完整個漢堡後才吃這個薯餅時,我仍感覺到它的熱力,要待一會讓它降溫才可入口。吃起來這個南瓜薯餅炸得夠香脆,內裡有點南瓜碎及南瓜蓉,入口有南瓜的香甜味道,有點意外的驚喜。經過這一餐後,我又再次尋回對MOS Burger的好感,或者下次再來試試現的珍珠堡,會否比之前有進步。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2012-06-18
早日食完沙田果間mos burger,今次黎到mega box, 見到mos burger again就再食一次依間鋪少人好多, 可能因為咁, 食物好似冇咁好而且沙田一田有d野食特別平, 依間就冇了最令我期待的薯條都冇咁好食有d淋, so sad 因為本來都好飽, 兩個人食一個餐而已 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-02-11
忙碌的一天!老公仔是日先參加沙田的長跑比賽,之後與我一同到維園領取渣打馬拉松的選手包,接着又要趕到Megabox看電影(一早訂了戲票!) ,訂了兩點的場次,來到還有十五分鐘便開場,幸好我腦內資料充足,一想便想到Mos Burger,趕忙買了兩個包填肚即叫即製,保證新鮮雖已炸,但蝦肉仍能保持爽滑包底也十分鬆軟,沾了牛油份外香滑用日本米來充當"包皮"入口米香十足,口感煙煙韌韌海鮮用料豐富,味道鮮香已細心的去了骨,入口盡是雞肉不過雞肉有點嚡口,肉味也略欠我們是煌蟲族,十五分鐘極速完餐阿漢正傳,我們來了!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-11-03
星期二同朋友去了MEGABOX睇戲,睇戲前先去搵食,因為趕時間所以就揀左呢度醫肚啦,我叫左一個蕃茄牛肉包套餐跟熱檸茶及沙律,朋友則叫左一個疏菜牛肉套餐跟薯條及薑味汽水.等左一陣就有得食.我的蕃茄牛肉包(唔係好記得個正確名稱係咩),都好大個,有些蕃茄洋蔥粒牛肉醬汁,牛肉一塊,芝士,一啖咬落去都咬唔晒個包呀,都幾好味呀,熱辣辣及個包都好軟身,牛肉都好淋身入味.最欣賞係個蕃茄牛肉洋蔥醬,有些芝士,好多,多到我食到要食晒個包用叉嚟食D醬.套餐跟的沙律份量都唔少,加埋芝麻醬一齊食好香呀,沙律有幾種菜,都好清新及新鮮的,好味!!朋友的包係有牛肉及菜的,佢話想食菜所以叫左呢個,薯條係粗身都幾大條的. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)