Restaurant: Sangeetha Vegetarian Restaurant

To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html

6-min walk from Exit P1, East Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
08:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:30
Mon - Fri
08:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:30
Sat - Sun
08:30 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (81)
Level2 2023-09-02
非常優秀!種草很久終於來吃啦推薦人說勝過樓下woodlands我非常好奇因為woodlands已經很好今天第一印象味道上感覺不相上下都很不錯但sangeetha有中文菜單可以要求不放蒜 少放油 更友好一些想吃的菜好多猶豫了很久點了Jain雜菜煎餅Gobi MasalaKadai Paneer每道都很好吃兩個人七八分飽的樣子最喜歡paneer高蛋白的感覺新鮮香菜是點睛之筆雜菜煎餅比我想象中稍微油多了一點但是是好吃的下次可能點原味或單一topping試試也可能試試naan或者今天沒點的蔬菜飯/腰果黃飯咖哩花菜相對倒覺得普通可能因為我經常吃覺得好餐廳味道都差不太多這家稍微有點重口更清淡一點 或者多一點西紅柿會更好整體很喜歡期待再來! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-09-02
成班同事傾開印度菜,但有d同事怕辣,印度同事就推薦左黎呢間Sangeetha,唔會太辣,亦都照顧到素食者🥦。佢喺尖東永安廣場入面,UG層嘅一個角落,位置都唔係咁易搵🤔裝修簡樸,但係空氣散發住印度咖哩嘅味道😆一場黎到當然由印度同事發辦🤤North Indian Thali $125🙂呢個係一個印度北面菜式嘅Set,有佢地嘅主食Naan,亦都有唔同醬料,有d係蕃茄有點係少少辣咖哩,同埋亦都有一碗飯。我自己鐘意Naan,類似平時我地食到嘅印度薄餅,但係就煙韌又軟熟好多,加埋蕃茄醬好好味😝Onion Tomato Chili Uthapaam $85 呢個就係另一種印度主食,Paper Roast,再配洋蔥,蕃茄同辣醬。佢其實係好薄既一塊餅卷起,但唔係普通脆口,佢係有d煙韌起中間,口感好有趣😆Paper Roast中間有一d黃色嘅薯仔沙律狀嘅配料,有少少辣,但加埋醬一齊味道好特別,唔錯👍South Indian Vada 呢個就係印度南面嘅菜式,有佢地嘅主食白色嘅Idly (蒸米漿糕),同3款醬料。我覺得Idly口感係鬆軟,但味道就有點似白糖糕味,又有點酸味,可能係因為佢地發酵左嘅緣故。我覺得呢個係幾有趣嘅一道菜式👍Ghee Paper Roast呢個係巨大化Paper Roast,大概加大左3至4倍🤣🤣味道一樣係外脆內軟,同有配料喺中間👍主要係比大家用黎點d set未食完嘅醬料同配料,就好似大家去酒樓食飯,有好多餸,會叫幾個白飯黎夾住食嘅意思😆Gulab Jamun 2 PCS $40呢個我無影到相,呢個係印度其中一個傳統甜品,係一d炸左嘅圓碌碌麵團,再放落去糖水入面浸住佢。呢個真係一試難忘,再試投降🤣我已經好鐘意食甜品,但呢個甜度好似淨食糖漿感覺,咬落每一口都係純粹嘅甜味。呢個味道真係無試過,但係真係值得一試,但一次就OK🍊Orange Juice $40點解特登要提橙汁?因為喺餐廳我好少會飲到咁甜咁鮮嘅橙汁,好似將5個勁甜嘅橙榨汁,唔溝水情況下比你🤣正到飛起❤️我覺得成餐飯都好唔錯,有印度同事介紹各款食物,另外口味亦同我地平日食嘅好唔同,好特別,真係可以再返Take! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Today’s feature is @svrhkg, Sangeetha Vegetarian restaurant prides itself in “serving Indian cuisine to the world” - an authentic S. Indian restaurant in E. TSTPrice: HK$200-400ppQuality: 👩🏻‍🍳👩🏻‍🍳👩🏻‍🍳Recommend: 💖💖💖💖Service:💁🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♀️(Ratings out of 5)🧅onion dosa - thicker batter than regular dosa stuffed w/ red onions, coriander and green chilies, recommend!🫓paper dosa - the massive dosa pictured, plain flavored and super addicting, texture is thin and crispy like a fried crepe🍅rasam - soup with dried tamarind, tomatoes, and spices mixed w/ herbs, not for those who are sensitive to spice because it is 🔥🌶🥛buttermilk - an Indian staple also known as Chaas, this is a curd-based drink w/ yogurt, water, salt and green spices, sometimes w/ mustard seeds / curry leaves and even green chilies; definitely a first!🫖masala tea - masala and chai’s only diff is that the former adds spices while the latter only consists of black tea and hot milk; bit sweet for Bon’s taste, will order less sugar next time continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2022-02-11
This was my first time trying Indian Food. There were so many options, and workers helped us understand what were the dishes. You can find anything starting from rice dishes, noodles, soup, dosa. You can also adjust and ask the workers not to make it too spicy🙌🏻 I asked the restaurant not to make the vegetable noodles spicy and it was still spicy for me, but it was authentic and I liked it — I liked trying something new.The service is nice and people are very hospital.There is a discount for take away🤩 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-03-19
今天星期六,無奈要當值。看著整棟商業大廈,返工的人廖廖可數。今日午餐要放縱一下,食印度咖哩。 來到附近的印度素食餐館,已經有6成客滿。其實以前跟朋友到此飯聚, 才知道這隱蔽的南印餐館, 還享用了DOSA & MINI TIFFIN.幸好自己一人, 容易找到座位。由於是自己一人,又剛好是星期六,所以選擇了南印套餐SOUTH INDIAN THALI。SOUTH INDIAN THALI 一個大盤有几款咖哩,還有Basmati, 2塊CHAPPATHI,類似PAPADUM的薄身脆餅, Rasam印度湯,SAMBAR蔬菜咖哩, 乳酪,印度甜品.      經油炸的薄身脆餅容易折斷,沾上微酸的乳酪,很清新。再來一口鹹中帶辣卻又帶點酸的RASAM印度湯,味蕾終於打開了!   2塊帶油的CHAPPATHI, 未經發酵,麥味重但口感實篤篤,有點似 ROTI。把餅CHAPPATHI撕成小塊,沾上大圓碟的SAMBAR蔬菜咖哩。這款SAMBAR不太辣,略帶甜,易入口。 其實單食SAMBAR也很美味。再以CHAPPATHI沾上不同咖哩汁。    不過覺得SAMBAR醬和RASAM印度湯放在二邊, 容易弄污手袖,最後直接放在盤中央。咖哩豆 顏色偏黃,椰汁味較明顯,內有雞心豆青豆。絲瓜咖哩    香料味道較平和,不算太突出。單食絲瓜也不覺得辣。   顏色偏紅的秋葵咖哩味道有點酸,杰撻撻的咖哩汁可以令人忘記秋葵那滑潺潺的質感。  青豆角乾咖哩   香料味道較重, 也較辣,  撈乾身的印度米BASMATI一流。   甜可解辣。最後來到橙紅色的印度甜品,不知是何名堂,粒粒的形狀似小米,整體軟綿綿,又勁甜。最硬的就是入面的炸腰果。但腰果軟身容易咀嚼。      南印THALI盛惠95個大洋,而且不收加一,抵!很多印廳會收取加一服務費。  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)