Opening Hours
08:30 - 17:30
Mon - Fri
08:30 - 17:30
Sat - Sun
09:00 - 18:00
Public Holiday
09:00 - 18:00
Payment Methods
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Parking Details
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (60)
Level3 2024-01-23
這間Café 有種溫馨得來又唔失格調嘅感覺🌿。嘆第一口呢杯Flat White,頓時覺得咖啡嘅香氣四溢,奶泡滑順得黎嘴角都自然上揚。轉個頭,新鮮鬆軟嘅Avocado Toast 即刻吸引住我雙眼👀。啖啖牛油果夾著微酸嘅番茄同埋洋蔥,口感豐富,真係好夾!無錯,的確足夠畀我讚好幾個👍。每一口都發現食物嘅層次,尤其係嗰剛剛好煎嘅蛋,夾著咖啡一啖,簡直係完美嘅下午茶體驗。而家市面上嘅咖啡店多如牛毛,但係呢度嘅安逸氣氛同品嚐到嘅食物質素,真係令人忍唔住想再嚟一次。話說番,呢度嘅店仔真係值得推介,有港式嘅人情味,又保持咗西式嘅品味,唔錯唔錯!🍰 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-01-04
朋友,要講就話今次食完真係醒神提氣🌟!101咖啡室嘅雜菌黑松露意粉真係得嚟又抵食。你話嘛,每粒Macaroni都載滿哂黑松露嘅霸氣香氣,食一啖咁啱嘅煙靭度,夾埋新鮮多汁嘅菇菌,啖啖肉感,簡直係享受嚟㗎。係咪好好食到會手舞足蹈?我係會喇!😋燒爆了架!邊有熱朱古力奶咁滑,哂哂朱古力嘅濃郁在口裏團團轉,飲一啖心情都跟住甜丝丝🍫。不過講到頂,個意粉真系咩金店都買唔到,款款雜菌搭配上grade A黑松露醬,噢~嗅一嗅已經飄足全間店,巴馬芝士粉一撒,欲罷不能㗎!餐廳環境清新爽朗,夠哂光猛而家就坐咗係窗邊,得閒偷閒咁,人都輕鬆哂。下次同屋企人朋友一齊黎填飽肚,肯定又係另一番歡樂。無論係食素定肉食客,呢度一定搵到自己嘅最愛。咁,我就算寫到啦,要走先~記得試埋個意粉啊!🍝 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2022-12-15
每一次上黎寶馬山都會黎呢間cafe,鍾意佢有indoor有outdoor,環境舒適,好適合黎放空。今日黎食野好邪惡嗌左Langoustine roll+fries個包剛剛好有d crispy配埋入面d lobster filling唔算大大啖lobster,但都足料好味嘅Fries好味,又脆seasoning都好嗌左Oat milk cappuccino ☕️ 佢哋咖啡不嬲都覺得好岀色👍🏻仲有The Breakfast $108All Day Breakfast好大份,入面個pulled pork 好好味🥳🥳 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2022-10-14
the pasta was very gud <3 very worth the money! staff was really friendly! the staff that was making waffles was really efficient and the food was served quickly especially recommend getting the waffles. they were really crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. amazing texture 10/10 recommend continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Went to this coffee shop a few days ago and I must say, it is certainly one of the most relaxing coffee shops you will ever find in Hong Kong!!🤩🤩• Hot chocolate wasn’t too sweet and the coffee art was beautiful • The interior design of the shop emitted a very homey and comforting atmosphere for people of any age! 🙌• Staff members were extremely friendly 😁 • The environment around the shop was very peaceful • A reasonably large cup of hot chocolate and it only cost $35!• Didn’t take long for the drinks and food to arrive!I would definitely recommend anyone to visit this shop if you are trying to have some down time or to study ☕️ Finally found the perfect place to rest and to sip a nice cup of hot chocolate/coffee. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)