4-min walk from Exit B2, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (52)
Level4 2015-11-23
刈包本身係一種台灣傳統小吃,Bao Wow 將佢西式化,再配合不同國家既食材同醬料,變得一點都不再普通!一家成功食店創意真的好重要啊~Original Gua Bao (pork belly) $28刈包微暖鬆軟,鹵豬肉入味。Sesame Ginger Pork Chop $29 (後)豬扒香脆,醃酸薑很開胃,芝麻沙拉醬較健康,整個刈包富輕盈清新感。kimchili cheese fries $38免治牛肉醬中混合了適量泡菜,為味覺帶來輕微"刺激",也增添口感,面層用上大量MOZARELLA CHEESE,能做到牽絲效果,滿足芝士控!taro fries+soft drink $28方間快餐店很少能吃到炸芋條,這個挺特別!芋頭香是有的,可惜炸得稍為乾身,吃數條已有"確喉"感覺。PS.每日4PM-8PM部份食物有折扣啊 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-09-09
點幾鐘既金鐘, 真係無可能可以唔等位食飯 ...難得男友黎同我一齊食lunch, 唯有一齊搵下有咩可以快快趣趣食到既野...我地選擇既係Bao Wow...之前係PMQ想去食Little Bao不了了之, 試下同類型既Bao Wow都算係了左個心願 ...位置係國際咖哩館隔離...我地叫左 泡菜牛肉割包配 洋蔥圈同可樂, 棒棒雞割包配 芋頭條同烏龍茶... 泡菜牛肉割包: 包上有生洋蔥絲, 有d辣, 我覺得唔夾, 所以唔鐘意...包上面放左泡菜, 因為唔係夾住, 所以食得好混亂, 而且味道就酸左d ...牛肉用既唔係厚身既牛肉片, 而係肥牛碎...肥牛有味, 但係肥牛脂肪切唔斷, 所以當你食既時候, 牛肉會拖住手咁跌出黎 ...包係最好食既, 甜甜地, 質地就好軟熟, 有彈性, 唔會乾裂 ... 棒棒雞割包: 棒棒雞係凍既 , 雞肉比較硬, 有d鞋, 調味用到既係芝麻醬, 另外味道都辣辣地, 應該都有辣椒油...青瓜條正常... 洋蔥圈: 每件洋蔥圈size唔係一模一樣, 所以應該唔係冷藏急凍野...洋蔥圈入面既唔係洋蔥碎, 係洋蔥條, 值得一讚 ...而且洋蔥圈既炸皮同洋蔥條無皮肉分離 ...係有少少油... 芋頭條: 平時見開既都係薯條, 今日見到有芋頭條所以不得不試 ...份量比洋蔥圈多好多, 係一個人唔會食得哂既, 而好在今日有男友一齊share ...點醬有士拉差mayo...開頭食好有趣, 忠厚既芋頭條無上炸漿炸粉, 除左鹽之外無用多餘既調味料...感覺比較健康, 亦真係食到芋頭既味道, 食到悶既時候仲可以點醬...而士拉差mayo真係有d辣味 ...可惜當你食得愈黎愈多芋頭條既時候唔單止濟, 底既芋頭條仲有d過咸tim ... 可樂: 嚴重唔夠凍...呢一間未必會再去食, 因為整體都係一般...金鐘灣仔咁多好野試, 真係無需要再食呢間... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2015-09-07
聽聞灣仔有間特色包店,於是約上朋友前往品嚐。Bao Wow - 賣的是割(刈)包,是台灣小食之一。在這裡基本上是每客為兩個包。而事實上,一個割包也不小,對女生來說,吃光確是有吃力。 我們一行三人點了一個割包拼盤,把所有包都試了一遍,再點上一盤芋頭條。泡菜牛肉-泡菜味略淡,不過牛肉本身醃得入味,可算是眾多款中最好味的割包了。傳統割包- 對於我來就,傳統割包並不是十分吸引。但鹵肉鹵得夠入味,肉質也鬆軟,酸酸甜甜的,很開胃。棒棒雞-嫩滑的雞肉沾滿芝麻醬,而且更拌上花生粒,吃落更有口感。芝麻酸薑豬扒-豬扒炸得太老了,乾身,泰式魚柳-味道不過不失,就當是吃了個魚柳包。照燒豆腐-炸玉子豆腐配上菇片,加上酸瓜片和日式燒汁,味道甜甜的,還不錯。芋頭條-芋條炸得可口,不過略嫌有點太乾身,芋味不夠香,還好可以沾芝士醬補救。雖然以上割包味道普通,但仍期望餐廳會推出不同新口味,配搭出其他有趣的組合。  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2015-08-17
I had high hopes going into Bao Wow today. Decor was pretty good and modern. There were charging points for your phone by the bar stools.  I decided to get the 'Original Bao,' 2 for $60, which was pretty pricey for what seems to be snack portions. I also had taro fries and a bottle of water along side with it. In total $84!I'm sad to that the coriander was overpowering and the 'yellow sugar' (the sugar you find with Tau fu fa) added to it really made no sense. Definitely not worth the price. The taro fries were really dry, wouldn't be surprised if they were from frozen. My colleague had the $48 kimchi fries and that was the worst dish on the menu. Never of the this fushion before. It was more confusion!! The cheese on top was melted using a blow torch and unfortunately it was burnt, making the dish a disaster.We were there for a good hour and only 15 customers came in! If this isn't a bad day at the office, there needs to be a huge improvement.All I can say if you come here, you can't go wrong with the bottle of water. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2015-05-22
Wasn't as impressed with Bao Wow as I thought I would be. I ordered the original Traditional Bao. The Traditional Bao wasn't as fluffy as I wanted it to be. The Bao itself was flimsy and everything fell apart... I wish the pork belly was sweeter and more flavourful. It wasn't juicy enough and was very dry. The parsley on the Bao added a nice touch though. It wasn't the worst, but it's not close to being amazing at all.The place offers phone chargers which was interesting and nice of them. The overall decor of the place was dim and narrow. Not too exciting.For a quick lunch, it's okay. Don't expect much. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)