3-min walk from Exit E, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
Twelve Cupcakes is a bakery that specializes in selling cupcakes made of high quality ingredients. One of their main ingredients, butter, is imported from France, giving their cupcake a unique texture and flavor. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 21:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay Apple Pay
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (106)
店鋪:Twelve Cupcakes (銅鑼灣)地址:銅鑼灣告士打道311號皇室堡地下G14號舖Twelve Cupcakes @twelvecupcakeshk 喺2011年7月開業,輾轉之間依家有五間分店,佢哋咁多年都堅持只提供每日新鮮手工製嘅cupcakes🧁,加上嚴選優質嘅材料去整每一件蛋糕,多年嚟有唔少香港人追捧同愛戴💕臨近聖誕節🎄,Twelve Cupcakes推出咗一系列聖誕產品——「The Magical Cheistmas」,當中包括聖誕特別版Cupcakes、迷你Cupcakes同Cookie Jar🍪,希望陪你渡過一個甜蜜聖誕🥰✝️聖誕特別版Regular Size Cupcake $34/件今次Twelve Cupcakes推出咗6款聖誕特別版Cupcakes,當中包括朱古力芝士忌廉配朱古力蛋糕嘅小小馴鹿(Little Reindeer)🦌、綠茶牛油忌廉配蜜糖蛋糕嘅快樂聖誕樹(Delightful Xmas Tree)🎄、岩鹽焦糖牛油忌廉配焦糖蛋糕嘅閃爍雪花(Sparkly Snowflakes)❄️、士多啤梨牛油忌廉配紅絲絨蛋糕嘅歡樂聖誕老人(Cheerful Santa)🎅🏻、好立克牛油忌廉配朱古力蛋糕嘅幸福薑餅人(Sweet Gingerbread Man)同埋雲呢拿芝士忌廉配雲呢拿蛋糕嘅俏皮小雪人(Cutest Snowman)⛄️。佢哋所有Cupcakes都好趣致吸睛🤩,全部都喺用法國牛油同埋日本麵粉去整,口感鬆軟而輕輕濕潤🧁,蛋糕少甜而Cream唔會好膩,當中仲用咗糖霜、黑白朱古力等去堆砌裝飾,不過我個人本身就唔喺好鍾意食cream,唔知你又鍾唔鍾意呢😛?✝️聖誕特別版曲奇樽 $138呢個聖誕曲奇樽有3款唔同口味嘅曲奇:杏仁朱古力、綠茶同咖啡,每塊都鬆脆充滿牛油香🧈,食完唔會好口乾,食晒啲曲奇之後仲可以留返個樽嚟裝嘢/用做其他用途添🫙 依家趁住仲有早鳥優惠,預先網上或者到店預訂仲可享高達七五折嘅折扣優惠🎉,無論喺送俾人、開Party定同愛人、好朋友、家人分享都一樣咁適合,快啲同你身邊嘅人一齊分享呢份甜蜜聖誕小心意啦😍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-10-28
There's not a lot of cupcake shops I revisit time after time. I especially enjoy their red velvet cupcakes because it's creamy and smooth. It also has a good chocolatey flavour which is rare to find in other shops. Cream cheese also is not hard and over chilled. Even if you leave it out in room temperature for an hour or two, the frosting won't melt off which id very important in this weather. The chocolate cupcake is my second choice as it's rich and smooth. I also appreciate how it isn't overly sweet. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-10-27
所有口味都係劃一價 $29/1 $162/6 $300/12要讚讚佢哋嘅包裝固定做得好好攞到翻屋企都完好無缺 唔會歪歪斜斜👍佢哋蛋糕都幾濕潤而且唔會過甜🫐Blackcurrant blueberry呢個蛋糕賣相我俾no.1蛋糕體見到啲藍紫色嘅藍莓 食到甜中帶微酸上面嘅紫色忌廉🍫Chocolate chocolate朱古力蛋糕體上面有朱古力忌廉芝士同埋朱古力粒粒本身見到三重朱古力都怕好膩但因為係朱古力混合忌廉芝士所以會甜甜哋又鹹鹹哋而且口感順滑得嚟又無咁容易融🍪Cookies & cream呢款嘅造型都好明顯雖然蛋糕上面插咗一小塊Oreo 但整體味道比較淡雅同朱古力嘅感覺好唔一樣☕️Earl grey上面嘅忌廉都混合咗伯爵茶 會見到啲茶葉碎碎茶味香濃又完全無苦澀味 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-09-08
Twelve cupcake 既cupcake 就食得多😆 因為知道佢地係每日新鮮製造,不含防腐劑👍🏻 但原來佢哋今年都出咗手工製松露朱古力月餅🥮 作為朱古力控嘅我🍫 就梗係一定要試吓啦❤️佢哋有四件裝同埋八件裝👍🏻 分別用咗粉紅色同紫色做包裝🥰 再加埋兔兔做設計🐇 簡直係我大愛嘅元素❤️小團圓.中秋禮盒 (4 件裝) ($260)【酸甜衝擊 | 檸檬吉士黑朱古力月餅】x1【馥郁濃醇 | 雙重流心黑朱古力月餅】x1【香脆醇厚 | 杏仁榛子牛奶朱古力月餅】x1【香滑脆口 | 榛子牛奶朱古力脆脆月餅】x1嚐月.中秋禮盒 (8 件裝) ($368)【果香散發 | 芒果流心白朱古力月餅】x1 【經典香濃 | 曲奇忌廉白朱古力月餅】x1【酸甜香脆 | 檸檬吉士黑朱古力脆莎月餅】x2【香脆醇厚 | 杏仁榛子牛奶朱古力月餅】x2【香滑脆口 | 榛子牛奶朱古力脆脆月餅】x2我開左檸檬吉士黑朱古力月餅黎試🥰 真係好好食😋 松露朱古力勁香滑👍🏻 帶小小甘苦, 配埋酸酸地檸檬吉士醬🍋 味道好夾好balance❤️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今日下午茶去左買cupcake外賣,當然去左名牌子Twelve Cupcakes。揀左兩款口味,每件$29。兩件蛋糕用個招牌紙盒同透明膠袋放好。紅絲絨Cream cheese,red velvet cake呢個紅絲絨係best seller之一。上面既忌廉芝士真係非常香同好味道,令個平凡既紅絲絨蛋糕非常好味,果然係best seller之一。上面仲有一個紅心裝飾。牛奶朱古力榛果Nutella buttercream,Nutella,Kinder Bueno,Vanilla cake牛奶朱古力榛果係普通雲呢拿蛋糕上面有Nutella牛油忌廉再加上一細件Kinder Bueno,成件餅有多重口感。Nutella牛油忌廉都好香。今次可能係我第一次食Twelve Cupcakes,蛋糕果然鬆軟,而蛋糕上面既忌廉真係造得出色,個人覺得比Sift既杯子蛋糕好食好多。不過價錢方面都係sliced cake抵食d。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)