Located along the Mid Levels escalator, Phoenix is Hong Kong's original 'Gastronomy Pub' that serves great food and great drinks. Rather than having a fixed menu, Phoenix changes its dishes daily and displays it on a big blackboard. Selections vary depending on the season and what ingredients are fresh. continue reading
Good For
Special Occasion Dining
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
15:00 - 23:00
Sat - Sun
09:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday
09:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
VIP Room
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Seasonal Cuisine
Review (6)
Level1 2014-01-16
Arrived early due to not being at work and had a friend in town. Had a couple of drinks. However, were not told it was the end of happy hour so couldnt order another quick pint. Ordered at 8:05 another round which was 5 mins after happy hour and got charged double. Needless to say we won't be going back as this is quite rude considering we had a number of drinks already.Also, they have themselves on Locaclick offering happy hour drinks from 4-8pm! This is exactly what it is anyways - seem to be schemers or just think everyone is a mug! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-04-14
星期六早上一早出到來中環辦事. 事情辦不到, 要等老細親自來才能解決. 時正11點半, 12點時. 老闆又不能確定什麼時候能到達中環. 那就用心一點, 找個好地方, 食點好的. 以前在香港辦公的日子, 周不時要從登山電梯上去羅便臣道的老闆家裡頭. 沿著些利街直上, 有不少感覺悠閒的西餐廳. 心想, 若有一日有空, 又上開黎做野, 必定找一家試試. 所以不時都會留意一下. 就在些利街近摩囉廟街, 有家非常英式的酒吧餐廳. $99大元就有一個看來非常傳統的英式早餐. 是日閒, 就決定上半山, 食返一個 All Day Breakfast.可能是早, 我來到的時候, 剛好是12點正. 只是坐近門口, 零零星星, 連埋我, 一個人兩個鬼, 佔了近門口四張檯中的其中三檯. 這是帶有英式鄉村酒吧的風格. 完全令人感受到英國人生活的悠閒同寫意. 門口大大塊版, 寫明這兒有All Day Breakfast食. 入到來, 當然什麼都不管. 直指餐牌. 擺明..."我要食早餐". 其實這兒仲有好多選擇. Sunday Roast, 更加是一個美味的烤肉. 不過"我要食早餐", 一個Big Breakfast, 先滿足我是日既要求先.在菜單中選出5樣早餐料. 英式腸, 茄汁豆, 蘑菇, 煎蛋, 因為當是食中午餐的關係, 也把薯條點上了. 加埋多士, 奶茶. 份量夠大, 賣相傳統. 食哂一碟, 我本人覺得, 真係可以last all day. 腸仔, 沒有考究是什麼肉腸, 英國式的短腸, 一切開, 肉汁加肥油從中漏出. 而且這是炸焗的腸, 皮帶脆, 肉香. 沒有經過煎炸感覺冇咁熱氣. 蘑菇, 帶著其應有的香, 切成碎塊的, 輕輕的煎炒過, 味道清帶甜. 煎蛋, 普通的, 蛋黃不小心搞散了影響了一下賣相. 茄豆, 開心的是煮過的豆, 熱熱的才好食. 薯條..就是普通的fries. 雖是金黃香脆, 但未免影響了少少英國傳統. 伴餐的奶茶, Twining出品, 成壺出, 夠熱, 夠香. 再加上鮮奶, English 既 早餐茶, 一定要加鮮奶才香. 份量之巨, 令我頂著肚走人. 用餐時, 店方叫我加入其 "Phoenix Club". 鳳凰會.......? 不過呢一個鳳凰會的密令, 不是叫你跟Harry去斬妖除魔...而是叫你回來....食多次, 食多啲. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2010-01-11
I've been going to Pheonix for years cos its on the way home and you can always get a nice glass of wine at a cheap price.When I went in December for our office party it was packed. We had the Christmas Party menu and everyone enjoyed it. Service was great and we ended up only paying about $500 each including lots of drinks. Much better value than Central for a party.The place also has a Blackboard Menu that looks good but we didn't try it this time. I recommend Pheonix for anyone looking for good value western food and drink. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
(Non-member) 2008-05-17
重讀飲食男女有關這店的文章,撩起食西式早餐的癮頭.旅居墨爾本時,心血來潮總會到Brunswick Street 吃個早餐.香港類似的選擇不多,這裏可以試一試.舖面不大,門前只有兩張窄桌,倒是室內坐得舒服.裝潢有pub的味道,可以坐很久.文章介紹的早餐,可以在同文Smashing Pumpkins的食評看到,也就點了.同行的友人拿不定主意,我便替他點了一道Omelette with Ham and Cheese.飲品點了peppermint tea及Earl Grey tea,早上除了水外,茶是不可或缺,比果汁菜汁都好.一上來,碟很大,份量還可以,材料包括蛋, 炸薯餅, 肉腸, 蕃茄, 焗豆及煙肉,另配兩片多士.腸煎得很好,肉汁都保留到.這種大大份高卡路里食制,還是在蘇格蘭吃到最好.奄列頗大,火腿與芝士的鹹鮮跟蛋是絕配.值得一讚的是,這裏坐很久都不趕客,反而客人來去匆匆,有點刹風景.侍應都不諳廣東話,來吃的似乎都以外籍客為主. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
貴為全港少數之Gastropub,連選址也"高人一等".近年英國飲食新名詞,Gastro加Pub即是飲同吃,兩者平起平座,店內提供的食物,並不是普羅酒館一味的炸魚薯條,Steakpie,約克郡布甸等傳統英式美食.相比之下,Gastropub的菜式,精緻得多.單看此店黑板上,寫著有鴨胸番紅花Risotto,燒劍魚搭墨西哥Salsa,釀雞搭Parma Ham等等...今日,竟然要個全天候英式早餐,無非係心癮起,想吃而已.這味英式"名菜",基本上在任何一間Pub吃也差不多,取決在隻蛋煎得靚唔靚?用什麼香腸呢,豬血腸抑或Cumberland?薯餅是不是用自家貨?(基半上係沒有.)甚至乎,焗豆用"是蜜味"或Heinz?面前的太陽蛋,邊位煎得微焦,蛋白略略起泡,沒有一些多餘的生蛋白,蛋黃甜美,正如某食家天真地形容"可愛別緻".香腸肉味濃郁,外皮腸衣香脆.煙肉依然有質感,不是乾巴巴,油份盡失的煙肉乾.薯餅當然不是自家來,吃落亦啖啖薯絲,比老麥吃落一口粉的劣質貨好得多.旁邊的番茄,亦絕不失禮,外層燒得微焦,內裏依然水份充足.早上不能喝得多,要半品脫的自家生啤,用上店子名字命名的Phoenix啤酒,自稱為英式bitter,飲落酸酸地,爽口順喉,而且帶有回甘的味道.坐在外面,嗒著啤酒,望著遊人如鯽的過客,感覺挺寫意.是否吃過最好的英式早餐?又不是,年前在英國Sheffield市某B&B借宿一宵,貌似Notting Hill"雪碧"的屋主,其英式早餐,到今天仍覺得最好.可能是多卻一種住家風味. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)