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Review (7)
As I am going back to UK for a month, I need to get people some stuff from Hong Kong and since it is getting close to Autumn festival, this is one of the items.From now until the end of August you can get a $50 cash coupon back if you spend $600 or get two $50 cash coupons if you spend $1200 or more when you pre-order which was easy for me because I have to get it now as I am flying tomorrow.There is a new Lucullus Chocolate cafe in Tsuen Wan but I am too busy to try it out so will probably go there when I am back in September so see you in a bit!!Both boxes have the new chocolate bar with freeze dried fruits and nuts on top.The Lucullus mooncake box has a traditional touch to it which reminds me of the Chinese cheongsam dress and the beautiful Chinese knot buttons.Inside the Treasure box are 14 pieces of chocolate.- 2 in 1 Ruyi Mooncake (Passionfruit Green Tea Truffle & Cranberry Pumpkin Seed Yogurt)- Dark Four Brother- Red Autumn Leaf Corn Truffle- Mango Truffle- Milk Hazelnut Crunch- Rice Crispy Rabbit- Green Apple Truffle- Milk Almond Lucullus- Guava Truffle- Star Hazelnut Praline- Milk Truffle- Fruit & Nuts Toffee Crunch Milk Chocolate (2pcs)So, see you in September but I will be posting some pre-written reviews later on!Ciao! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-02-23
農曆新年,老爹買了龍島的「賀年富貴桔樹」送贈小妹,喜氣洋洋的﹗絨布製成的迷你桔樹下,放有古代錢幣,象徵招財進寶,下邊的紅盒內,則放有兩塊獨立包裝的金元寶牛油曲奇、一粒金元寶朱古力和兩粒榛子朱古力。金元寶牛油曲奇略嫌牛油香氣未夠突出,口感偏硬實。奇一粒榛子朱古力由四粒榛子組合而成,呈立體狀的。咬下去,外層朱古力既香濃細滑,內裏的榛子也香脆可口,挺不錯的。年初四返工,老爹又送上兩件龍島出品的「蝴蝶酥」給小妹品嚐。獨立包裝的蝴蝶酥,賣相手工不錯,邊位沾滿了砂糖,甜味適中,牛油香氣也頗為濃郁,口感稍稍偏向硬脆,未夠鬆化。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2016-02-12
今日經過竟然見到龍島有日式半熟芝士撻,賣相很不錯即買,沒有隊,不用排。個皮很硬,芝士味不夠香濃,不是半熟的,有點被騙的感覺。倒不如稱它芝士撻也吧。沒有期望便不會失望;嚐過好的才能分水準。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)