1-min walk from Exit C, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
This restaurant provides authentic and tasty Indian cuisine. Lunch is in buffet-style and you can try a various of local dishes. Recommendations include naan with green onion, roast lamb and tandoori chicken continue reading
Opening Hours
11:00 - 15:00
17:30 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 15:00
17:30 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay BoC Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Eco-Friendly Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Certified Halal Food
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (420)
Level4 2024-04-07
最近見到好多人去呢間見到門面寫住正宗印度菜🤪老闆話佢間舖已經開咗13年啦😳環境闊落 坐窗邊都幾舒服~食物款式唔算特別多 都系啲好大路嘅印度嘢🤭咁就嗌幾款authentic嘅啦👌🏿Paneer Pakodas酥炸奶酪球 $88見好多人都嗌呢樣 就跟返住嗌嚟試下食落香脆 但有些少淋油😗中間嘅奶酪球其實應該系印色芝士半軟半硬嘅狀態 唔太實又唔太淋👌🏿帶少少嚼勁 食落有微微嘅奶香不過香料味好出好搶 洋蔥呀香葉呀辣味等等做咗焦點🤔調味略為重咗啲 配咗兩款sauce 唔點都夠晒味架啦加上史努比唔系特別鍾意嗰兩款sauce🫣一款應該系酸梅醬d frd似西梅汁咁 帶少少酒嘅甜味另一款就似系薄荷乳酪醬🤣食落帶少少酸味 會fresh啲但唔系咁啱史努比口味😗味道: 6/10性價比: 6.5/10👍🏿Tandoori Fish香燒馬友魚 $168Tandoori chicken就食過啦今次第一次食印式Tandoori fish🤭平時食印度菜最驚就系佢調味太重Surprise嘅系呢條魚又唔會喎😚用鐵板上 嚟到嘅時候熱辣辣😛燒到金黃色 聞落幾香😆老闆主動問要唔要檸檬汁 幫我哋唧埋🤭魚皮仲有少少香脆肉質非常滑溜😳食到明顯嘅香料味但唔會過重鹹度亦系啱啱好👍🏿加咗檸檬汁帶少少酸味更加開胃出乎意料地幾好食🤣味道: 8/10性價比: 7/10👍🏿Butter Chicken牛油雞 $112基本上間間印度菜都有呢樣嘢架啦🤭番茄味好出 酸酸甜甜咁食落帶啲咖喱嘅香系史努比接受到嘅辣度🤭所以對大家嚟講可能唔覺辣😂整得偏甜啲 比較溫和 更接近香港人口味🤪反而香料味就相對冇咁明顯~史努比覺得系唔錯嘅 味道調教咗之後反而更易入口🤣雞肉幾嫩滑 而且份量都足😚有啲部分帶軟骨位應該用咗雞髀肉~味道: 7.5/10性價比: 7.5/10👌🏿Palak Paneer印式芝士菠菜 $109醬汁煮得夠杰身 但略嫌菠菜味未夠香濃反而辣味就好出好搶史努比甚至覺得佢比butter chicken更加辣~芝士切得太細粒 質感稍硬 如果軟身返啲會好啲😙食過幾次呢樣菜式 漸漸對佢有要求咗🤣而今日呢個就只系普通啦味道: 6/10性價比: 7/10👍🏿Poori印度煎餅 $32呢個系老闆推介嘅🤭第一次試呢款印度炸包啱啱炸起熱辣辣其實佢系脹卜卜架不過史努比影相耐咗搞到佢塌咗同埋佢都塌得好快😝食落有幾分似牛脷酥😂但唔會話好油膩 比想像中好🤣佢就唔系牛脷酥嗰種好酥脆嘅炸包而系煙韌有彈性嘅🤭即使唔點任何醬汁就咁食都唔錯佢自帶一種獨特嘅香味 反而點咗會蓋過咗佢原有嘅麥香同牛油香史努比覺得就咁原汁原味好食啲🤪味道: 7.5/10性價比: 8/10👌🏿Garlic Naan蒜蓉烤餅 $32通常食印度菜 只要嗌咗butter chicken或者palak paneer就會嗌份garlic naan😂不過呢個有少許失望嘅塊naan唔算話焗得好香脆同埋略嫌佢質感唔夠鬆軟😗食落反而系煙韌帶韌性嗰種🤔同埋香味爭咁啲 食落竟然唔重蒜蓉味味邊: 6/10性價比: 7/10*另設加一服務費*Overall史努比覺得食物水準正常啦普普通通未算好出色~但唔系差嘅話晒條燒馬友都幾好食🤭老闆好nice service都好好有不斷咁幫我哋加水🤣價錢都合理 正常價錢啦Check it out if u are craving for some authentic Indian cuisine🤣🤣整體評分:味道: 6.8/10環境: 7.5/10服務: 8.1/10衛生: 7.5/10抵食: 7.2/10 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今日想食吓啲異國風餐廳🔮呢間上環既印度菜就非常之就腳 ☀️ 坐落喺上環嘅商業大廈方便位置好闊落舒服👍🏻 除咗咖喱之外有好多唔同比較少見嘅印度菜式真係好地道🧡 辣嘅食物仲可以自選辣到真係好貼心啱晒香港人口味🌶️ PS原來老闆仲有間餐廳喺深井嗰度🤣新界嘅朋友有機會下次可以去試吓⭐️ Pani Puri 🧆每次都好鍾意呢個脆卜卜嘅小食💥包住咗薯蓉同埋鷹嘴豆🥔特別加上薄荷汁一啖食曬☘️清爽嘅口感好開胃⭐️ Tandoori Mixed Grill 🍱三心兩意嘅朋友非常建議揀呢個😚 有兩種口味嘅烤雞魚肉同埋肉腸🐟 火候控制得好好而且烤過既肉質仲唔會乾🐔香料調味啱啱好🥰⭐️ Chicken Tikka Masala 🥘⭐️ Garlic Naan 🧄我哋叫咗小辣個辣度就啱啱好❤️香口得來帶點蕃茄嘅酸甜中和返🍅 配上鬆軟嘅Naan就索晒每滴咖喱嘅精華😝⭐️ Palak Paneer 🥬菠菜配上芝士口感整體好Creamy🧀 有特色得來口感又唔會太膩🤍⭐️ Poori 🫓試咗另一款印式酥餅🧈呢款嘅酥油感比較較重而且帶點甜味好有特色🥞⭐️ Mango Lassi 🥭 ⭐️ Indian Masala Tea ☕️芒果乳酪非常解渴中和了辣度🍼特別一讚Masala Tea嘅香料濃度點到即止💐唔會太過難入口而且好豐富香味另外老闆咁岩今日送咗個甜品佢話唔係成日都有㗎😅因為口味怕太甜香港人食唔慣🥹但係我覺得今日個Rice Pudding 幼滑得黎甜度岩岩好做個完美既結尾 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-04-05
上環樓上舖有一間印度咖哩,裡面裝修民族風,同埋有好多特色食物,雖然價錢偏貴,但值得一試。睇下餐牌先Masala Papadam 香辣鬆化胡椒餅 $32*2=64第一款前菜,好似薯片乾脆嘅胡椒餅,上面放芫茜、青瓜、番茄、洋蔥,即刻清爽曬,最後要叫多塊。Raita 青瓜乳酪 $42呢個乳酪係鹹嘅,配印度香料撈青瓜,開胃清爽。因為之後叫嘅咖哩角無俾薄荷乳酪醬,最後我地用呢個做醬汁。Palak Paneer 印度芝士菠菜 $109賣相唔算好好,但原來幾正,咖哩香料減少菠菜獨有嘅味道,加埋硬嘅印度芝士,營養滿滿Green Onion Nann 薑蔥烤餅 $36食咖哩,係一定要叫餅。呢間可以揀蒜蓉同薑蔥,我地揀左比較少食嘅薑蔥味。餅做得香脆乾身,點咖哩層次好啲,好適合。Hariyali Chicken 燒醬雞 $108平時食開紅色嘅,係Tandoori Chicken,或者Chicken Tikka,呢個綠色比較少見嘅,餐牌寫有薄荷香草,香料味道清啲,不過我地都要落好多檸檬汁,感覺香口又清新。Tandoori Fish 香燒馬友魚 $168皮脆肉嫩,有香料香味。Karella Dry 印式燴苦瓜 $98苦瓜只係試過中式煮法,原來印度都有苦瓜食。開頭以為係咖哩苦瓜,咁咪又鹹又辣又苦,原來佢個特質醬汁有番茄🍅將苦瓜炒埋一齊,爽口又唔算太苦,竟然有下次。Samosa 咖哩角 $72外皮香脆,裡面嘅薯仔配三色豆,好多香料,有咖哩香味,但無咖哩嘅辣味,非常開胃。Mango Lassi 芒果乳酪(Jar) $128呢啲咖哩香料味重,可能會辣,所以叫定一揸飲住先,呢度唔係淨係叫一杯,可以實現乳酪自由啦!不過呢度出品比較甜,感覺唔係用芒果,而係芒果糖漿,就有少少浪費啦!Margarita $62同出面嘅Margarita 分別不大,都係有薄荷味,外面加啲鹽,感覺清爽,好適合食完濃重香料嘅印度咖哩之後,清口腔見人。小計 $887加一 $89總數 $976 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-03-23
位於上環樓上嘅印度餐廳,由印度人主理,保證為客人帶來傳統印度風味。蒜茸烤餅 $26超級大塊!口感鬆脆,有淡淡蒜茸同焦香味,濃郁麵粉香氣,配上乳酪或醬汁就更好食。印式煎餅 $32因為上枱時剛煎好,所以脹卜卜。煎餅較軟身帶空氣感,有蛋香味,再灑上砂糖,有啲似港式嘅沙翁,推薦👍🏻青瓜乳酪 $48乳酪之中有大量青瓜粒,口感有層次。味道清新且帶微酸,係開胃嘅前菜😋燒醬雞 $108用鐵板上,所以一直保持溫度。雞肉嫩滑有肉汁,帶濃郁香草同薄荷香味,相當入味。除左品嚐到傳統印度燒雞嘅味道之外,仲可以中和膩感,必試!🤩羊肉卷 $128同樣以鐵板上,羊肉無羶味,而且非常有羊肉同香料嘅香味。餐廳將羊肉切成粗粒同幼滑狀態,所以相當有口感😍芒果酸奶 $39印度傳統消暑飲品,店員仲好有心思整拉花圖案💛芒果味道香甜帶微酸,酸奶較厚身,類似Yogurt口感味道,真材實料,開胃之選👍🏻什果賓治 $42比其他餐廳嘅什果賓治更有氣,有菠蘿粒同桃粒,橙味突出,味道較濃較甜。Kingfisher (India) $68Kingfisher(翠鳥啤酒)係印度最出名嘅啤酒品牌,口感乾淨清爽,酒精濃度雖然唔太高(5%)但酒味同麥味味道明顯。印度皇上環干諾道中137-139號三台大廈1樓 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
🇮🇳 My friend and I recently had the pleasure of dining at this authentic Indian restaurant, where we were greeted by a friendly and attentive staff. The restaurant's vibrant Indian-style decor transported us to the streets of India, and we even had the opportunity to share stories with the owner about our experiences in the country.♥️ To our delight, the boss treated us to a surprise - free poori bhatura, a traditional Indian dish that added an extra touch of generosity to our dining experience.1️⃣ Flank Curry (Set) $112 - Indulge in the rich and aromatic flavors of the tender flank curry, accompanied by a fragrant Pulao Rice or Naan bread of your choice.2️⃣ Butter Chicken (Set) $129 - Experience the classic and beloved Butter Chicken, a creamy and flavorful dish that is sure to delight your taste buds.3️⃣ Cheese Naan $44 - Treat yourself to the indulgent and cheesy goodness of the Cheese Naan, a perfect accompaniment to your main dishes.Drinks:4️⃣ Iced Lemon Tea $29 - Refresh yourself with a cool and tangy Iced Lemon Tea, the perfect beverage to complement your meal.5️⃣ Mango Lassi $39 - Indulge in the tropical and creamy goodness of the Mango Lassi, a refreshing drink that combines the sweetness of mangoes with the smoothness of yogurt.💰 With a total bill of $388 for two, including a 10% service charge, Basmati - Taste of India offers an authentic and satisfying dining experience that will transport you to the vibrant streets of India. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)