Famous of its traditional Kaiseiki, Kazuo’s Japanese chefs insist to buy best quality of food and ingredients from different parts of Japan. You can also find several pieces of 200-300 year-old antiques at Kazuo, which will definitely widen your eyes and mind. continue reading
Awards and Titles
Michelin 1 Starred Restaurant (2015-2016)
Opening Hours
Tue - Fri
18:00 - 23:00
Sat - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay JCB
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Parking Details
Phone Reservation Details
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (14)
Level2 2016-04-17
上完training終於有個機會犒勞下自己.這家米之林餐廳雖然在家旁邊但一直沒機會來.懷石料理先附是赤貝烏貝配上檸檬jelly,口感非常清新. 八寸盤很精緻每一道菜都是日本當地食材非常新鮮.滿口留香. 湯是seabass的非常清甜.味道較淡襯托出海鮮的鮮美. 今天的刺身是魷魚 toro和海膽.toro沒的說我的絕對最愛.魷魚綿軟發糯.蘸上醋都是不錯的體驗 金目鯛魚配上薯蓉和醃製竹筍,鯛魚的口感非常有韌勁加上和配料一起在口中炸開.吃完配上醃洋蔥.清口. 田螺肉和蕃茄酸汁的搭配也很完美. 花椒牛肉春筍.牛肉口感厚重.配上花椒的點綴並不顯得油膩. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-10-30
男朋友諳悉日本飲食及文化。從他那裡得知岡田和生是一位以角子機起家的人。日本大部分角子機由該公司生產,有「彈珠機大王」之名。倒想試試岡田和生的集團到底怎樣做出如外界所說好評的和食。服務員事先詢問坐位的喜好: 坐中央開放式廚房 / 卡座 / 窗邊位置。令我想起澳門大倉酒店的«山里»,同樣在開放式的廚房做懷石料理。我發現坐中央開放式廚房前檯好玩多,而且有特別燈光效果,用膳氣氛非常不錯。當晚我穿短裙,坐高檯還可以秀一下腿,給男朋友一點福利嘛 (嘻嘻)當晚品嚐了海鮮、時菜頭盤、湯、燒烤、燒魚、素菜,飯及甜品。比較印象深刻:海膽是整晚懷石料理中最好的,融化在嘴裡魚和肉的燜煮,簡簡單單,絕不死鹹另外點選了omakase 壽司 set 試試其廚藝與功架:眼看只是3件正常不過的壽司,外表謙虛,但那份優雅及醬汁的調味有致。介紹完一遍後,我問師傅魚哪個最濃,哪個最淡。師傅答:「先淡後濃或相反也行,無一準則。總之你要怎麼吃是個人的選擇,不用聽別人的意見而影響自己。」Toro: TORO雖然太油太膩,但非常甜美,口內已充滿油,之後吃較淡的卻很好玩。生及炙燒金目鯛: 是日本人認為最高級的魚,當然,生魚片都是新鮮的。但最令我回味的是用火槍略燒的金目鯛,美味。總結:餐廳的懷石料理,初初怕好看不好吃,但他們敢大膽創新,因為有很好的班底,沒有做出不三不四的食物,基本上是好吃的。令我對懷石有耳目一新的感覺。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2014-08-24
老公升職,開心得佢,話請我食餐好的。初頭話食四季酒店的Caprice或者置地文華東方的Amber,法國菜幾乎是我每年生日老公都帶我食的(沒有新意的老公)。我話不如食日本嘢。老公話食懷石料理啦,去ICC的天空龍吟。在我搜尋本地的懷石料理餐廳,竟然發現屋企附近就有間岡田和生食懷石料理的,真係大鄉里。於是老公就訂位去。一入去就知道係高級餐廳,裝潢和氣氛都好高級。我們被安排坐著對住海的座位,二人並肩而坐,不是面對面的,因為經理和主廚會在對面跟我們介紹食物。點菜前,經理拿出新鮮的一盤蔬菜,告訴我們這就是本日所用的食材,來自日本的某地某地。餐牌只有$1288和$1888兩款,我們就每款點一個。每道菜經理都會出來介紹。日本人這方面真的無得輸,總是那麼有禮,那麼客氣。十年前因為工作原因經常去日本,每間餐廳的侍應的態度都是那麼好,那麼有禮,跟他們對話自己也變得有禮客氣起來。懷石料理嘛,我第一次食是在台灣食的,我已忘了要多少錢了。當時剛出來社會工作,薪金不多,記憶中是貴貴地,因為家姐建議去食,我都打咗個突,覺得都幾貴喎,但結果都仲食得起,所以應該貴極有限。吃完後驚為天人,之後多次去台灣也未有機會再試。今次在香港食,要$2000一位,雖然唔係我俾但都肉赤。味道方面,食材新鮮,拖羅好好味,仲有個番茄都令人回味無窮。每一道菜都看得出是下了不少心機,懷石料理就是藝術品一樣,但每道菜都只一兩口吃完,總未能盡情大吃。不過盡情大吃就不是懷石料理(高級餐廳)了。海名軒除了岡田和生,仲有玉蕾和Messina,都是相同集團的米芝蓮推介餐廳,仲有,都係貴嘢。結賬後有抽獎,抽到四張$100 vochers,不過每次只能用一張,連加一服務費都唔夠俾啦。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-04-06
在香港要找一間既像樣又價錢合理的懷石料理,談何容易?我在朋友的推薦下選了這家餐廳作嘗試,同時亦為父親提早慶生。因為我爸爸有痛風症,我預先至電查詢大廚能否為他另設菜單。他們起初一口便答應,但細聽要求後都說要再回覆;哈哈,我跟他們說:「牛肉、貝殼類、沒有鱗的魚都不要,就連魚生也是淺嚐吧了。。。(後刪數百字)」三天後,他們回覆已經擬定菜單,我OK他們便安排食材。他們的遷就和彈性讓我感動,當然,要另類菜單得賞金先付,我要把父親那份料理全數付清作訂金。坦白說,到達餐廳後,我有點錯愕。那裡的布置很西化,丁點兒日本菜的感覺也沒有。。。我是有點失望呢。食物方面,表現大致平均,味道很好,但就是沒有那種會讓你WOW的反應。如果大家去過日本必定會對那些大廚的用心而鼓掌,就算平平無奇的小店都能做出令人讚歎的菜式,而且價格合理。在這家餐廳,你會品嚐到高級優雅的格調和5星級酒店的服務,但獨欠特色和親和感。這個黑松露飯有點過了火,味道頂呱呱,但略嫌太洋化了。我特意把我剛剛三月份在名古屋一家名為「蓬左茶寮」懷石料理餐廳的食物跟這裡作陳述。他們對簡單的一份甜品都很花心思,這個手功製作的微甜日本紅荳布丁像紅荳沙般滑溜,入口即溶,跟荔枝啫喱和草莓配合得天意無蓬!反看「岡田和生」的甜點,我貴實覺得有點不足!另一張圖片是一份燒Shitake菇 +鱸魚,單是賣相已經攞滿分,侍應把這道菜從開放式廚房端出來,那股強烈有如松露菇的香氣無休止地徘徊,現在回想起依然難以忘懷!在「蓬左茶寮」,一份豐富的懷石套餐收 $800,但「岡田和生」卻要 $1,880;在沒有太多競爭對手下,也沒有辦法了。。。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-03-06
Kazuo Okada was a restaurant I had wanted to try so when I saw that they were participating in Restaurant Week, I made a reservation for dinner. Located near the Hung Hom promenade, it was a bit hard to get to from HK Island since it was not near the MTR, so we ended up taking the First Ferry from North Point to Hung Hom which disembarked closeby. The restaurant was located on the 5/F of the Harbourfront Landmark which housed an Italian and Chinese restaurant as well. The decor was grand and much nicer than what I'd expected while the open kitchen concept was interesting for a kaiseki restaurant. The Restaurant Week dinner menu cost $438 per person which consisted of 5 courses along with a dessert buffet. It was slightly cheaper than their regular dinner course which starts at $6xx. Appetizer with 4 dishes (4/5) :Trio Skewers and Simmered Bamboo "Tosa" Style - the manager explained to us that they made this appetizer with the seasons in mind. The trio skewers consisted of 3 items with the colors pink (shrimp), white (quail egg), and green (cucumber) which stands for sakura in spring, snow in winter, and grass in summer. The flavors were simple but I appreciate the thought process behind it. Simmered Shirauo Fish with Sakura Leaf - along with the spring theme, the shirauo fish had a sakura leaf on top which was really a pickle in pink color. The flavors were a bit weak here. Scallop and Tomato with Kimi Vinaigrette Sauce - the scallops were cooked and pickled which was an interesting way to eat it but I'd still prefer my scallops to be more raw. The vinarigrette sauce was a delight as it was sweet and tart which was appetizing to eat. Deep Fried Snapper Clear Soup (3.5/5) - the broth was very light while the fish was overcooked and tough to eat. I'm just not sure if deep frying the snapper was the best way to eat with the soup. Seared Salmon with Sansho Pepper Gelee (3.5/5) - the seared salmon was pretty bland and tasteless while the sansho pepper gelee was much more interesting to eat. It was slightly sweet which contrasted very nicely with the salty salmon roe.Grilled White Fish Nanbu Style (3.5/5) - the texture of the fish was a bit dry and hard while the flavors were average. US Beef with Kinoko Thick Sauce (3.5/5) - the beef was really lean and tough while the sauce was too thick and not exciting at all in terms of flavor. It just tasted like soy sauce, sugar and corn starch. Lotus Roots & Dried Shrimp Rice (5/5) - the rice was the most impressive dish of the night. It was very tasty with lots of chopped lotus roots and dried shrimps which enhanced the rice with different flavors and textures. The texture of the rice itself was just right as I could taste each grain of rice separately.Dessert Buffet (3/5) - the dessert buffet took place at a lounge on the same floor as it was a collaboration with the other 2 restaurants for Restaurant Week. The desserts were pretty average and common with your typical tiramisu and mango mousse cakes. It was a bit disappointing not to be able to taste the desserts made by Kazuo Okada. I'd rather have one good dessert than a buffet of mediocre desserts.  Overall, the meal we had at Kazuo Okada was pretty unimpressive as the ingredients chosen for this menu was average and mediocre at best. I can't tell if it was the fault of the ingredients or the skills of the kitchen. Perhaps it's just a simple case of you get what you pay for, but based on this experience, I'm not sure if a return visit is warranted either.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)