6-min walk from Exit B, Tin Hau MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 14:30
18:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sat
12:00 - 14:30
18:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
VIP Room
Parking Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Sea View
Live Music
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (84)
知我鐘意食日本野嘅好姊妹請食omakase做生日飯🥰可能有啲人覺得咁貴食壽司唔值得,個人認為omakase除左適合嘴刁同對日本野有要求嘅人外,risk appetite都好重要⚠️當你唔知會發生咩事但願意take risk,然後咁啱遇到啱心水嘅師傅,加埋新鮮嘅食材,個種幸福感真係難以言喻。結果我事後經常回味依餐,依間舖亦成為左我係香港最愛嘅鮨店,一切都係緣份啊❤️入返正題,我地叫左十二貫omakase同a la carte左幾款(多謝好姊妹咁錫我👭🏻),以下介紹我最念念不忘唔分享唔得嘅幾款🤤🐟 沙甸魚太卷 (𝟙𝟘/𝟙𝟘)依款太卷日文叫「鰯魚磯邊卷」,對日本料理有認識嘅朋友一定知道佢絕對唔係普通卷物咁簡單。首先,處理沙甸魚嘅過程無比艱鉅,有興趣可以上YouTube睇下😂其次,出色嘅磯邊卷嘅橫切面本身就係一件藝術品,可以見到細緻而豐富嘅內容,將各種材料卷起後要做到又圓又對稱真係好考師傅功夫🔪依間嘅鰯魚磯邊卷做得好靚好色彩繽紛,仲要配埋一隻咁襯嘅碟,作為第一貫打響頭炮真係好出色🤩師傅放左好多件沙甸魚,脂肪嘅油香好夠,配薑蓉、香蔥、紫蘇葉同調醬汁,好新鮮同冇腥味,好食到癲左!價錢唔平但幸福感滿瀉❤️🦪🍚 鮑魚肝醬配白飯 (𝟙𝟘/𝟙𝟘)鮑魚嫰滑有咬口,鮑魚肝醬超香濃,唔識形容,直情係天堂嘅味道!留意返隻碟都好似鮑魚殼,如果有鮑魚肝醬我可以食多三碗飯🤤🦑✨ 螢光魷魚 (𝟙𝟘/𝟙𝟘)螢光魷魚主要係富山出產,每年三至五月係盛產季節,但保鮮期大概短短幾日,所以學師傅講,可遇不可求啊!既然咁有緣份當然要試試佢啦, 螢光魷魚好鮮甜同爆膏,師傅嘅調味都好出色,令人印象難忘!🔸 海膽壽司 (𝟡/𝟙𝟘)係我係香港食過數一數二甜嘅海膽!🐟 炙燒右口魚裙邊配紫菜 (𝟡.𝟝/𝟙𝟘)第一次食右口魚,肉質比左口魚滑,滿滿油脂,令人回味無窮😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2022-10-03
今日同朋友去食Omakase,真係好好味,一定要再去❤️去到個門口都已經覺得好日式。平時好重視甜品同茶嘅我覺得呢度都係超好味!當然主菜都係超正啦,第一次食沙甸魚刺身卷,鰤魚。20 天熟成吞拿魚腩🤤同右口魚真係令人回味,係右口唔係左口魚,肉質會比左口魚再滑d🤤仲有安康魚連魚皮🤤帶子師傅係先劏一刀再在用手搣,佢話咁就可以食到一絲一絲嘅口感。今日個甜品係時令嘅桃卷,個卷比想像中要再好食啲!我朋友點咗個雪糕係咖啡味仲要有nuts嘅佢都話超正!由頭滿足到尾唔怪得full house la!下次會再嚟! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2022-09-29
今日又返嚟我嘅飯堂食飯 雖然介紹咗好多次不過每次都有啲唔同嘅食品所以同大家講 因為嗰廚師成日都有驚喜畀我北海道醬油燒北寄貝肉質軟骨 鹹淡適中 鮮味濃厚加埋紫蘇葉花 好香好味北海道鮫鰈魚魚邊配酸汁啫喱極度油美 配上酸汁啫喱同埋紫蘇葉花嘅一道嘅前菜 香滑 開胃煙燻鰤魚+鰤魚魚腩我朋友就喜歡魚生片 因為肉質鮮味 我就喜歡煙燻片 因為層次感豐滿 但係兩個都好好食北海道希靈魚鮮甜無比 煙燻味更令到味感不一樣安康魚肝 連魚皮好creamy嘅安康魚肝醬 配爽脆的魚皮 一啖放在口中 慢慢咀嚼 魚肝香味夾雜著魚皮的脆感 超級享受磯煮鮑魚大大嚿放入口 口感一流 不單止鮮甜肥美 真係無與倫比車海老壽司剛剛煮出來的 大蝦 還有點餘溫 夾雜著赤醋飯 再加上 廚師特登為我加了很多柚子皮在蝦的內和外 加添柚子汁 真係好食到冇得頂鯖魚棒壽司用脆脆的 紫菜包住一齊食 味道濃香 加上有醬汁啫喱面 好好食立鱗金鯛魚 海鮮湯加蟹肉立鱗金鯛魚已經是常常餐廳會煮的菜式 但是加了 海鮮濃湯和新鮮拆出來的蟹肉 甜上加甜 甜味三重奏 好有特色厚燒玉子唔好以為係蛋糕 一點麵粉也有沒有 這是雞蛋和魚溶的混合品 可惜只得一片下次一定要再食這個omakase是我的特定廚師發板 如果想食就要 預先同師傅講 訂Philip 的 廚師發板 オ可以享受得到 一定帶到你驚喜Today I am back to my dining hall for dinner. Although I have introduced it many times, there are different dishes every time.Hokkaido Soy Sauce Grilled Kitako ScallopsSoft, fresh deliciously tastyHokkaido mackerel with sour jellyExtremely oily but with sour jelly, excellentKenpachi 2 ways Smoked/SashimiMy friend likes sashimi because the meat is so fragrant and I like the smoked piece because it is full of flavorsSmoked Yellowtail + Yellowtail FilletFresh and sweet sashimi, the smoky taste makes it tastes complicatedMonkfish Liver with Fish SkinVery creamy monkfish liver sauce with crispy fish skin, when I put it in my mouth and chew it slowly, the fish liver aroma mixed with the crispness of the fish skin, super enjoyableBraised AbaloneSuper fulfilling. Must eatPrawn SushiThe freshly boiled prawn is still warm, mixed with red vinegar rice, and added a lot of yuzu skin plus yuzu juice, it is really deliciousMackerel Stick SushiWrap it with crunchy seaweed has a strong and fragrant taste. WonderfulGolden Snapper Seafood Soup with Crab MeatGolden snapper is a common dish but with seafood bisque and fresh crab meat, this sweetness trio is very distinctive.Egg cakeDon't think it's a cake. There is no flour in it? It's a mixture of eggs and fish mince. I must order it again.This omakase is a specific chef's arrangement. If you want to eat it, you have to order requesting for Philip Omakase Menu. Enjoy... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2022-06-01
訂了兩點,服務員說兩點三前落單就冇問題。準時到達,服務員十大忙碌,5分鐘後才可以落單,想叫自選十件壽司,服務員說等師傅代選因為有些魚已經賣晒。好,冇問題。轉頭話已經冇晒壽司飯,今日好多單。一間壽司店在服務時間內冇飯但又接受訂位,不知所謂,一點專業精神也沒有。永遠blacklistMade a reservation for 2pm, the waitress suggested that we need to order before 2:15pm.Arrived at 2pm, wanted to order the self-selected 10 pieces sushi. The waitress said that some of the fishes are sold out, may be we let the chef to choose for us. As the saying okay, then the waitress said there is no more sushi rice left, today is just too busy. What a lousy restaurant and non-professional establishment, don’t take any booking if you don’t have enough food to sell, wasted our time and effort to get there. Forever black listed. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
11月時已跟朋友很難得才能預約留座來到這小店食“哦媽架些”。真的聞名不如見面,一試愛上。一直忙於工作,現在先有時間讚一讚這小店。🤤👍😁疫情下真心覺得環境整潔好重要,一入舖內雖然每枱已有客人,但感覺不喧鬧舒適。店員很有禮貌很快就帶我們坐好。不急不趕,傑師傳雖忙於手上工作,但仍不忘先跟我們打個招呼,cool cool的繼續認真工作。傑師傅按我倆小女子口味先為我們奉上清酒及自家醃制明太子和蘿蔔淺酌聞談,跟住就逐樣剌身為我們介紹。港女習慣雖慣以相機食先,但美食當前,掛住聽掛住食都唔記得咩角度,影咗就即食以免浪費師傅一番心意。整晚每樣都深刻不已:自醃明太子(醎香回甘)、野生鯽魚、自家制的肝醬剌身再配白飯鹽燒野生鯖魚,每一口都令人齒頰留香。最令人難以忘懷要encore不只是那份熟成半個月的野生大吞拿魚腩,還有看下去不起眼卻滿載師傳心機的一片炸魚皮。同場咁啱遇上一家大細幾兄弟帶埋老少一齊食,原來當中有小朋友生日。小孩爸爸還有小孩的叔父,特別訂座帶他來慶生日。傑師傅除咗滿足大人口味外,也看到特別為小孩安排另類美食。說是小孩,其實食量都不細,美食當前已把大人份量一掃而空。唔經唔覺都已好飽,原來還有一碗“簡單”的麵鼓湯和牛肉烏冬....說簡單其實一點都不簡單,麵鼓湯內放上滿滿肥dodo嘅海蜆、牛肉烏冬嘅牛肉入口即溶肉香滿口...原來是和牛!就算多飽...甜品是另一個胃🤭最終一份甜到入心嘅蜜瓜和QQ嘅蕨餅....加2個雪糕球為這晚餐添上完美句號。啱啱再嚟食個lunch....舖面如常保持乾淨舒適,店員還即時送上搓手液及熱毛巾。這次換上新菜式,遇上鮑魚和海膽。Lunch時間不多,掛住食都冇得港女上身以相機食先。水準不單保持原汁原味,傑師傅也仍舊cool cool哋地帶上微笑,疫情下感恩還有這小店滿足我這為食鬼。期待遲啲有晚市....咁就可以慢慢坐喇。🥰 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)