Exit P2, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (2)
Sabatini Ristorante Italiano is furnished in the style of the original restaurant in Rome. An authentic yet creative menu is prepared by our experienced chefs and is served in a picturesque “countryside” setting. The menu features seasonal specialties and is complimented by an extensive wine list. Signature dishes include Linguine with Scampi, Clams and Mussels, a Sabatini Original, Grilled lamb chops, Veal Chop ‘Milanese’. Live band performance on Wednesday to Saturday night and Sunday afternoon. continue reading
Awards and Titles
Best Italian Restaurant (2011, 2015), Best Service Restaurant (2013-14)
Good For
Romantic Dining
Special Occasion Dining
Additional Information
Customers can order a cake from “Fine Foods Shop”. Or cake cutting charge for 1 pound will be $250 and $500 for 2 pounds.
Opening Hours
12:00 - 23:00
Mon - Fri
12:00 - 23:00
Sat - Sun
11:30 - 23:00
Public Holiday
11:30 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Cake-cutting Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Live Music
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (442)
Level3 2024-02-15
燭光晚餐 🕯️呢間得奬意大利餐廳,等咗好耐終於揀喺情人節嚟食,係絕對關鍵時候出擊,幾乎全院滿座。位於尖沙咀帝苑酒店三樓,加上心心氣球玫瑰花佈置,環境優雅。📝 六道菜晚餐Valentine’s Day Set Dinner Menu30gr Caviale selezione Sabatini con condimenti e blinis (for share)特級魚子醬(30克)配小圓薄餅及配料(兩位共享)Prosecco DOCG, Conegliano Valdobbiadene, Vento, Italy (100ml) Bisque di aragostaLobster bisque龍蝦濃湯 Strozzapreti con scampi, porcini e pomodorini Datterini自家製意式手卷粉配小龍蝦、牛肝菌及車厘番茄Fiano di Avellino DOCG, Ciropicariello, Campania, Italy 2018 (100ml) Filetto di merluzzo antartico servito con salsa alle uova di aringa affumicata e broccolini香煎牙魚柳配西蘭花苗及煙燻希靈魚籽汁Gewurztraminer, Bottega Vinai Cavit, Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy 2018 (100ml) Filetto di manzo Wagyu con carciofi, fegato grasso e tartufo nero invernale和牛柳配雅枝竹、鴨肝及冬季黑松露Sangiovese, Chianti Classico Riserva DOCG, Carpineto, Italy 2017 (100ml) Dessert degli innamorati情人節甜品🧨 全晚最欣賞佢嘅特級魚子醬,海中黑鑽石魚子醬之所以矜貴,是因為全球只有3種鱘魚魚卵,有資格煉成魚子醬。因應用「醬」時間,經理特別順延換第二道菜時間。📞 餐廳大概個半月前訂位,要求全額支付押金HK$4,386,餐單配餐酒每位港幣HK$620,另加一服務費,食物敏感可以牛改鷄肉,樂隊現場獻唱情歌,食埋甜品大家甜甜蜜蜜。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
來自羅馬的 Sabatini 在帝苑酒店開業幾十年,聽聞餐廳一直都是現在這個模樣,沒有改變形像(小妹近幾年才有幫襯,不知是否如此)。Sabatini 在東京青山是有分店的,裝修和氛圍跟羅馬和香港一致。順便一提,銀座 / 有樂町附近有另一家 同名餐廳,那是來自翡冷翠的,我們現在用餐的是羅馬餐廳喔,如果去東京想品嚐 Sabatini,搞清楚想去那一間 ☝🏽。【 環境與服務 】如果那是幾十年的裝修,可以看得出是花了很多心思和資源去做的一家餐廳。內部環境較幽暗,襯托一點舊化了牆壁(餐廳並不殘舊,只是老式而已),傳統裝飾和造工質素極佳的餐桌和椅子,地方整潔,老意大利的氛圍。星期六有 brunch,以為會很多人,嗯,客人竟然很疏落,環境寧靜,今天午餐吃得舒服。另一個角度想,尖東真無論如何都不旺場 。餐廳服務周到,但是比較 old school 。做得好的 old school hospitality 服務點到即止,跟客人帶點距離又不會待慢。另外好處是不會太多無關痛癢的繁文縟節,譬如新派餐廳會請你挑選餐具,由酒杯到牛扒刀,甚至日本有餐廳請你揀筷子, gosh 🙄。好了,進入午餐,focus 是食物呢 。【 Bread Basket 】 Grissini 只給客人 grissini,而 Sabatini 給客人三款麵包:grissini、pane toscano 和 focaccia。Sabatini 的 grissini 其實不差, 不過 Grissini 的 grissini 是水準高一點既,說清楚些,Sabatini 的 grissini 的脆和軟沒有 Grissini 的那樣出色。Pane toscano 就是 Tuscan bread,顧名思義就是來自 Tuscany 吧。口感鬆軟輕盈,味道偏淡些。而 Focaccia 則完全及格,沒有問題。橄欖油和醋中規中矩。不怕長氣再說一遍,小妹是很怕醋酸味,今天的 Balsamic vinegar 味道和酸甜度皆好。******【 Prosecco 】吃意大利菜不妨來一點 bubbles。而且要 Prosecco 捨 Champagne。Prosecco 的好處除了 good value for money ,一般都很容易入口,小妹未有試過飲過很難飲的 Prosecco 的。****【 Insalata di Polpo e capesanta con patate servita nella buccia di limone Amalfitano / Octopus and scallop salad with potatoes in Amalfi lemon skin 】 這個沙律 octopus 和帶子鮮美,味道晶瑩剔透,Amalfi 檸檬皮清香宜人,而薯仔是對海鮮爽彈口感之交集與變奏,整個菜式非常好吃。****看食評標題就知道重點是 white truffle 啦。跟在 Grissini 一樣 order 最簡單而最能突出白松露的菜式。【 Classici tagliolini di pasta all’uovo fatti in casa al burro con tartufo Bianco d’Alba / Homemade egg tagliolini in butter sauce with Alba white truffle】論味道和烹調手藝,Sabatini 和 Grissini 基本上沒有辦法分出誰好誰壞,pasta 完美烹調,butter sauce 完全覆蓋意大利麵,調味恰到好處,不會喧賓奪主,奪了 white truffle 的芬芳 。****不過最終還是 Sabatini 勝一籌,因為 white truffle 片片 size 都相當大,厚薄適中,香氣也較好,而且份量比過於單薄的 Grissini 多 。過往經驗,小妹不敢多吃白松露,而是日這一道菜的松露份量則完美了。這道菜 $988 八五折,即 $840,真係不能投訴了喔 😬。如果你想加白松露是可以的,這裡價錢 $ 188 一 gram。其實這個時候去東京吃是很抵食的,大概 3,000 yen 左右一 gram。只是過猶不及,小妹在東京都是小嚐最佳(東京太多東西要吃啦)。【 Dessert Platter 】星期六因為作 brunch,沒有 dessert trolley,經理給我們 dessert menu,我們決定吃 soufflé ,豈料廚房說沒有材料做,當小妹沒有做過 soufflé?疏乎喱要甚麼獨特食材?他們不想做而已 🙄。最後經理只給我們 brunch 的甜品幾件了事。雖然味道不錯,始終是想吃 soufflé 嘛,如果沒有就不應給客人 dessert menu,在廚房和樓面的溝通要改善才行了,這算是一點服務上的瑕疪啦(現代管理的高級餐廳是不會有這種事,因為開業前一定先有 briefing 前線服務員今天有甚麼沒有甚麼的,出現這樣的事情反映出餐廳管理過時了)。****【 Coffee 】普通咖啡,不用甚麼複雜味道、花香果味,餐後喝一杯熱騰騰的咖啡,就是很滿足了。****【 總結 】Sabatini 不是 flashy 的餐廳,來這裡用餐非追求感觀愉悅體驗和玩味的創新菜式,例如 Castellana「新派」 Piedmont 的 Homemade tagliolini ‘Au Koque’ Carbonara Sauce, Vigezzo Valley Cured Ham 不就是那充滿玩味?用火腿替代 guanciale,醬汁是待意大利麵上了碟才淋上麵條上,而且擺盤又要有「美感」。根據資料,這道菜源自 Piedmont 的 Chef Marco Sacco。似乎在 Sabatini 未有看到那樣菜式。小妹當然欣賞創新,但又覺得意大利菜不一定要 playful 的,也不要想得太多,傳統已經有很令人滿足的菜式,精緻細膩的料理反而重要,Koque-style 既 carbonara 縱然不差,卻斧痕太深。反而 Sabatini 這種傳統餐廳,吃得更開心。今天午餐味道好,白松露意大利麵做得非常出色,整體服務質素雖然不是流水行雲,也算及格,埋單時也有問我們有沒有 Go Royal 會籍,因為有八五折,跟朋友去 Royal Garden 多次,很多事都忘記了,這個提醒,雖然是服務應有之義,還是要加翻分既,算是補償了甜品部份失了的分吧。價錢嘛,計算 Go Royal 會員八五折,前菜、主菜、甜品、咖啡、酒水連加一服務費,每位 $1,600,以食物品質來說,物有所值啦。【 後話 】同輩朋友出來吃飯,很少會提及去 Sabatini 的,雖然沒有問甚麼原因,恐怕是 Sabatini 老式吧(也許地點也是原因)。這樣的老式餐廳,無論味道多好,都不會太受 IG 世代歡迎掛🤔? 小妹其實蠻喜歡這裡的,並非懷舊,前衛料理小妹完全接受,只是好些「新派」餐廳跟本就不行,只靠靚景打卡位(例如那樓高百層之上可以飽覽九龍「避風塘」景色[但已結業]的新派意大利餐廳),加繕稿宣傳,完全失去了意大利菜美味的靈魂,那些食店在 F&B 歷史中如過客般曇花一現而已。Sabatini 要經營下去,是需要革新才行。IFC 分店也許是必要一步。向日本餐廳借鏡 —— 老牌法國料理店 L’écrin 和無人不曉的 L’Osier 都經歷過浴火重生的(所在的大厦拆卸重建),新的 L’écrin 和 L’Osier 全新格局,風采依舊啊。飽嚐美味白松露午餐,容許小妹拋拋書包,引述意大利小說《玫瑰之名》(Il nome della rosa) 最終章主人公的話作結,stat rosa pristina nomine, nomina nuda tenemus ,舊時的玫瑰只剩下名字,我們現今所有的不過徒具虛名而已。小妹祝願 Sabatini 在 IFC 的新店能秉持舊店的食物水準,不單單是買外觀與地點,只有玫瑰之名,卻不見花踪。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-12-22
終於來這家三十年的意式餐廳打卡了一直對帝苑酒店 這家東九龍老樓有種情懷 可以看得出來的都是old money的老香港人們隔壁桌有個三十來歲的同齡人跟餐廳經理說她第一次來的時候才八歲食物都沒出錯 自攜酒 這裡提供的侍酒服務也很周到龍蝦湯 千層麵 所有甜品都挺好 季節式的白松露就不太行了 還是點傳統菜品吧駐場的樂隊唱的歌 真的很下酒 每首都耳熟能詳但是說真的 就這普普通通的食材和味道 價格真的是不菲 屬於一生一次吧 可以來體驗一下托斯卡納南意風情的地兒 什麼都不會出錯但也不出彩。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
I did not anticipate this level of bad service from a supposedly authentic and traditional restaurant. My phone call with the restaurant earlier that day, and the greetings from the reception when we arrived were all excellent. But everything went downhill after being seated. After being given the menu and water (I had to ask for the wine list), no staff came to our table to greet / welcome us nor explain the menu / recommend daily specials. After waiting for 20-30 minutes holding our menus, we had to wave and signal staff multiple times before someone finally came to take our order. The person who took our order was very unprofessional. We ordered in English and the staff did not know which dish we were referring to. So we had to point and he repeated the order to us in Chinese. He also kept "doubting" our order asking what our main course is, when we wanted to share few dishes among 4 of us. Food portion is extremely small and average tasting. There are a lot more better options for Italian food in this price range, for much better service. Tiramisu was tasty but again, very small portion. Side note, there was a little girl from the other table playing with the olive oil stand with her hands. If the restaurant was properly staffed, they would've stopped the girl from contaminating food utensil. Will NOT return again.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-11-04
未試過食餐飯食到咁嬲,要特登開個account 黎講,我幾個月前曾經幫襯過呢間餐廳既set lunch 係幾好食既,今次同朋友黎試下佢假日weekend brunch,連加一九百幾蚊,點知極度失望!完全唔推薦!餐湯好難飲!麵包又硬又乾!salad bar既龍蝦完全無味!仲要有部分係綠色既!pasta 同main course份量少得可憐,pasta 每人得兩啖,而且味道完全唔合格,甜品除左tiramisu比較正常外,其他甜品既質素連普通連鎖店都不如!以後唔會再幫襯!!!!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)