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10% Service Charge
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日式汁煮魚頭 韓式豬腩石頭焨鍋 韓風醬雞 韓風雞煲
Review (9)
Level1 2010-12-07
星期六的中午嚟到GUGU以為要等位, 結果只係得兩枱人客. order左兩客飯. 老板娘免費送上兩小碟前菜, 泡菜+漬蘿蔔, 泡菜完全冇味道, 不吃也吧, 蘿蔔爽脆,可一試. 這個午飯總括令人失望, 沒有預期的好. 辣泡菜豬肉飯 $50 - 帶小許辣的豬肉加上沒什麼味道的泡菜, 水準一般. 豬腩肉石頭鍋飯 $70 - 上桌時已經攪拌好, 沒有香噴噴, 食落吾覺有一般石頭鍋飯的惹味. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
(Non-member) 2010-09-23
There are many Korean restaurant in TST but not many in Jordan and Gugu runs by a Korean lady who I think it sevres really nice and traditional Korean food.The sushi is fresh and special and the 韓風雞煲 is also worth to try.The services are the best in Jordan, the owner goes to all the table and asks about the food quality etc. Everyone leaves with a smile!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2010-08-25
公司要請我食日本餐, 我便推介食這間韓國名字的餐廳, 貪佢店內有播著 韓星唱歌的 MTV, 而電視機很聲量適中, 不會影響食慾. 未有食物來之前, 這算是最好的欣賞節目, 其實這店真是即叫即做,所以等得很久才有得食, 每件壽司和伴碟的花仔青瓜片, 都擺放到絕, 才連同麵豉湯和小食兩款一齊遞上.那碟壽司有十件, 食了兩件才記得影相, 但件件都屬佳品, 幾新鮮,那件吞拿魚極為美味, 加了幾粒芝麻, 入口即覺很香口, 烏冬夠熱,配菜小食芽菜仔很爽, 另菠菜 凍食都算不錯. 最普通是麵豉湯不咸,但無麵豉味. 一個壽司68元套餐有咁多好味的食物, 抵讚.同事選的刺身68元餐都非常可口, 不同的是刺身餐跟白飯, 其餘配菜及湯是與壽司餐相同的. 這間店有其他的選擇, 試過雞扒和豬扒套餐, 還是覺得這日式的壽司和刺身類最正! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2010-07-02
nice...clean...relaxing place....food is fresh and well made...service is comfortable...mixed korean and japanese style...they have some korean side dishes that other traditional korean restaurants dont have...the chicken is great with beer or some korean rice wine!!i love the big screen tv...update some korean pop cultures~ why not~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-06-24
相對集團式既餐廳, 我係偏愛好似GU GU 呢種家庭式既小店. 星期日下晏六點, 未到食飯時間, 當然就唔駛等, 但係已經有幾枱人係入面. 一入到舖頭, 笑容可恭相信係韓國藉既婦人即刻上前招呼. 都未坐定, 待應生已經送上兩杯玄米茶. 餐牌我都未打開, 朋友已經問我食咩好唔好, 見佢有備而來咁. 我亦樂得坐係到等食. 係朋友忙於同待應生研究研今晚食咩餸既同時我就俾嗰部不停播住韓國MTV既電視吸引住, 驚嘆韓國既整容技術既出色, 哈哈!兩個人我哋點左3個餸. D野未黎之前本來我朋友見到有個佢想食既野仲想點, 不過我真係覺得太多所以截住左. 而事實係... 好彩我真係截左佢. 3個餸都有D多得濟喇. 不過等緊既時間真係好難捱. 因為我哋就坐係BAR TOP隔離, 所有餸都會經過我哋先. 見到一碟碟熱辣辣既餸, 聞到一陣陣香噴噴既味道, 但係我哋d野又遲遲未上, 真係折磨! 等左15分鐘左右, 終於都可始上菜喇Kimchee魷魚簿餅($80): 亞州式用糯米粉開水既煎成圓形再加KIMCHEE同魷魚.好多KIMCHEE, 啖啖都係, 感覺嗰個"餅"只係用黎做膠水痴住D料. 但係又幾好味喎. 係魷魚切得太細同埋份量唔係好多, 所以好似無咩魷魚咁.Gu Gu韓風醬雞半隻($70): 雞係炸過黎, 炸醬都幾厚下, 有d似kfc既辣雞咁. 不過好彩雞肉係炸完之後仲係嫩, 可惜都係一貫雪藏雞既通病: 雞無雞味! 食既時候就純粹係食雞肉既嫩同埋韓風醬. 好彩個韓風醬辣辣地咁好惹味. 令到呢碟餸變成全餐最好味既一碟.朝鮮風炒蜆($58): 感覺似係普通炒蜆, 不過用既係韓國既醬汁. 不過都係辣辣地咁, 用黎佐酒既話應該好正!食完之後朋友問我呢餐算唔算係正宗韓國餐, 當時我答佢唔到, 因為我係食既時候確實唔係覺得好韓國, 但又未至於去到香港菜扮韓國菜, 可能因為醬汁既問題啦~~~~ 不過而家諗番起, 覺得佢d野都好似樣樣都熟口熟面咁, 有一半香港人血統既韓國菜! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)