2-min walk from Exit A1, Yau Ma Tei MTR Station continue reading
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Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
17:00 - 03:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash UnionPay
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Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation Details
10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
火鍋 招牌海南雞 活魚刺身 海鮮 順德功夫烤魚 蟹雞鍋
Review (16)
Level4 2015-12-25
前日朝早去咗清湯腩王處吃東西,因為未食早餐,所以點了個咖喱牛腩面,發覺自己近段時間經常食牛腩麵,對牛腩麵的熱愛突然間湧上來了。牛腩面煮的夠曬火候夠入味,麵都很有彈性,連蘿蔔都好好食,加上咖喱味又令人覺得比較特別,吃起來塞得滿嘴都是,滿足感爆棚,抵消了之前落單的時候的不愉快,店員實在服務態度不夠好。間店一點都不闊落,環境其實係我看來是算差的了。吃完一個麵基本上都飽了,但是想著黎一次齋點個面唔抵,所以又點了小份的魚皮,炸的很好吃,很酥脆,不過我害怕熱氣容易上火。臨走仲點咗杯凍奶茶,降降火,食完牛腩麵同魚皮再飲下冷飲,其實不是很冷,天氣問題吧,感覺還是不錯。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
上次同屋企人黎打邊爐,見到間餐廳仲有海鮮同刺身食,覺得好吸引所以今次同同事攪farewell就book左位。餐廳氣氛唔錯,我們被安排上左閣樓坐無樓下咁多枱岩晒成班同事有傾有笑,唔會嘈親人。之前一直都想試佢地d刺身,所以嗌左生蠔,三文魚,希露魚,牡丹蝦仲有個活魚刺身而個海鮮盤上枱時我們都嚇呆左,靚得太離譜啦! 仲靚過d日本鋪頭原本我們以後刺身會逐樣碟上無諗過會砌到咁靚用盆上,下面仲有冰鎮住好pro!!!!!影相一流除左個樣有驚喜,刺身口感同味道都好新鮮好肥美,一定拍得住出面以刺身作賣點的餐廳而個瀨尿蝦都讚呀!蒜蓉開邊蒸瀨尿蝦好好味最後我們叫左個芝士焗波士頓龍蝦伊麵底蟹肉好鮮甜亦都好多肉食,配埋芝士味好濃郁撈埋伊麵一齊食真係好正總括今晚而餐食得好開心傾得好開心,好開心的farewell party continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
晚餐最好和一班友人一起去食火鍋,不但暖在心頭,食多幾款不同食材,更可以開開心心的聚首聊天。是夜來到油麻地的澳門丸記清湯腩王,友人們之前來食過,信心之選,我也沒有任何懷疑。I enjoy hotpot with friends, not only for the heat and variety of ingredients, but also for the chance to have a nice chat. Went to Macau Yuen Kee at Yau Ma Tei this time for hotpot due to friend’s recommendation. I had no doubt of his choice and just went ahead for that.招牌的蟹雞煲,十分足料,今次選了奄仔蟹,以增加鮮味。湯底非常濃郁,而且加入了不少香芹,令鮮味提升不少,食下去也不覺膩。經理在場介紹新鮮胭脂蚌,當然一試,煮到剛熟,一開口便食,質感彈牙多汁,而蚌肉呈粉紅色,賣相和北寄貝有點點相似。We ordered the famous Crabs and Chicken hotpot. It looked stunning because of the ingredients covering. Lots of crabs on top and the chicken covered all areas of the bottom. The soup was so rich and with extra freshness due to the celery. The restaurant manager introduced us the blush clams, also called pink clams, which the meat would turn pink once it’s cooked. It was so fresh with the juice all inside and had the taste of sea.友人極力推介,加入貴妃粉到湯裡,吸引了湯底,非常入味,但麵身彈牙又滑,絕對想一添再添。Friends highly recommended the royal noodles which is kind of a rice noodles. It was so smooth and absorb the soup very well. You won’t be able to stop adding more since it tasted so nice.一些常見食材當然不能少,手打丸類,本地牛肉 和魚鰾。這天的魚鰾非常新鮮,質素十分好,上半部有點點膠質,下半部亦十分爽口。You probably would ask me how about those common hotpot ingredients are like. We also ordered some meatballs, local beef and fish maw. Perhaps it is a bit too exotic. The fish maw was actually one of the best ingredients we had. So crunchy and fresh, and with full of collagen.來到丸記,真的不能不食清湯腩,火候控制得非常好,沒有令牛腩變老,而且蘿蔔也煮得十分香甜,連湯底一起飲便最美味了。You don’t want to miss the stewed beef soup here. Chef had perfect control on the ingredients and cooking duration. The beef was so soft and would melt in your mouth. The radish was so sweet and gave another layer of taste to the soup. Really worth trying. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
久違的宵夜系列又來了! 今次要介紹的是砵蘭「清湯腩」先來一客花生,lahris已經吃了晚飯,戰鬥力大減,點菜的重任就交給美女J和美男A,哈哈! 他們都是律己的人,所以,只點了3個菜先來一碟櫻花蝦炸蠔餅,蠔就唔算多,櫻花蝦就挺香了,好好吃,講開蠔餅,正宗的潮式蠔餅應該是用慢火煎的,不過現在多數都遇到炸的多。太熱氣嘛! 所以叫了半jar酸梅湯,生津止渴,開脾健胃,養顏美容,yeah!不過lahris覺得還是甜了點!再來一個蛋白瑤柱娃娃菜!!!夠健康的,娃娃菜好甜,蛋白呢,lahris覺得炒得太散,而且有點炒過火,老了! 起初還以為蛋白會似是蛋白賽螃蟹那種,大概是8-9成熟,即是蛋白開始成形又未完全凝固時就應該上碟嘛! 最後最後就是砵蘭「清湯腩」,蘿蔔清甜,湯也是清甜的,既有牛腩香,又有芹菜香,卻完全不油膩,正呀! 而且,牛腩也不韌! perfecto! 必食呀! lahris幾乎飲晒啲湯呀! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-04-09
呢間店好有趣,個名叫清湯腩,入到去有好多食物選擇,好似茶記咁,點知仲有火鍋,刺身和游水海鮮.好彩我係LUNCH入去,如果唔係唔知點算.是但叫個咖哩腩食.係巴基斯坦風味,香料味幾重,牛腩亦都好軟熟,不過就肥肉多過肉,薯仔就煮得唔夠稔.整個咖哩味既咸度略低,食到既全是咖哩香.所以味道唔太差. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)