2-min walk from Exit B, Kennedy Town MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
*last order:23:00
Mon - Sun
07:00 - 00:00
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Review (117)
Level2 2020-10-19
身為新界友, 唔係有事做, 也極少到堅尼地城出現! 難得出城,午餐打算吃一些特別的菜式....但價格也相應非常特別😝。 行行吓, 見到一間粥店, 突然想吃碎牛粥加炸兩! 睇到餐牌, 加皮蛋多兩蚊, 就加皮蛋吧! 碎牛其實也不是非常突出, 但那個粥底的確綿密細厚! 食完成碗粥都無出水好稀, 也不覺得加了粉漿! 當然也相信落少許「師父」吧!至於炸兩就要多加改善! 腸粉皮太粉太削, 油炸鬼唔脆, 有啲靭! 但價錢超抵食, 我個人認為此店CP值高! 同場其他食客好多叫牛腩, 應該相當不錯! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2019-10-03
卓記粥店對於我黎講都算系有小小地位噶鋪頭啦,因為我懶得煲粥食,所以每次想食粥噶時候就會黎卓記啦,白粥雞粥肉粥咩都有啊,基本噶粥底都系比較綿滑噶,我就中意叫鮮雞粥加牛河,真系正啊,價錢都中規中矩啦! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-08-21
次次嚟西環經過長卓記粥店都好想試吓但係同朋友一齊經過又費事叫佢哋陪我食粥,今日難得自己一個食,終於可以試吓馳名西環嘅卓記一個女仔食食唔到好多嘢,叫咗一碟叉燒腸粉同埋皮蛋瘦肉粥<叉燒腸$17>叉燒腸即叫即整,好新鮮呢雖然要等五至十分鐘,但係見到條腸粉即刻整出嚟,值回票價叉燒分量唔算好多,但係腸粉滑脫脫幾好食<皮蛋瘦肉粥$19>皮蛋瘦肉粥$20有找,非常之大碗女仔其實淨食粥都夠飽皮蛋大概有半粒,瘦肉嘅份量都非常之多,粥底煮得好綿,好食得來又抵食 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2019-07-01
去到西環海邊做了半小時左右之後,太陽也曬了差不多了,想說可以從堅尼地城走到香港站再坐公車回家。沿路有什麼好吃的就走進去吃一吃,然後就看到了這家粥店,人還不算太多,感覺吃的人都是道地的香港人在吃,就走進去點了個牛肉粥吃吃,因為這種簡單的粥品最能夠吃出簡單的美味。餐上來之後料實在有夠多的啦,尤其是肉的部分非常的豐富,而且不知道是不是早上才運過來的肉質非常的新鮮且沒有怪味,有些生牛肉會有怪味的,這家都沒有粥的味道也非常的鮮甜,其實要不是剛剛有吃的點甜品,不然我可能會再吃一碗而且店裡還有其他的好吃的小點,因為我沒太餓,所以就沒有點了下次有來的話我應該還是會來吃一次的,因為便宜又大碗。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2019-05-25
The rice flour rolls I had today tasted bitter and barely warm. I had only one bite then told the old man behind the counter about this and he said it was not possible that the dish was bad . When I told him I had been a customer for 30 years and just wanted him to know that the dish was off this time he did not seem happy and did not really want to hear. I then ordered their fried noodle and it was fine. Tasty and not too oily. When I paid, there was no offer to take the rice rolls off the bill, no apologies.It was a small amount but I felt there was a definite lack of pride or care by the workers there. Such a shame. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)