2-min walk from Exit A3, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 20:00
Payment Methods
Number of Seats
Other Info
May Bring Your Own Wine
Parking Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (6)
Level2 2015-05-27
今次真係要留個食評先.一路都好鐘意食佢地既蛋糕,又靚,又好食,仲要有送貨服務。今次試四味曲奇,唔單止我覺得好好食,就連我身邊一位要求高既老公大人都讚口不絕,真係好好味。1。果仁曲奇,有咬口2。茶味曲奇,初初放入口無咩特別,但後來茶味由口內慢慢散發3。牛油曲奇,清香4。朱古力曲奇,濃厚朱古力味,不太甜 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2015-03-07
My first review was about the awesome services and care that the team provided. I got some feedback from my family who all were in "aww" with the cakes. My mum does not use the internet, so I am more then happy to give the feedback on behalf of her."The mini cakes had a great fragrance and it was very tasty because it was not too sweet". She loved the variety. My family memembers who enjoyed the cookies and minicakes as well, told me that the cookies were very tasty too!From my perspective, I will recommend Tomakukki to all my friends in HK and use them as my go to patisserie for ordering cakes for celebrations!  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-12-05
Previously, this shop used to be Nicoles Patisserie but now it is called Tomakukki but they also sell Nicole's cookies.The star at Tomakukki is the watermelon bread.I have always wanted to try it because it is a loaf of bread that looks like a watermelon.Thanks to mkk for sharing a slice with me.It doesn't have any distinct watermelon taste so it tastes like normal bread and it tastes nice with jam or spread that you would normally put on it. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-11-18
早前,在報紙副刊看見大有商場喫茶店出售造形可愛且似模似樣的西瓜方包,不禁心思思想一睹其芳容。網上訂購僅須$98個,較即場購買便宜了二十大元,且可確保不會白走一趟。 作為慳妹,一定識揀啦!今日中午,親往小店取包,見到店中陳列的西瓜方包,色彩亮麗,仿真度極高,真的超級吸引,恨不得一口咬下去。 每條方形西瓜麵包均以透明膠袋盛載,再放入硬紙盒中,方便攜帶。據聞,西瓜方包的靈感來自日本獨有的方形西瓜。西瓜方包中的綠黑紅等顏色,乃以抹茶粉,竹炭粉和天然食用色素調色。綠色和黑色交錯出現構成了西瓜皮的紋理,用刀切開,可見到紅色果肉和黑色的西瓜籽,白色部份,估計乃敗筆之處,也可理解為未熟透的白色西瓜肉。 仿真度確定甚高,視感享受一流,味道呢?味道與白麵包分別不大 ,麵包質感極為乾身,抹茶味頗為突出,若塗上牛油或果醬同吃,食味或會更佳。吃罷一片,口極為乾涸..... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-08-19
上星期在大有商場看見有一間叫喫茶店的店舖,因為店名很特別,所以回去特意查了一下。店名tomokukki,概念源自蕃茄曲奇,所以店內裝潢和店方網頁均採用紅色為主打。店內除了有賣精美的件裝蛋糕,亦有原個生日蛋糕、cupcakes、結婚蛋糕、麵包和馬卡龍,雖然店子小小的,但每件產品的賣相包裝以至店內每件擺設均能看出設計者的用心。也許是店主曾經在日本生活的緣故,甫入店內,已有股濃濃的日系可愛風,彷如小朋友走進夢幻糖果屋,每件東西都想帶走。今期最強的人氣產品,一定要數這個西瓜麵包。重1.4磅的西瓜方包,有像真度的高可愛賣相,還有設計精美的外盒作包裝。麵包以抹茶粉造成青色的西瓜皮及墨綠色的紋理,內裡紅色的果肉採用了美國安全標準的食用色素,西瓜籽則靠竹炭粉造成。整個麵包每條盛惠$118,如果四日前預訂可享優惠價$98,個人覺得如果是這樣的價錢應該可以做得更有特色,比如說用莓類的汁液或是用紅麴粉來代替色素。打開盒子,看見西瓜麵包被透明袋封好,袋身上貼有賞味期限標籤,日期寫着18號,跟店員解釋的可放4~5天有點出入。解開包裝袋,急不及待把麵包拿出來,發現包身出現少許皺紋和下陷的情況,四邊烤出來的顏色亦有些微差異,不過麵包的手感卻很軟熟。拿起麵包刀,切下第一片,看見西瓜皮成寸厚,感覺有點失落。一直切至第三片,終於能清楚看見漂亮的西瓜紋。將麵包對角切下,把三角形底部扭幾下造成彎彎的效果,這樣一片片排起來遠看還真的可以騙人。味道的話,其實除了嚐到抹茶味,其他紅色和黑色的部份均沒有味道,所以需要塗果醬或是夾火腿。雖然如此,這個麵包還是氹得媽咪和外婆好開心,難怪店主說,相信每個蛋糕都充滿愛。不過話說回來,如果我家那台麵包機也可以造出這樣迷死人的西瓜包就好了~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)