餐廳由移民美國的越南華僑開設,裝潢帶點法國風情,更特別從越南引入碎米飯。 continue reading
Good For
Drivers Friendly Dining
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 23:00
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10% Service Charge
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Signature Dishes
越南碎米飯 藕苗蝦沙律
Review (81)
Level3 2013-10-25
(Please scoll down for English)▓ ▓ ▓食   物▓ ▓ ▓燒雞撈檬 $56 ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆燒雞金黃吸引,惟乾涸,味也一般。祖母廚藝不巧也大概能輕易烹成。聽聞芽莊所用並非正宗檬粉而是瀨粉。正宗不正宗,反正就是索然無味、粗嚡。連傳說中的「幾條痴埋一齊」的絕境也出現了。金歐燒蝦卷 $56 ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆所謂「金歐」,越南語意謂「沙律卷」。沾唇,微涼室温,咬下,米紙撕裂、米粉蝦瓜菜擠滿一口。蝦經多種香料醃過,怎麼還是淡淡的,但淡得頗清新,份量應增加。香煎釀墨魚 $78 ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆原隻墨魚筒,內釀冬菇粟米肉餅。墨魚軟熟煙韌,肉餅實在平凡。只值$40。西貢牙車快 $68 ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆牙(雞)車快(沙律),千絲萬縷的菜絲,配上碎薄荷葉和酸汁,醒胃。有雞肉作葷點綴一下,整個充盈起來。▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ 環境/服務/衛生/其他 ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ 裝潢設計法式。醒目的綠白色調,品牌功夫做足。位置不太舒適,午膳時分嘈雜。位處胡忠大廈2樓扶手電梯旁,12:00nn 抵達,店子還是半空。不消十五分鐘,門外已駐集了十多二十人了(也許是旁邊大家樂剛結業之故)。入座。侍者溫吞兼店面偌大難以兼顧,手揮得酸了才有人搭理。上菜至少候五分鐘。醋瓶的奶樽設計得體不會漬班班,但碗碟都耗損得很。是次整體評分(10個㊣為滿分):㊣㊣㊣㊣▓ ▓ ▓FOOD▓ ▓ ▓Grilled chicken vermicelli $56 ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆The chicken looked appetizing, but tasted dry and average。Seems like even my grandma can make this。Have heard that Nhaa Trang never use authentic vietnamese vermicelli, but ordinary Hong Kong/Chinese style noodle.  Authentic or not it just taste rough and extremely flat.Some strands even stick together, looked awful.Grilled prawn roll $56 ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆It's served in room temperature.  Rice paper stuffed with vermicelli, prawn and assorted veggie.The prawn is said to have been marinated but still taste thin, but thin in a good way.Need more prawn in it.Stuffed Cuttlefish $78 ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆A whole cuttlefish, with corn, dried mushroom and porkCuttlefish is chewy, but the stuffing is really so-soThis dish worth only $40 I reckonChicken Salad $68 ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆Veggie shredded to very thin, like it. Like the mint leave too.Accompanied with the chicken energized the dish▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓Environment / ServiceHygiene & Others▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓French style decoration.Nice branding---eye-catching, signature white & green color toneSeat and table not so comfortable, very noisy and crowded in lunchtimeLocated right next to the escalater of Wu Chung House 2/F, half-empty at 12:00.In less then 15 minutes, long quene appears (may due to the just closed-down Cafe de Coral next door)The restaurant is large but not enough waiters, waved my hand till soreServing is not speedy, take at least 5 mins to get on the tableDesign of the vinegar bottle very hygenic, but the bowl and plate are wear and tear badlyOverall score(10 ㊣ is prefect):㊣㊣㊣㊣ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2013-10-21
已經是第三次到芽莊吃飯了。灣仔的這一間面積都算唔小,就算是週末的午餐時間也無須等位。照舊和朋友一人點湯河 一人點撈檬,搭配來吃。湯河是一貫的清新,雞肉和牛肉搭配的很好,湯也夠香。撈檬這次選了魚餅,看起來就是大塊的魚肉球被切成一塊塊的,肉質夠彈牙,口感也很好。撈檬其實就是沒有味道的粉絲,需要自己加入調味料才行,酸酸甜甜的調味料更能帶出碗中蔬菜的清香,是不油膩又很滿足的一餐。而且每一份的量都很大,所以我和朋友兩個人才吃到一半就飽了,另外我們還點了蝦膏高麗菜,蝦膏味道並不算濃,蔬菜倒是很多種而且煮的比較軟。椰青中的果肉很薄,果汁比較多,是不錯的選擇。總之這一餐非常滿足,是非常飽肚的滿足!偶爾來一餐清新的越南菜也是不錯的! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今次一個人到芽莊,品嘗了一碗。生熟牛肉湯河是招牌菜色,果然名不虛傳,河粉幼滑,牛肉鮮嫩,入口溶化,我認為湯河最重要的是湯底。我在越南胡志明市旅遊時,當地人告訴我湯底是用牛骨,豬骨及雞骨用x成,加入花椒八角等香料而成。芽莊湯底非常清甜,散發香料味,香料能增強胃口,消滯去濕,醒神。還有湯河不可缺少的是大量的芽菜及切成細絲的洋蔥,再加入新鮮金不換丶青檸汁,辣椒粒, perfect! 沙律芽車筷主要有棷菜絲, 青木瓜絲,芽菜, 是很有益的raw food, 有大量纖維, 生食能保持維他命等營養, 再配以醃制的烤雞絲,及魚露青檸汁等調味, 既開胃,可口又有益! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-07-09
有一段時間在胡忠大廈工作,當時已經想試一下這裡的出品,奈何午市總有一條比等候電梯回辦公室的人龍在輪侯,尤其是下雨天情況更壞,令我打消了這個念頭。今次在晚市來這裡的原因,或多或少都因為這份情意結。另一原因就是這裡惠顧$100可有1小時泊車,$200有2小時泊車。可惜泊車的人也很多,我們約八時十五分到達,胡忠大廈要等五部車才可入。保安建議我們到合和中心泊車,與其無止境的等,我們就答應了。停車場職員就安排我們把車掉頭。我想大家不喜歡泊合和中心的原因都是路程較遠,而泊車後要在7/F轉電梯才可回到3/F。當天車泊在11/F,10/F才有電梯到7/F,經過一輪轉折浪費了一些時間。這裡的飲品選擇蠻多的。只是花茶已有近十款。今次選了壺裝的蓮花茶($36)。其實我已在其他地方嘗過一次,覺得味道難以接受。今次再試,我的結論仍然是一樣:「不是我杯茶」。這茶的味道有點像貓尿。由於當日不感覺到餓,所以我點了開胃的蟹檬($54)。蕃茄味令整個檬粉十分清新,蟹肉也很足料和鮮甜。奈何份量太大,最後也吃不完。想來個簡單的晚餐,這裡是不錯的選擇。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
越南餐廳黎講依間算係有水準裝修環境舒服又多款式簡香茅牛肉凍檬都夠多配料,青瓜芽菜蘿蔔絲好多既牛肉,香茅味唔重要加多D魚露先有味扎肉雞絲糯米飯見到D飯黃黃地色,應該係用左綠豆蓉一齊整扎肉雞絲又係好淡味其實成餐看似濃味但係全靠枝魚露糯米飯似黏口D既飯但又冇中式果隻咁煙韌,口感幾得意 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)