5-min walk from Exit F, Admiralty MTR Station continue reading
2529 3319
Opening Hours
Mon-Sun:08:00-22:00 (Last Order at 21:00)
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Number of Seats
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Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (24)
Level2 2015-06-19
This is a new cafe around my client's office. I was attracted by its simple renovation and mediterranean menu. So my colleague and I sat down, and find if there is any "Chef recommends" or "Signature". Oh God! We only find "V" (Vegetarin" & "GF" (Gluten Free), what a nightmare for a meat lover, it is a vegetarin restaurant! However, we are open to try NEW! From starters to dessets,  these dishes were surprisingly GOOD and TASTY!!**Lovely vegetarian cuisine, must try other dishes next time!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-05-31
整整一個星期沒有回家吃飯,難得這餐由我選餐廳,當然要吃得健康。來到灣仔的月街,很喜歡這一帶,位於市區,卻靜靜的,有種遠離繁囂的奢侈,最重要是有很多特色小餐館。繼上次到Spoil Cafe吃了頓出色的晚餐後,這次來到Maya Cafe。跟Spoil Cafe一樣,也是很小的店,狹窄得有點兒逼。幸好,店內的裝飾,配合柔合的燈光,把氣氛變得平和、愜意,狹窄反變成親切。燈飾更添上地中海風情。有晚餐供應,有前菜、主菜、甜品和飲品。是日的餐湯是蕃茄湯。新鮮蕃茄煮成的濃湯,十分稠,香草味濃。Mezze PlatterHummous, babaganoush, lebanese salad, cheese, olives and multigrain bread很豐富。每一款都不錯,味道天然。Hummous配上黑芝麻,茄子蓉配上白芝麻,賣相加分之外,出色的味道之上,更增一份芝麻香。沙律中的橄㰖又大又肥,吃畢口裡留下一陣橄㰖香。還有自家製的芝麻醬,十分香口。Baked ratatouille with feta cheeseEggplants, zucchini, bellpeppers and tomatoes in mediterranean spices served with organic brown rice and a side green salad這個法式的蔬菜大雜燴,蕃茄味特別香濃,除了香草,還加了feta cheese,添上一陣咸咸的奶香,是最天然的調味。糙米粒粒豐滿,很有飯香,十分彈牙。配上蕃茄汁,又是另一番滋味。還有混了橄㰖油的新鮮生菜,清新又爽脆。Baked stuffed eggplantsOrganic eggplants with stuffing made of mushrooms and sunflower seeds. The stuffing tastes like 'meat'! Served with fresh tomato sauce on a bed of organic brown rice and a side green salad沒有留意兩款都是蕃茄汁底,要是店員可稍作提醒就更好,可以試試其他醬汁,cashew cream sauce也很吸引。幸好,焗茄子也沒有令人失望。茄子大得像個巨型蘑菇,直到切開的一刻都難以相信它是茄子。放在紅紅的茄肉之上,賣相很美。試過在家烤茄子,絕不容易。這個茄子卻沒有烤乾,夠軟又多汁。蘑菇碎和葵花籽碎混在一起,口感滑溜溜中帶點硬,很特別。蕃茄跟茄子很夾。鋪在底的糙米,吸盡蕃茄的精華,清新又有嚼勁。晚餐的甜品可以在雪櫃裡自行選擇,款式都幾多。Brown rice pudding放在迷你casserole中,很可愛,但已吃了兩道糙米,還是選別的好了。Coffee trifle的賣相都不錯,還有chocolate mousse等等。最後,選了不太起眼的Chia seed pudding。Chia seed pudding相信是最健康的選擇。被稱為超級食物的奇異子,營養極豐富,聽得多但吃還是第一次。吃得很飽,酸酸的布甸來得正合時宜,幾開胃。啖啖都是奇異子,西米的滑溜加上芝麻的一點一點,口感很特別。很滿足的晚餐,每一道菜味道都很天然,運用簡單的素菜,做成如此不簡單的味道。跟中環的Life Cafe有點相似,比在上環試過的幾間素食店都要出色。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2015-05-22
I finally found a good quality veggie cafe in Hong Kong. Freshly ingredients. You wont be disappointed.All time favorite upbeet juice (Beetroot, carrot, apple, celery and lemon)My favorite is Gazpacho (raw cold Spanish soup), it has textile, layer of veggie and a kick of spice. Vegetarian Lasagna (the best in Hong Kong)Finish up with Brown Rice pudding (gluten free) slow cooked brown rice and coconut milk, unrefined brown sugar. A good meal makes your rest of the day a happy day.Very pleased with the quality, quality and service.I will definitely go back to try the meatless balls next time.MUST TRY.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2015-04-14
為左慶祝男朋友生日, 佢話想食素, 其實生日食素真係一個唔錯既idea!唔好以為食素一定係中式, 於是上openrice搵搵有冇特別d素食餐廳~見到呢間位於月街的maya cafe環境不錯, 仲見到用table map訂檯仲有9折!由於當日同男友好晏先食lunch, 去到maya cafe都仲未餓~仲驚試唔到好多野!本來只係叫左2個main, 不過服務員推介招牌菜沙律, 於是就叫埋, 仲叫左1枝法國啤酒同埋1枝澳州cider.食物份量算多, 又好食, 可能係素食的關係, 雖然唔太肚餓都食得哂食. 加上環境舒適, 周邊十分清靜寫意~是一餐愉快的生日飯 <3 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-03-16
今年身體唔多好,所以常常因為病倒而食唔到美食。大一歲希望身體能夠健康啲,所以生日飯揀左呢間地中海素菜。 灣仔星街被打造成為一條soho食街,帶挈埋係月街既酒吧,當然也不少得Maya Cafe。呢度靜中帶旺,人氣夠,但位置比較舒服,喺鬧市入面搵到一個小小空間舒舒服服食一餐飯實屬難得。 今次第一次成功用Tablemap book枱,非常方便,而且仲有email notification,不過我覺得如果餐廳有電話double confirm booking會更好。 由於我同男朋友下午果餐食濟左,差啲食唔落晚餐,我地猶豫左好耐食乜好。店員好耐心同我地介紹食乜好,同埋佢可以清楚咁講到每種食物同食材既特式同味道,我覺得服務態度真係幾好! 由於太多餐冇食菜,我地先點左個沙律Greek Salad with Feta Cheese($115),希臘沙律都幾多料,有車厘茄、青瓜片、洋蔥、紅燈籠椒。我都係第一次食沙律有紅燈籠椒,都幾好食!Feta Cheese係山羊奶芝士,軟軟地,又唔會太膩,少少咸,食多幾粒都唔覺太飽。至於沙律個sauce我估有及醋、檸檬汁同橄欖油。不過除左呢幾樣我估仲有其他香料,呢種味唔會喺出面食到,咸香開胃,有機會真的想請教下係咩汁呢! Main點左($162),呢個係店員介紹的。薯仔波既外表只係微焗,唔會太燶,sauce有少少辣。橄欖原粒食有點重口味,所以我只係食左兩粒。有一大條芝士,好似配紅酒會正啲(不過我點左白酒)。兩小匙的沙律好精緻,九層塔的香味好出。豆腐賣相好好,同個sauce都好夾,不過好易夾散,可能整得太乾,中間的水份都抽走了。我覺得呢個main幾特別,睇得出用心工匠,不過sauce的口味就未必個個都岩啦。 因為驚唔夠飽(其實最後食唔哂...),叫左 Meatless Balls in rich tomato sauce + pasta ($168),Meatless Balls係冇肉既"肉丸",肉丸主要係用磨菇做,之後再用調味去令到佢似真正既肉丸,一咬開已經散散地,口感略嫌唔似肉。不過個味真係似豬肉!幾驚喜!而且磨菇都好香口。意粉有啲硬,蕃茄汁好開胃。 本來有啲擔心叫smoothie會太飽,因為smoothie都有啲厚既質感。但我見佢有咁多特別既組合決定要試下,所以男朋友揀左Revival($60),係芒果、檸檬、青瓜同香蕉打出黎既。一飲就飲得出香蕉味,吞左後會"回甘"青瓜既餘香。我最飲唔出芒果既味。呢個smoothie都幾驚喜,我有諗過佢係咁好飲!開頭以為呢個組合會怪怪的。同埋飲左佢有消化左好多既感覺! 我仲叫左杯白酒Del Veneto Pinot Grigio(Italy)($75),來自意大利的,我覺得不過不失啦。好似配沙律最好飲。 雖然最後我地食唔哂,因為上一餐太濟肚了,但我地都覺得食呢餐係冇錯既。因為真係好fresh!店員既service係非常之好!希望有機會再來! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)