Opening Hours
Tue - Sun
11:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Number of Seats
Other Info
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
牛肋骨煲 石頭雜錦飯 豆腐煲 泡菜煲 炸醬麵 部隊鍋
Review (43)
見呢到有間細細間韓國野就黎試一試紫菜包飯入面啲料夠多,飯既醋啱啱好,加埋面頭有啲芝麻調味,好開胃豆腐海鮮湯,送一碗白飯,海鮮既甜味加埋韓國獨特既辣味,好想送多碗白飯,配上豆腐既清甜消劑 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-04-12
屯門真係無乜韓國料理,所以一直都好支持呢間E-MO小店。兩個女仔食飯,又唔想食得甘heavy所以決定食呢間韓國菜。雖然沒有華麗的裝修,但是有溫馨、家的感覺,光顧的大多是住附近的街坊。落單的阿姨是韓國人,能操一口流利的廣東話。餐牌簡潔明瞭,以綠色做主色調,感覺健康清新。 紫菜飯卷 (加芝士)$50 飯卷的材料有蛋、蟹柳、蘿蔔和芝士等,味道是偏淡的。蘿蔔很爽口,增加口感,令整體加分,而且一口一件十分方便!鐵板牛肉跟飯 $78 牛肉的份量算是多,配一碗白飯,剛好足夠我們兩個女生食。牛肉在鐵板上煎得很香,配上椰菜炒,味道一流。海鮮煎餅 大大碟的海鮮煎餅,外皮被煎得又香又脆。配料有點魷魚、小蝦粒、香蔥等,唯獨配料太少有點失望。總括來說,在屯門區小店來説價錢是比較貴。而食物質素雖然比不上市區的韓國料理,個勝在有韓國媽媽的味道。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2016-01-10
係市中心搵食,唔想食連鎖店的話,其實隔離的華都新都都有啲唔錯既選擇今次呢間韓國野係開飯都留意左一段時間,今次終於有機會去6點去到,當時舖頭仲有一半座位舖頭唔係好大,記得大概有6張四人枱,而座位都比較迫睇下餐牌,選擇不是太多同老公兩個人點了豆腐海鮮湯、泡菜湯同埋泡菜薄餅初時想點紫菜卷,可惜店員說負責包紫菜卷的人不在...所以無得試 豆腐海鮮湯、泡菜湯兩個都好少餸說好的海鮮呢...泡菜湯個湯幾入味,唔算太辣,啲豆腐都好滑另外泡菜薄餅,如果煎得乾身少少會較好湯飯的份量都算少...不過我記得去泡菜國旅行啲份量都好似差唔多坐隔離枱的阿叔應該係常客,一個人黎叫左兩個餐,泡菜湯同牛肋骨所以比較大食既朋友叫一個餐應該會唔飽 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2015-12-20
臨近聖誕,好多人出街,中午都好難有位食飯,結果行耐一陣街先去食野。屯市一帶周圍都係人,惟有行遠些到華都試下這間韓國菜。兩個人叫了一個炒粉絲及海鮮薄餅。炒粉絲:一點廚房就即炒,好有醬油味及麻油味,又夠熱,可惜食唔出韓式味道,沒有泡菜,也沒有韓式醬味,而且又細碟,如果唔加些韓式辣椒醬都唔覺食韓式炒粉絲。海鮮薄餅:都是廚房即做,到來熱辣辣,有點像酒樓成日食到的煎薄罉,不過是海鮮配料,有魷魚、蝦、蟹柳等,都算新鮮無異味,算好食! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-08-28
This restaurant is very popular in Tuen Mun, if you ask people that live around here; they will all say E-mo. People say that their food are traditional Korean food, that's why they are always busy. The shop itself is very small. I think they can only fit around 20 people. Today I came early, around 11:45pm. I ordered a beef vermicelli stew. The lady quickly took the order because I guess she wanted me to leave before the lunch rush hour. Anyway, the stew came and it was still bubbling when it arrived on the table. There were lots of beef and they were very easy to chew. The soup was so delicious, it tasted very beefy. The korean vermicelli was very stretchy. I put the kimichi inside the pot as well to add a bit more flavour into the soup. I finished the whole pot, it was so yummy! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)