8-min walk from Exit B1, Tsuen Wan MTR Station continue reading
Awards and Titles
Best Restaurant in Tsuen Wan (2013)
Opening Hours
11:00 - 22:00
Mon - Thu
11:00 - 22:00
Fri - Sun
11:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (474)
Level4 2024-03-16
今年情人節選擇在這裏開餐 因為想食扒餐會啱feel一點 這里扒餐出名大份和抵食 所以都想來這裏試他們的雜扒餐 但原來今日他們都有出情人節套餐 所以就毫不猶豫地選擇了 本來想再叫多一個套餐 但我發覺原來這裏的套餐價錢都不是便宜的 每一份扒餐平均都超過一百以上 可能在網上的價錢已經是過時了 所以平衡輕重我們決定了只要一個餐 但其實那個情人節套餐一份都等於這裏兩份餐了 首先上了例湯和蒜蓉包 那個酥皮湯都還可以 當然如果焗久一點會更加好 但蒜蓉包真的很硬 其實已經凍冰冰 所以都沒有期望太高 接下來就是上沙律 🥗那個沙律其實又唔係太凍 都係睇落好似放咗好耐一樣 不過個芒果都算甜 接下來主角上場了 其實主菜都很大份 如果講分數睇落係滿意的 因為看上去很大堆頭 打卡真是一流 但其實那個波士頓龍蝦都不是太好肉 這點就有點失望 但那塊牛柳是滿意的 一直都很喜歡食牛柳這個部位 配料方面都是雜豆加薯條 沒有太大驚喜 都是交貨來的 沒有額外叫飯和麵 因為如果只是普通白飯或烚意粉 那就不要客氣了最後甜品上場了 不過不失都是交貨來的雪糕 沒有太大驚喜 也沒有太大失望 最後的餐飲我們選擇了紅酒 🍷 因為是他們特別推薦的 但其實真的很失望 為什麼呢?不是因為他不好飲 如果講好飲他是合格的 但我們足足等了差不多半小時才有 途中已經查詢了很多次 食完都說盡快上盡快上 但最後不明白為什麼都要等半小時左右 職員態度是合格的 但如果為了這一杯紅酒要等上半小時 其實是浪費自己和客人的時間 這點希望店家會改善 總括來說這個情人節套餐性價比不算高 但如果是情人節的話其實都可以試一次 有很多情侶,原來都只是嗌一個套餐兩份吃 因為不太肚餓,其實我哋兩個人都已經夠飽了 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-04-11
懷舊扒房是一種讓人回味無窮的美食,它散發著濃濃的懷舊風情。以下是對懷舊扒房的形容:口感豐富:懷舊扒房的肉質嫩滑多汁,入口即化。每一口都能感受到肉質的鮮美和口感的豐富,令人愉悅。懷舊情懷:懷舊扒房帶給人們一種懷舊的情懷和回憶。它讓人們聯想起過去的時光,想起家庭聚餐或是在街邊小店享用的美食時刻。總的來說,懷舊扒房不僅是一道美味的菜品,更是一種情感的寄託,讓人們在美食中感受到溫馨的回憶和懷念。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-03-14
今日出荃灣午飯,同事提意到莎樂美餐廳,即拍板Go Go Go。由細食到大,這裡大件夾抵食,平民西餐,以$70鐵板午餐,食物質數不可太挑剔。落單後,馬上有餐包餐湯自己情有獨鍾必選羅宋湯😋😋😋湯夠熱、味道濃郁,勁好味(兒時回憶)周打魚湯~附送梳打餅😎其他餐廳已經沒有這塊餅了忌廉芝士焗豬扒飯~豬扒夠冧,炒飯底夠乾身鐵板魚柳餐轉碟上~味道一般鐵板午餐~雞扒黑椒汁,兩片雞扒。冧汁吱吱喳喳勁彈汁鐵板午餐~牛肋條黑椒汁仲有餐後甜品😎😎~朱古力雪糕內有碎朱古力😋😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-02-19
Denizens of Tsuen Wan are bound to have eaten at this place! 😎 For the rest of you, allow us to introduce you to this amazing HK style sizzling plate steak restaurant! 😍 Although we came for dinner, might we suggest enjoying a brilliant lunch instead? 🤩 Combo C is where it's at! What is it? Go and find out! 😎Now...Don't expect any premium customer service nor any fancy interiors~The shielding cloth is probably likely hugely insanely dirty so ONLY use it for shielding! 🧐鐵板黑椒牛柳餐 ($170)⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Sizzle sizzle the second the black pepper sauce is poured onto the tenderloin 😍 Serves up medium cooked! Light pink all the way through! 🤩 The chips and the veggies on the side are a wonderful pairing for such a massive cut of beef! 😍鐵板極品牛柳粒 ($108)⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Now you don’t get the sizzle for this dish, but each cube is suuuuuper tender! 🤩 Every bite was magnifico! At Salami, you always get the tomato spaghetti!周打魚湯⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Always get the white soup! 😍 The saltine cracker in the middle, definitely a local flavour! With a small bite of fish at the verrrry bottom! And of course, butter up the bread then dip it in the soup for that beautiful fusion! 😎Chocolate Ice Cream⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️To end the meal is a solid ball of ice cream! It's your regular Dairy Farm ice cream, but always a wonderful treat nonetheless!Salami has and will always be a repeat visit for us no matter if it's lunch or dinner! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-01-21
港式扒房餐廳買少見少, 莎樂美在荃灣三十多年, 有着傳統的裝修, 包括兩層的樓面, 偏暗的燈光, 雲石枱以及卡位, 還有清晰可見的水吧, 當然少不了的是長年累月吃鐵板餐而散發出的油煙味. 就算不點鐵板餐, 午餐點其扒飯, 也是找回昔日香港的較簡單途徑. 去港式扒房我一定會點黑椒汁, 扒類肉質並非太出色, 但這汁醬不但只為扒類起了畫龍點睛的作用, 而且拌飯味道也是相當不錯. 這裏的牛扒和豬扒並非如坊間所說的差, 至少夠熟, 夠大份, 夠厚, 也沒有雪味. 外面的叔叔紙牌人形, 應該是伴隨着這餐廳, 也就是是其吉祥物. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)