2369 8981
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
07:00 - 02:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (14)
Level3 2014-01-29
期待已久嘅SH 演唱會日子終於到啦,睇演唱會前當然要儲夠能量,不能餓住肚去睇。 點知當日中午打去尖東附近嘅西餐廳(好幾間) ,full book! 我即時灰爆。後來係OR search 到呢間, 有位, 當然即時落booking 留6:30. 我根據OR 嘅地址去搵,係尖沙咀中心行咗2個圈都唔見間嘢,心知不妙, 即時打返舖頭問佢哋係咪搬咗, 答案當然係啦。 好彩唔係搬得好遠, 只係去咗冠華中心, 即P2 地鐵站一出就見到。 所以煩請餐廳更新一下地址。 言歸正轉, 食呢餐意大利菜感覺好好,呢度環境寬敞開揚, 至於嘢食非常唔錯,而家開始介紹:Pizza: Piemonte 裡面有辣肉腸,鳳尾魚,仲有水牛芝士同乾酪。 由於薄底,口感好好,仲有啲咸魚嘅味估計係由鳳尾魚度嚟。 好好味, 讚呀!Salad: 叫咗三文魚沙律,酸酸甜甜,開胃,好呀!Rice: 叫咗至愛Mushroom Risotto. 好濃郁嘅菌味同芝士配搭得剛好, 唔太"漏", 大滿足。 是晚消費約$460. 食飽飽就上紅館,yeah~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Let me start by saying that we arrived early for dinner.  The restaurant was not at all busy...So much wasted potential. Roccos has a great location, great visibility from the street and nice décor. Sadly however, that is where it ends.The moment we walked in there was no one to greet or seat us despite there being more than enough employees. After standing at the entrance waiting, I had to approach a waitress to ask if we could take a seat (there were many seats available). I chose our seat. We sat for at least 10 minutes before I finally had to ask if we could have a menu. Despite the extremely bad service up to this point, I never gave up hope.After placing our order, we waited and waited and waited. Finally our food came out lukewarm. No doubt it had been sitting in the kitchen for a long time before someone thought to finally bring it out. The taste and quality was that of a Mc Pizza.  Surely the taste would have been better had it been served shortly after leaving the oven.After the main course arrived, we had to ask several times for our salad, which should have been the first course. The salad was extremely uninteresting and was drowning in salad dressing.  Yuk!All in all, the food could not have been any more mediocre and the service was the worst I have ever experienced anywhere in the world.The pizzas need an upgrade and staff should either do their jobs or be fired.I've put more effort into writing this review than Roccos put into doing anything right the entire time we were there.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-05-22
是日心情麻麻,禍不單行地晚上被朋友放飛機,幸好仍能找到一相識多年的知己作為陪伴,決定作出新嘗試~ 由於心情麻麻,沒太多胃口,大家打算找個地方有BAR + SNACK~於尖東徘徊了一會,幸好天氣尚算不錯,有陣陣涼風,亦沒下雨,於是決定試一試這間只有數檯客的Rocco's~ 我們挑了近馬路的桌,由於需要Take a Break,故想坐在較開揚的地方~ 大家同意先點少量食物,看情況再決定~Murphy's Draught - 這個實在沒太大的風險,只是小小的一杯已$65,感覺有點貴~ 而且入口雖甘,但不夠軟滑,還是Delaney's 的好~Parma Ham with Melon - 這個確實不難處理,亦很難有太大的驚喜,很多時亦會遇上很硬的蜜瓜;這裡是用哈蜜瓜,想不到是哈蜜瓜的口感與味道很好,很香的哈蜜瓜味,不會太硬,亦不會過軟,推介~Mussels - 吃過Parma Ham with Melon後有點期望,當然深信不會像Frites煮得那麼好~ 先試湯汁,有粒粒蕃茄,但沒有特別的香草或其他味道,不太吸引~ Mussels入口有腥臭味,失敗!很失望呢!試過Mussels後,大家決定轉場,不過來這裡CHILL OUT一下也是一個不錯的選擇~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-10-22
那天中午相約朋友在此雖然已經食左晏, 但都諗住一場黎到坐低飲返杯點知朋友喝停, 叫我地唔好叫野!?開頭朋友都無解釋為乜事咁勞氣我坐左陣就知唔對路!當時約5點左右, 晚飯時間未到, 又無人飲野店內近乎空無一人但一位操英語人士走黎同我地講...問我地飲乜我地話唔洗...隨即佢就話唔飲要我地讓返個位比佢.....我地即時扮唔明算數...我地坐緊一張近馬路既bar台...台面沙塵滾滾咁...我明近馬路係無乜計...但有客黎都係咁以抹下丫唔該...跟住聽返朋友講佢地叫左杯啤酒...但你點都諗唔到會係室溫啤...向服務員投訴...佢竟然話係呀! 啱啱換所以未凍.....即係咁...你明知就無理由仲比個客丫!? 定係佢覺得室溫啤係合情合理既呢???講返食物... 我就咁睇, 賣相就好似幾唔錯但聽返先知...個margarita pizza...主角就只有蕃茄芝士...但無蕃茄味既...過得人過得自己丫... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-10-16
男朋友對尖東果邊既BAR好有興趣.佢又鍾意食SALAD,我地就上OPENRICE睇下其他人既評價.知道呢間有SET LUNCH就黎試下.我地有BOOK位,所以唔洗等.我地大約1:00到達,入面已經有6枱人係度我地被安排坐近門口既附近,當日仲係有D熱.感覺唔到有冷氣我要求換位,佢地都好快執好入面既枱比我搬過去佢地有3種SETA) Starter + Pasta/ Pizza with Drink $89B) Starter + Pasta + Pizza with Drink $109C) Special menu of today with Drink $109我地CHOOSE左1個A+C,Starter 係磨菇湯OR SALAD,我地各叫左一個C係CHICKEN WITH POTATO FRIEDA係蕃茄辣肉腸PASTAStarter忘記左影相磨菇湯好好味, 好多磨菇容,好有口感,唔會好稀好淡Salad都幾大碟,而且個salad sauce好好味,唔會過份酸(因之前去另一個尖東bar個sauce極酸,難入口)只係食左前菜已經出乎意料之外之後先黎左pasta,份量都幾大碟,材料都多,真係有用新鮮蕃茄去煮,仲有加入菜,少少蒜調味,整體煮得極配合男朋友點既chicken with black pepper 睇落去好似好普通好簡單.整舊雞胸配薯條以為雞胸會好鞋口,但咬落絕無咁既感覺,都幾嫩口.無渣個黑椒sauce唔會太辣,剛剛好愈食愈上癮!!!最後加上餐飲凍OT,呢個就無咩特別啦埋單只係$198,仲要唔加一, 下次都會再黎P.S 佢LUNCH係由12:00到3:30, WEEKEND黎慢慢坐抖下唔錯. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)