1-min walk from Exit N2, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
18:00 - 00:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (55)
Level3 2017-06-12
老公睇雜誌見到間餐廳有啲特色嘅酒桶座位就 book 咗位帶我過嚟~老實講坐入個大木桶都幾焗但真係一個好獨特嘅 dining experience 食德國菜唔少得要食腸啦我哋叫咗個 sausage 嘅 platter,每隻腸都好食platter 上嘅漢堡扒似手製,都整得幾好喎薯格都好脆~豬手又係必食嘅德國菜菜式好大份㗎,略嫌鹹咗少少不過啲酸菜好好食法式焗蝸牛我就唔係好識欣賞 😅味道都 OK 嘅Dessert 係心太軟,還好~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
呢次係第二次黎到Fass,可以黎到呢度其實都係因緣巧合,同事介紹左間飲德國啤既餐廳,話有豬手,有酒桶卡位,有Band唱Live,氣氛好熱烈,我就以為係Fass,於是就帶左幾個Fd過黎食下飲下酒。6點半黎到後因為係星期五,Waitress話要book,我地冇Book到佢都安排左個位俾我地,但叫我地八點半要交位,真係好Full,如果星期六日黎食一定要Book。既然德國餐廳唔食豬手點得,於是我地就Order左佢個招牌德國鹹豬手,不得了,皮脆肉嫩,個皮咬落去卜卜聲,有股膠質係個口入面,好好食!其次我地叫左個腸仔大雜燴 sausage combo ,每樣特色德國腸都有,好好食,不過單食腸仔係會「漏」既,所以配菜就有漬黃瓜同酸菜,酸溜溜好開胃!至於個沙律係Lemon salad, 有d櫻桃蘿蔔片、提子同埋雜菜,個汁酸酸甜甜,幾啱女仔食!重點推介!德國Beer!唔記得乜啤,你同個Waitress講女仔飲唔想咁Bitter,佢就會推薦呢款俾你,有少少檸檬味好清新,食物份量其實唔多,但唔知點解三個女仔食非常足夠,好飽!不過去到最後,要澄清返間鋪頭係冇Band live show,環境唔係好吵好熱烈,但食質素高! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2017-01-18
Greeting from here. It is my first time to give a review in Openrice so let's have a great meal to start with!Actually it was my second time to have supper here. The food in here is super awesome. If you are a lover of sausage platter as I do, then it is a must-order dish on your list, tho the Schweinshaxe is the most famous dish here (of course i did order one haha). The risotto is on average and the apple crumble is a bit too sweet for me, more cinnamon can be added. It is a nice place for you to have a memorable dinner with the love one or chitchat with friends. It is highly recommenced to reserved table in advanced so that you can sit in the Barrel with friends. All in all, it is a nice place to have a great German supper experience here. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
近日同班好友去食飯,特地選了呢間環境好特別的酒吧餐廳。餐廳分為兩層,樓上大多以飲酒聊天為主,樓下就別有洞天,有五個大酒桶的卡位(可以坐6位),非常舒適,真係好少見。聊天時自成一角,唔怕吵到其他人,亦都好有私隱添。🍻👥食物質素不錯,德國腸分量及種類都不少;漢堡扒亦不錯,足料入味。而德國咸豬手就外皮烤焗得比較乾身,外皮食落比較韌身,而肉質分量亦比較少。薄餅就不過不失,煙肉洋蔥芝士等材料分佈平均。另外餐廳的店員服務很欣勤,好有耐性介紹食物。🌭🍖🍕最後,Happy Hour去到20:00,要把握時間早啲去啦。🕗「餐牌」我已經影左上載至openrice既「餐牌」入面啦,方便大家查閱相關菜式。📋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2016-12-26
友人生日飯,環境食物都不錯因為早到嘅關係,餐廳不是很多人可以靜靜地傾下計Order 左二個drink啤酒都有幾款選擇,仲有happy hour price豬手做得還可以,都脆值得一去 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)