3-min walk from Exit A2, Tin Hau MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Tue - Sat
11:00 - 20:00
12:00 - 20:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 20:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (66)
Level2 2019-07-13
他們沒有結業 - 搬了去鑽石山 A2 出口六合街。可以上 facebook 搵佢地。水準依舊很好,做八折($480)買了 flamenco 給母親慶祝生日。外表:外型華麗,不過朱古力片很容易因為溫度傾倒,拍照要儘快。味道:非常濃郁的朱古力,一吃就知道用料矜貴,但對小朋友來說這朱古力太濃,要配 vanilla 雪糕一齊吃。我自己則覺得味覺滿分。喜歡濃郁朱古力的朋友一定要試試看。中間有層熱情果/橙味 jelly - 老公不喜歡(覺得做多咗)。我覺得OK。個人喜好而已。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
一早想試哩間蛋糕店好耐, 但因為地點問題, 一直都未有機會試。昨天放工特意搭車過黎, 希望食到d令我有驚喜既甜品。去到大概下午5點, 只係賣剩4-5款蛋糕, 每款只得番1-2件。做定功課想試既Rosenana原來要訂, Freesia亦已賣哂。好彩, 哩度既蛋糕真係好似其他食評所講, 件件都好似藝術品咁靚, 我好快就俾另外兩件俘虜左!揀左既係Royal ($60)同Akina($60)。Royal: 網站上既介紹 - Chocolate biscuit base with layers of yellow fruit compote, cocoa gelee and creamy caramel。一切開就覺得好驚喜, 每一層都做得好靚。芒果同紅莓味既果泥酸酸甜甜, 配上個caramel mousse既焦糖味香濃出色, 加埋朱古力sponge, 成件蛋糕既味好有層次, 又唔會過甜, 令人非常满意。Akina: 網站上既介紹 – Matcha tea biscuit base with mango compote and matcha tea mousse。外形上我更偏爱哩一件, 佢既形狀好特別(雖然相中可能不明顯), 而配色亦好靚。哩件既layers比Royal少, 味道亦較清淡, 但綠茶味算濃, 唔會俾mousse既奶味搶左, 食完都口中仲有少少綠茶既餘香, 唔錯! 葉子既糖味較重, 而白色既花花係白朱古力, 味道一般, 但真係好靚!食完哩兩件令人開心既藝術品, 真係好想快d去試埋其他蛋糕!!!!!!!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-04-13
7月3日, 可愛嘅B豬滿月啦! 呢一個月真係覺得好漫長, 湊住隻豬仔真係又辛苦但又甜蜜~ 由於呀菲媽媽仲未捨得出街, 所以指示咗阿比擔起買滿月蛋糕呢個重任! 有品味又懶得行好遠嘅呀比就揀咗Thomas Trillion嘅mini cake喇!::: Classic Cheesecake ::: $45細細個嘅Blueberry Cheesecake, 有種雪紡嘅外層加上擺得整齊嘅藍莓, 賣相十分精緻細膩. 不得不提嘅係特別加錢訂制嘅生日牌, 要加個生日牌要收$50! 真係貴嘅, 不過就唔係坊間普通嗰d黑白生日牌, 而係一塊好似樹葉咁嘅不規則朱古力牌, 上面仲噴咗d金屬粉~ 人手寫嘅英文字好有味道, 仲要係我地要求寫咁多字都寫得晒! 作為B豬嘅第一個生日蛋糕又整得咁靚菲媽媽覺得都值得~ 仲唔捨得食一路keep住喺雪櫃... 講番個cheesecake, 佢嘅芝士味濃得嚟唔算口味, 質感係帶點creamy嘅糕狀, 係呀菲鐘意嘅味道~ 藍莓粒粒新鮮爽甜~ 好味!之前呀比已經買過呢度嘅招牌Rosenana, Royal同Snow White做呀菲嘅生日蛋糕~ 食過已經覺得佢地好有心機將d水果食材blend埋一齊做出清新嘅糕點. 而今次呢個簡簡單單嘅cheesecake更加中呀菲胃口~ 超鐘意! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2015-03-27
第一次來這家Thomas Trillion買cake店舖位置好找 裝修簡約一進店 有兩位女士正在取蛋糕於是乎和妹妹等了會十款左右小小件的蛋糕在櫃檯裡沒看到我在openrice看到的上面有個波波的那款選了三件蛋糕店員問我們要不要拿到比較遠的地方去大概多久才能放冰箱最後幫我們在外帶盒子裡裝了冰袋 十分貼心下午五點左右到家放冰箱 晚上十點拿出來作宵夜一打開盒子三件cake安然無恙藍莓芝士那款很普通 可能凍太久芝士硬了點另外兩款咬下去真的有種幸福的感覺!不會太甜甜所以也不膩!絕對是我的菜!希望下次去到有機會買到圓波波那款 明年的生日蛋糕一定要訂這裏的! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2015-03-16
I have bought Thomas's cake for 4 years already. 8-10 people sizeSnow White is our favorite. Layers of flavors. Pistachio stands out with the crunchy biscuit base. Yesterday ordered a specially made Color me. I must admit it look better than the picture in the website. Very flamboyant. However , the flavors were exceptional.  Passion fruit drives the first taste, pistachio and chewy apricot layer complements the mango mousse. The sweet chocolate surface contrasts the tangy layers, and texture-wise it has chewy, soft layers finished with a  crunchy base !Because I ordered the big size (2layer) it looks better than the regular size! $1200 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)