7-min walk from Exit B, Tin Hau MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
18:30 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (3)
Level2 2015-08-21
平時諗唔到食乜通常我都靠openrice搵食,今日心血來潮想試吓新野,記得朋友曾經介紹過呢間餐廳話好味,所以試吓。1. 沙律水準ok good,食材新鮮不過冇乜特別驚喜2. Seafood Paella 超好食, 飯嘅口感同平時食開嘅睇落好唔同,通常一般餐廳會用Bomba ,係食落真係好唔同,於是問佢哋用邊種米。佢答左可惜我唔記得咗係咩名😅3.Cold Cut:  Jamon iberico bellota, chorizo, manchego cheese. 新鮮切🍴鍾意食油膩野就知我講乜,你懂的😋自己睇相4. 麵包good,橄欖油同醋都有質素,佢哋自己醃橄欖獨特👍5. Scallops 👍👍6. Suckling pig (得兩舊,我冇食,朋友話好食)7. Prawns B+8. Sangria 味道濃郁,抵飲過佢其他house wine雖然唔係平,不過比到咁嘅質素,總括來講我會再去😊 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2015-05-09
Walked past Paella Paella a few times when trying the vietnamese down the road, so we decided to give it a try tonight. We went early 6:30 just as it opens so was lucky to get a table as the bookings don't come till later. The garlic prawn (Gambas Al Ajillo) was one of the best I have tasted in HK, really remind me of the ones I had in Madrid. Half pint draught, spanish beer - Estrella Damm was crisp and refreshing. We ordered the seafood paella which was the signature dish. You can taste the freshness of the seafood in the rice which was cooked to perfection. A little chewy, just the way I like it. Authetentic spanish red prawns... the clams were juicy. The dessert we had a almond cake which was recommended. A really enjoyable dinner in a cozy atmosphere with pleasant spanish music in the background. I almost forgot I was in the middle of Tai Hang. Oh, the warm water is served in bone china cup- a nice touch. Will definitely go back!  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
本地薑西班牙餐廳由中環BCN原店搬往美食天堂大坑,改名Paella Paella。雖然之前未試過檔次較高既BCN,不過新店感覺親民、設計夠raw,又有另一番風味﹗最欣賞餐廳對食材同煮法既要求,大部份食材均由西班牙運港,烹調做法依足傳統之餘,更加入創意調製新口味,非常有heart﹗食西班牙菜飲sangria是常識吧?Paella Paella既1 jar sangria雖然都唔太便宜,不過確實係好大jar,4個人每人都可以飲到2-3杯﹗最窩心既係連冰都用sangria整,就算溶咗都唔會整淡酒味,有心思,值得加分﹗鍾意西班牙菜既其中一個原因係佢地既tapas culture,碟頭細細,但款式多多。而呢款西班牙cold cut拼盤就有黑毛豬火腿、lomo (黑毛豬豬背肉) 同chorizo (西班牙辣腸) 配芝士。意大利人食parma ham就配蜜瓜,西班牙人食黑毛豬火腿就會配manchego cheese,又或者麵包片,更加突顯iberico ham既鹹鮮味。老闆仲親自逐款介紹添,餐廳既黑毛豬火腿全部都風乾48個月,由西班牙農場飼養、宰割豬隻,切片後真空到港。三款之中我最鍾意食黑毛豬火腿,肥瘦均勻,口感油潤,脂肪入口即溶。之後呢款第一次見既tapas,就係西班牙黑布甸配麵包,包上兩片既黑布甸係以黑毛豬血同西班牙米製成,賣相同台灣豬血糕都幾似,有好多人都唔鍾意食豬紅/豬血,偏偏我地呢枱人都好buy﹗黑布甸質感較軟腍,唔似台灣豬血糕咁結實,配埋香脆麵包同甜甜既洋蔥醬,超級醒胃,一D腥味都無﹗洋蔥醬稍為偏甜,但整體非常好食,誠意推介﹗必食﹗帶子carpaccio又係我必點既tapas之一,鮮嫩帶子薄片配以橄欖油同三文魚子、葵籽、蕃茄乾粒,食落更有口感,完全唔膩。另外,Paella Paella既西班牙蛋餅 (tortilla) 更有別於一般傳統既tortilla。先係賣相睇落比較似大阪燒,可能加咗沙律醬係面既關係。本來叫咗鯷魚tortilla,不過因為落錯單最後黎咗菠菜tortilla,起初我仲一路食一路搵D鯷魚,但係搵極都搵唔到XD另一個特別之處就係流心蛋餅,一般傳統tortilla都係內外全熟,而Paella Paella既西班牙蛋餅一切開就會有暖暖既蛋汁流出,金黃色蛋皮內層口感滑溜軟嫩,啱哂嘴刁既香港人﹗為咗一嚐鯷魚之味,我地就叫咗蕃茄鯷魚麵包。老闆話佢地用咗4款唔同國家既蕃茄做呢個茄醬,淡淡酸甜,更能帶出油漬鯷魚既滋味,非常好食開胃﹗壓軸當然有招牌菜西班牙大鑊飯 (paella),左揀右揀之下,最終叫咗西班牙魷魚墨汁炒飯,入口啖啖魷魚粒,夠哂足料,非常爽口,西班牙飯加入墨汁炒,粒粒香濃,而且煙韌有咬口,啱哂唔鍾意食軟飯既我﹗最得意係餐廳會比個迷你paella鑊客人做碟,非常有諗頭呀﹗食到最尾老闆仲特登過來幫我地挖飯焦添呀﹗餐廳一共有9款炒飯,另外仲有一款西班牙海鮮麵,睇落脆卜卜,下次一定要試呀﹗最最最後,點都要食埋西班牙特色甜點churro,最欣賞上枱仲係暖笠笠既朱古力漿﹗比外面一般既churro少砂糖,就算成條點滿朱古力漿都唔會好甜好膩,朱古力漿仲好rich好香,非常好味﹗ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)