2-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
2799 2818
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
18:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday
18:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE JCB
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Japanese B.B.Q
Review (13)
Went to the Central branch and promised myself to go to the Sheung Wan branch for their relatively cheaper lunch set!Were here a month ago in June and had the Three Kinds BBQ Set with salt and had an awesome experience.  My coworker had the BBQ with sauce and I felt I had the right choice coz the flavour of the meat is much overwhelmed by the sauce, while mine with salt still subtly taste the difference between the 3 meat - chicken/pork/beef.  I literally finished the whole set, even the rice!Today, I came because the other Korean place in Sheung Wan was quite full before 12:30 so I tried my luck here.  To my surprise, it has seats for the 3 of us!This time, not feeling for do-it-myself BBQ, I had Set J - Beef Tendon Miso Stew Set.  Mine took the longest to arrive but once I tried my first bite, I did not regret getting this!  The flavours were well managed - a bit sour and spicy and the right amount of saltiness.  The beef which was half fat and half meat, was tender and melted in my mouth.  Tofu was also very good to be at the bottom and can blend well with the white rice.  The dish was just perfect to go with the rice.  In fact, rice was not enough this time.  The rest of the side dishes were a small salad in yuzu sauce which was average, and a tiny dish with marinated bean sprout, spinach, and kimchi.  The bean sprout was eye-rolling good and different because of the black pepper added.  All in all, satisfying and full meal which made me wanna go back and try the rest of the lunch sets! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-07-12
Happy Hour 完畢,我跟「教練W」走到上環去,目標地點是「298」。「教練W」忽然問道「298」何解?心裡只記得香港某些上海菜館以 369 來命名,可是對兩者的由來也不明所以,無法解答!或者問我689 會更為合適!想不到平日的「298」也甚為甚為熱鬧,吧座及桌子也滿了,幸好還餘下最前的一張四人桌子。第一時間看看黑板上的 Today's Special,每每是精華所在。兩款精選都是 A5級的和牛,分別是牛小排和後腿肉厚切的兩個位置。經過一輪篩選,我倆選好了四款肉類,只待送來的一刻,便可開動了。由於廚師會讓客人有足夠時間品嚐燒肉,除非特別說明一次性上菜,否則燒肉都會是逐一送上。每一款燒肉都放上幾塊,好處是一次性品嚐得到不同的滋味,不過燒烤過程就會變得繁忙,因不同肉類或部位所需燒烤時間各有不同。必食的鹽醬牛舌,鹹度恰好、帶有濃郁的蒜香。我喜歡約七成的熟度,具嚼感之餘、牛味十足,兼且非常惹味!平日不太愛米飯的我,也要來了白飯,方不會浪費美味的肉汁。鹿兒島黑豚色澤粉嫩。大抵是因為全瘦的肉質,口感不夠軟滑,點菜時也在豬腩肉和黑豚中掙扎,這回選擇錯誤了!「教練W」本想選擇日本帶子,可惜都給賣光了,唯有退而求其次,選擇了侍應推介的特選厚切牛崩沙腩。鮮紅美艷的牛崩沙腩非常入味,不蘸醬油已十分美味。而肉質方面,軟腍與充沛的肉汁是其一大特點,入口即化的感覺更令人愛上。這塊鮮紅的厚肉,正是 Today's Special 的 A5 和牛腿肉厚切。整塊的 A5 和牛腿肉厚切霸氣十足,其他燒肉一下子變成了小粉薯。A5 和牛腿肉厚切備有兩款醬汁配搭,先來試一下青芥末的效果。辛辣的味兒令和牛牛味鮮味更形突出,單純展現出均勻油脂帶來的香氣和肉質具層次的優點!另一款醬汁是酸甜醬油。酸甜的口味較易受落,並且能去除油脂的膩意,相信兩款醬汁也能帶出不同的風格,看您是那一款的愛好者,而我個人則較喜愛青芥末的效果!吧檯的客人陸逐離開了,不過後排日籍客人的歡欣笑聲依然不絕,為寧靜的上環添上點點生氣。於編寫此食評前,在網上搜查日式燒肉的資料,豈料搜到日式燒肉的起源時,竟有意外的發現。原來日式燒肉的文化並不算深遠,有說是受蒙古烤肉和韓式燒肉所影響。在明治維新前日本人只以魚為主要肉食,其後為要增強國人的體質,才鼓勵進食禽畜,此後日人採用炭火燒肉,硬件與韓式烤肉有著極為近似的地方,可見「298」也被稱為韓式烤肉的原因。一直根深柢固的日本烤肉,原來源自其他國家。不管怎樣,前人的取長補短,致令今天的我們口福不淺! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
昨晚喝完苦茶已經好多了,謝謝朋友們的關心~ 我會趕快好起來的啦不然吃什麼都不感興趣嚕!而且饞嘴的我很難不碰零食嘛,連汽水都不能喝 ><"這天拉著行李箱趕過來跟朋友吃午餐,地點被我鎖定在這~ 因為我要吃烤肉平日的中午要在附近找個位置都很難吧,看大家的選擇都偏愛「生記」喔早前有看過這邊的午市套餐 價格都還蠻親民的啦,沒想到的是都客滿了啦我們被安排坐在高椅子的烤肉區,嗯...我不愛 坐得很累人嘛午市套餐的價格落在 HKD$75-150左右,我則選了最貴的那個太想吃烤肉了,什麼都不管啦~ 不過看它的餐牌在部位上的名字都頗特別就像在菜市場買肉的感覺,烤肉餐會附有 前菜 沙律 豆腐 湯品 白飯!~奇怪的友人說 點兩個套餐擔心會吃不完白飯跟前菜的部份最後只點了一份,另外再加點肉品~ 其實心裡默默的想吃多點飯因為最能吸引到我吃飯的就是在烤肉時啦,會比平常多吃點我選的 和牛三宝套餐﹝HKD$150﹞如果不嚐牛的話,這裡也有雞肉 黑豚肉選擇唷服務生忘了跟我介紹這是什麼部位的,但看得出來油花分佈都不同!簡單的淋上醬油來調味真的!每烤一片肉品都能讓我吃上半碗飯,這次吃不過癮啦~套餐可加 HKD$50 要一份牛舌,它的賣相不怎麼樣肉品的色澤怪怪的,喜歡烤至金黃酥脆才吃,薄薄的但肉味濃郁居然比和牛三宝的肉味更突出最受歡迎的當然是 鹽燒厚切A5和牛西冷﹝HKD$140﹞嚕帶著漂亮的油花 就這樣簡單的灑上鹽花來烤,肉味濃香 油脂香甜在咀裡慢慢化開最折磨的是此刻回想到它,就口水直流啦!!可點一份或只點一件的 塩醬厚切牛舌﹝HKD$35/件﹞ 初次烤那麼厚的牛舌有點不知所措的感覺,擔心烤不好的話會破壞了。把它的外表烤至轉色後就剪開分成小件這樣就可以吃到不同的口感了,先來的是腍軟香濃的 接著就烤至酥脆嚕在香港吃好的烤肉不便宜,但偶爾一次就無所謂啦想念台灣的烤肉趣 下回要去找朋友推薦的~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-12-27
香港也有好多家日式韓式的燒肉店, 不過要不是價錢貴, 要不就是質素不大好。愛吃肉如我, 為了痛惜荷包, 也甚少去吃。後知後覺的我, 要待298Nikuya中環店開業了才知道它的存在。肉的質素的確是一絕啊! 不過要留意, 中環店價錢比上環店要貴一截。不過環境就要精緻貴氣得多。是晚和T先生來到298 Nikuya上環店, 就貪它cozy一點的環境, 和稍稍便宜的價錢, 嘿嘿!298 Nikuya 上環店真的很小, 只有三張4人枱, 一張八人大枱, 和6個吧枱。所以, 想來吃飯的話緊記要訂枱啊! 如果兩人來吃的話如無意外都要坐吧枱位置了。對腳長的人來說可能會有一點點的「頂腳」, 不過整體來說我覺得是有空間感的。冬季時節大家都會穿大衣走動, 來吃燒肉時應該也會很在意抽風這問題。那你大可以放心, 店內可是一點烤肉味道都沒有呢。而且你一脫下大衣, 店定也會立即offer幫你把大衣揩好放入衣櫃里, 很細心。本來看名字Nikuya我還以為是日式的燒肉店, 不過打開menu, 見到非燒肉類的如小菜、主餐都是韓式的! 肉類呢, 名字卻是用上了日英中三種文字。嗯, 究竟這家店是日是韓? 不過也沒打緊, 肉還是肉嘛, 只要肉質好, 醬料不搶過肉味就好吃。好吃的話, 是韓是日又有甚麼打緊呢?牛舌是我最愛吃的烤肉類number 1。就愛它的肉質纖維多, 入口有咬勁, 不論厚切還是薄切, 烤起來的風味都十足。不過, 既然是自己燒的話當然是薄切的比較容易控制。輕輕烤至變色轉個身再烤一烤就可以。牛舌本就不肥膩, 多吃也不妨。用簡單的醃料也比較容易吃得出牛舌獨特的香味, 非常好吃。當然少不了吃豬腩肉囉。肚子上的肉的確是特別肥美。因此烤的時候也要小心火候, 小心豬油一滴下就搶火, 把肉給烤焦了。雖然說燒烤時已經把大部分的肥油榨走, 若果似我還是覺得肥肉太膩一點, 可以像我一般把檸檬汁擠到肉上, 靜置個五分十分鐘才燒, 那肉片就會帶一點點的清香氣息。也很不錯的。當然, 吃多一兩片烤肉就自自然然渴求一碗甘香的白飯作配送。一碗HK$20絕不便宜, 但份量絕不欺場之餘質素也是上好。粒粒分明飽滿, 帶香甜之味, 配肉來吃真的是一流啊! 就算食量不大, 我也很建議大家點一碗分著吃。真的, 除了白飯本來已經好吃之外, 我總是覺得和白飯一同入口的肉, 比直接吃要來得更香。牛豬之後就是雞肉。它不是我最喜愛的燒烤食材, 因為一定要全熟, 烹調時間就長。對呀我的耐性真的不太多...(笑)。不過, 我也真的很中意這個柚子胡椒醃料, 柚子味很香很突出, 不止聞得出, 更吃得到呢! 雞肉也是嫩滑可口。只有有耐性, 一定燒得好。最後就是千呼萬喚始出來的宮崎牛肉眼! 我相信店家是有意無意錯開上肉的時間。每次都是差不多吃完一半碟上的肉, 才會拿出另一款 (當然也可能是巧合啦), 相當的貼心。牛肉眼的牛肉味濃, 放到後頭是很正確的做法。油脂分佈平均, 入口柔軟近乎化開, 是當晚最好吃的肉類呢。燒一片少一片, 真是每一燒都是又期待又不捨!吃烤肉的良配除了白飯, 其實還有啤酒。留意噢, 上環店7:30pm 之前都是happy hour的時段. 杯裝酒精都是買一送一的。不過選擇就不是太多。看看你有沒有找到你的心頭好呢?本來以為光是吃肉不會太飽的我和T先生還點了一個泡菜餅(這不是韓式是甚麼?), 不過吃到後來, 哎呀, 才知道光是吃肉也是會飽膩呵。不過, 我也很中意這個煎餅呢! 外邊非常非常的脆口, 極是香, 內餡則是既熱又多, 超好吃。伴碟其實有一點微酸帶甜的醬料可以沾著吃, 不過被我拿開了... 沾著吃可以降低膩感, 不可錯過噢。雖然是飽, 不過因為太好吃, 還是清碟了。不得不說一說的是, 一開始給我們的泡菜餅是煎燶了一點的, 入口帶點苦味。向店員查詢之後被告知這種泡菜餅是很容易煎燶的! 不過她們馬上提議幫我們換一碟, 非常的貼心呢。總的是說是次用餐很愉快啊, 食物好之餘服服也很不錯, 多多少少有點在日本用餐的影子呢。我覺得很值得, 一定會回頭啦。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-11-20
Compared to its newer and swankier branch in Central, 298 Nikuya Kitchen in Sheung Wan maintains a rustic and low key decor with wooden furnishings so it looks more like a traditional BBQ joint. The Japanese/Korean yakiniku restaurant wasn't big but ventilation was decent so we never felt that we were smothered in smoke. Besides yakiniku, the menu also boasts a variety of Korean staples like kimchi, bibimbap, pancakes, etc. We mainly focused on the barbecue but also ordered some cooked dishes to share with friends. Thick Cut Ox Tongue ($100) - the menu wasn't kidding when it said thick cut. I've never had ox tongue this thick before and it was actually very bouncy and delicious to eat! JP Onion Style Prime Kalbi ($160) - the kalbi arrived already covered in chopped onion bits. We were told to fold the beef in half and only grill the side without the onions. By grilling this way, it locked in another layer of moisture and texture for the beef which turned out awesome! Thick Cut Sirloin ($140) - this cut of beef was so thick we were told to grill the meat halfway before cutting it into parts in order to cook more thoroughly. The beef was quite juicy and succulent! Pork Neck ($60) - used to the Thai style pork neck, the meat here wasn't quite as bouncy as I'd expect. Yuzu Pepper Marinated Chicken Thigh ($65) - the yuzu flavor was quite faint so it was hard to detect while the chicken thigh was decent. Harami ($100) - the skirt meat around the diaphragm was very tender while parts of it can be a bit chewy. Zabuton ($280) - the premium marbled Wagyu was pricey but definitely worth every penny. The marbling was gorgeous and it was my favorite cut of beef of the night! Verdict - while may be a bit pricey, the quality of the meat was definitely worth it. The Korean cooked food was just okay though as the bibimbap was too wet while I've had better cold noodles elsewhere. The kimchi was awesome though as it was very spicy - much spicier than those commonly served in Hong Kong and we all loved it!Follow me on Facebook: www.facebook.com/supertastermelFollow me on Instagram @supertastermel continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)