Restaurant: OPPA Korean Restaurant

To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.

For details, please click here, https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/zh-hk/waste-reduction-programme/food-wise-hong-kong-campaign

3-min walk from Exit B2, Mong Kok MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (1)
Opening Hours
05:00 - 02:00
Mon - Sun
05:00 - 02:00
Public Holiday
05:00 - 02:00
Public Holiday Eve
05:00 - 02:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (775)
Level3 2024-03-09
仿如置身韓國食燒肉咁…餐廳牆身有大量色彩鮮艶既塗鴉,不停播住k-pop,加上鐵桶組成嘅枱櫈,好有韓國街頭feel,雖然地方唔太大,但顯得親切。食物方面:免費既😂食韓國嘢就一定有前菜,呢間前菜四小碟包括有泡菜、青瓜、紫菜、芽菜,特別推介泡菜同芽菜,仲可以refill👍🏻一開爐,職員就會倒入有泡菜粒嘅蛋漿即席製作泡菜蛋,滑滑好香口(refill就要$18,-d都唔貴)牛氣沖天和牛拼盤(超值價$458)入面有美國上肩胛肉、美國牛小排、美國下肩胛、日本A4背峰肉、日本A4上腦肉、日本A4牛肉眼1++韓牛肉眼、澳洲和牛頸脊、澳洲和牛舌分量幾大,入口即溶。咩都有d唔使有選擇煩惱😂鰻鰻燒($128)有6舊厚切鰻魚,再加一包鹽味紫菜燒到香口煙韌嘅鰻魚再包上-片紫菜口感簡直絕了。重點係咁樣食法會完全食唔到鰻魚d淡酸味,只會剩返啲鮮甜味👍🏻海鮮湯($88)個湯大推,個樣睇落好似好辣。但係食落海鮮份量唔少,有虎蝦、蜆、八爪魚,充滿着海鮮嘅鮮甜味,-d都唔死辣。原個菠蘿冰($78)見到真係叮一聲,成個菠蘿好大個。拎住影相打卡真心正加上沙冰好重菠蘿味飲極都仲有,消暑一流,特別係食完韓燒更加要下火🤗呢間餐廳環境乾淨,氣氛-流。職員又親切有禮貌,值得-讚👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-03-01
呢間之前食過味道都唔錯,又收得夠夜🕚所以今晚一行四人又嚟呢度食嘢,食耐咗都唔使趕住離開舖頭😆9:30pm之後有宵夜餐$328!宵夜餐裏面有牛&雞&豬,好抵食👍🏻另外我哋仲嗌咗份雜錦牛肉🐮$388肉質嚟講,整體呢一間嘅韓牛係最好食😋另外要讚一讚呢度嘅醬油蟹🦀$218(一隻)估唔到咁多膏咁甜🤭💓個蟹蓋用匙羹潷到勁多膏出嚟~成隻蟹啲蟹肉同蟹膏加個醬汁,連埋個飯一齊食好好味😍😍飲品方面🍍原隻菠蘿沙冰🍧$78好好食,又好解渴好飲,真係原隻連肉打出黎,好新鮮😋推介🧡 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
見呢間鋪頭疫情前已經喺度 依家都仲埃得住 簡直係屹立不倒!應該有好多捧場客👏🏻我哋初3 十點左右去到 試咗宵夜set好抵 埋單$361!💰一直收藏咗呢間鋪頭 見佢耐唔耐都會出set大部分set都好抵 有啲揀唔到🤔最後決定食宵夜set 但因為公眾假期 就冇得10點之後任飲!😢如果收工同同事過嚟任飲啤酒就好抵 鋪頭開到凌晨兩點🌌🌛宵夜set有曬豬牛雞🥩🍖🐔😋- 豬五花 150g🐷夠厚 有少少正常韓燒豬肉騷味 配辣豆瓣醬同埋生菜泡菜🤩 一流!- 豬西冷 150g🐷好大塊好厚豬扒 色澤幾好 新鮮豬肉色 冇五花腩咁肥 但有濃郁肉味 滿足各位食肉獸😋🍴- 牛頸脊 150g形狀係牛扒 牛味好濃好濃 少少筋 有油脂紋 所以好有牛油香!🥩🐂- 雞肉 100g可以食到一絲絲 嫩滑唔柴 但冇濃郁調味 比較單調🐓生菜任食, 值得一讚係 生菜係即洗 唔係洗定喺度擺到乾曬嗰啲! 好脆好新鮮feel🥬配菜任食 有麻油豆芽 泡菜 芝麻海帶 同埋蘿蔔🇰🇷🥢如果覺得泡菜好濃味 都可夾醃蘿蔔配肉! 解膩之選喔🥢缺點食完 衫同埋頭髮會有油煙味~ 同埋鋪頭本menu都比較油🙈但適應會過嚟幫手刮走烤盤燒焦嘅蒜蓉 值得一讚!✨👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
突然幾位朋友相約,大家都話想食燒烤,之後就選擇呢間OPPA韓國燒肉店,入到餐廳,地方不大,但贏在有韓味,7點幾來到,都幾乎坐爆了。牛同豬我地都必定叫,味道幾好,服務員簡唔中會幫我地燒下,燒爐上仲可以煮泡菜蛋,之後仲叫咗個泡菜餅,另外仲有個凍鮑魚,呢個鮑魚真係好好味,又唔會難咬,凍食一流。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-11-05
為咗食醬油蟹,喺OpenRice揀咗呢間🥰我哋叫咗醬油蟹、醬油蝦各一份。已經包含咗白飯,唔使另外再加錢😍😍醬油嘅味道調得啱啱好,屬於偏甜的。我好鍾意呢個味~ 不過我覺得蟹會好食過蝦🤣蝦我覺得有少少腥,蟹就完全唔腥~另外再嗌咗個牛嘅拼盤,我覺得唔好食🥲如果另外有鹽俾我哋點,應該會好食啲。因為雖然佢有醬比我地點,但係未到真係偏淡。如果下次只係叫醬油蟹,同埋其他小食,唔知可唔可以呢?唔想食燒肉🙈🙈🙈 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)