Opening Hours
Tue - Fri
12:00 - 19:00
Sat - Sun
11:00 - 19:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash UnionPay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Cake-cutting Details
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (52)
Level1 2019-12-29
第一次寫食評。都唔知間野點解甘多好評,唔系搵打手既話我都唔信。比五星級酒店價錢,cafe仔既quality ..食物普通得不能再普通,連影相都唔eye catching...餐廳裝修成歐陸式,但系好逼,感覺淘寶feel...真系好逼。最最最重要系侍應好不專業,幾件阿姐係入面,自己上漏一set仲走來驗屍咁Check我地果幾set,怕客人呃左佢一set咁。埋單598 加一,330一位,咁既價錢JW好過佢好多,再不然加多少少去可以文華了。要不是朋友想去都不會來。 咁樣做生意唔得呀,依家d顧客好精明,比你賺一次賺唔到第二。呢間野真系伏咪濃 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
香港人工作壓力大,的而且確全球🌏數一數二,阿叔👨🏻人到中年,體會更深🥺。難得搵到一間遠離煩囂,環境優美,可以靜靜地同朋友傾吓計,嘆個下午茶,舒緩一吓平日嘅生活壓力確係賞心樂事!☺️☺️☺️.呢間茶室較遠離市區,雖然位處於半山位置,不過由中環長扶手電梯一路上就可以好易嚟到✌🏽。講真,如果唔係朋友帶阿叔嚟,我都唔知原來中環有間咁優雅高質嘅茶室。茶室裝修以舊式維多利亞風格為主,無論一枱一櫈,以至牆紙、階磚,甚至乎餐具器皿都貫徹相同,好有特色。😍😍😍.為迎接聖誕🎄嚟臨,茶室剛剛推出兩個聖誕限定下午茶餐,一個Ladies👩🏻,一個Gentlemen👨🏻,前者甜點比例較多,後者則考慮男士們少甜嘅天性,所以咸點較多件數。限定茶餐$338,包8-10款食物,雖然價錢偏中上,但食物高質程度絕對拍得住酒店級數,款款食物賣相吸引,又好味。😚😚😚.阿叔👨🏻特別鍾意龍蝦酥餅、黑松露蘑菇餡餅,皆因兩者外型精緻,味道濃郁,餅底鬆化。另外,小鹿cupcake🦌外貌夠晒可愛應節,唔相機📸先食簡直浪費咗甜品師傅👨🏼‍🍳嘅心機。隨餐會跟一杯英式傳統聖誕香料酒🍷,阿叔以前曾經喺超市買過,甜到叫救命,但呢度呢杯剛剛好,一邊食咸點,一邊飲,好夾。👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼.跟店員傾開計,先知茶室剛剛又有另一攪作,由呢個月開始,每逢星期四至六都會加推夜晚市段🕖,大家可以繼續享受呢度咁chill嘅環境,跟至愛、三五知己飲番杯酒🥃、食少少輕食🍰,聽吓靚歌📻,佢哋周不時仲會有唔同主題,詳情可以先問一問店員,不過又係期間限定,所以要把握機會喇!😉😉😉 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
很久以前和朋友去過,位於中環半山上店家說原先預計10月就會關門,但暫時會延遲到12月最終會搬去哪~暫時也不清楚。店家建議我們留意網上消息這裡的Tea Set 有分男生和女生,其實就是有肉和無肉的分別同時除了有做For Two 外,也有For One ~ 剛好我們是3個人嘛~就點了1 Set for two 女生的和for one 男生的我們每個可以點自己的一壺茶我選的是 - Lavender Honeybush 薰衣草的味道很香~喝起來帶點蜜蜂的香甜!Gentlemen's Omnivorous Tea Set ($298/For One)Ladies Herbivorous Tea Set ($568/For Two)只有兩層那個就是1人用Gentlemen喔~3層的是兩人用Ladies,其實單看兩Set差不多吧最底一層的鹹點有 - Cherry Tomatoes, Lemongrass Compote這個的味道有些獨特,帶酸酸甜甜的Mini Crispy Crab-less Cake ~蟹餅的味道不錯,但如果可以配沙律醬就好了Stuffed Brown Button Mushroom With Mashed Potatoes & Spinach - 應該是啡菇?但吃的時候看到的好像是白菇啊 ?Baked Yam Stack - 看起來很微妙,原來這個是紫薯片來的呢撻類的有 - Mushroom, Spinach & Onion Quiche, Salmon Mousse Filo Tartlet - 很精緻,味道亦不錯另外的鹹點還有 - Homemade Tomato Chutney w/ Herbed Cheese Shortbread 等Philly Cheese Portobello "Beyond Meat" Slider - 當中的Beyond Meat是素食來~但吃起來跟平時的肉沒太大分別喔甜點的部份,兩款Tea Set 是一樣的~除了Ladies的燴啤梨個人喜歡 - Canele ~口感很煙韌、Apple Crumble Tartlet ~有點太甜就是 Hojicha Dark Chocolate Cake - 焙茶味道不算很特出,但不會太甜最後的是 - Rout Cake with Homemade Strawberry Jam & Clotted Cream士多啤梨果醬較為酸,不過剛好平衝甜點的甜可能有漢堡的關係? 這Tea Set還頗飽肚的耶! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2019-09-28
Can’t believe this place is so close to us. Hidden gem! I know where to go to in future when my boyfriend goes to Phoenix haha..The interior design is European. I wouldn’t say it’s exquisite but it definitely won’t disappoint even if you are bringing friends visiting from Europe. Also, Peninsula lounge has horrible design - this one is much better.The food is greeeeaaaat! I was particularly impressed by the scone (served with both butter cream and jam! Classic british!), the finger burger, and the home-made jam. My bestie was impressed with the salmon pastry. We ordered Vanilla Rose tea and Peach Green tea. I was a bit disappointed by the Rose tea. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2018-11-21
I booked afternoon tea at the Tea Saloon for my sister’s baby shower. The food was great and the staff were very friendly, accommodating and helpful!The afternoon was fully vegetarian and it was such a hit with the baby shower party. The food was delicious and beautifully presented.We will definitely be going back again! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)