2766 2823
It is a famous steakhouse that serves in generous portions at reasonable prices. The steaks are fresh and imported from Australia. Besides, the shop is designed with an Australian theme and provides a casual dining environment. continue reading
Good For
Group Dining
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:30
Public Holiday
12:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Parking Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Meat Lovers Alaskan King Crab Legs Shrimp Cocktail Premium Steaks Ribs on the Barbie
Review (171)
今次去咗間名氣唔錯嘅扒房試下佢地嘅招牌,實話實說,食完真係有啲心花怒放🌸!肉眼扒7成熟,入口外層微焦,裏頭卻嫩得嚟個汁液四溢,相當juicy,咬落去肉香四溢,簡直係炸裂。但係,同桌的西冷就冇咁好彩,好似少少過火咁,食到尾段先返晒正常,幸好佢最後都過得去,唔至於荒咗一餐。至於啲芝士薯條,講真,真係好到爆炸💥!薯條金黄香脆,芝士拉絲得嚟唔會過於膩口,啖啖都令人回味無窮,不過份量確實大到搞到我哋兩個食唔晒。食完扒同薯條,本來已經七分飽,但焗薯太吸引,唔食又覺得對不住自己,總之就係甜頭收場,但唯獨洋蔥湯就實在沒能力碰到,下次一定要記住,眼唔可以咁大個肚呀!整體黎講,扒房嘅食物質素真係有保証,每樣嘢都做得夾心意,啱啱好。係,或者有啲小瑕疵,但總體感覺就係開心同滿足。下次再嚟,我一定會再試下其他嘢,相信一定唔會令我失望!👍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Been quite some time since I visited this Australian steakhouse and chose this place for a quiet late tea/early dinner on Sunday. A pity that they ran out of salmon steak, so went for a filet mignon-lobster tail pairing - favourite choice for those with difficulty in decision making. My companion could only take her steak medium well therefore this was slightly too well done for my taste. But the steak was succulent and not at all tough. The lobster tail was fresh as proven by the elasticity of its flesh. Regretted not getting double portions of vegetables on the side as their mashed potato was disappointingly cold and lumpy. The Caesar salad was pretty standard, though its signature bread was still great, especially when paired with house butter. Unfortunately I ran out of carbs quota and the bread went to a doggie bag. We also had a mojito and an iced tea with unlimited refills. The service was genuinely warm and all our requests were promptly entertained. The staff were helpful and it was a delightful $220 spent per head. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2015-08-17
跟女友去黄埔探完朋友,順道响附近揾野食,佢話想鋸扒,就揀咗黄埔呢間Outback Steakhouse。撞啱今日係星期六的緣故,要响門口等咗成20分鐘先可入座。我地order咗凱撒沙律配忌廉蘑菇湯,肉眼牛扒拼豬肋骨同埋牛肉漢堡。首先,黎咗一條贈送嘅餐飽,都幾鬆軟,唔錯!凱撒沙律就比較普通,麵包粒唔脆,啲菜都算新鮮,不過個醬好鹹,好彩係另上啫!忌廉蘑菇湯又係超鹹,飲兩啖已經再飲唔落去。接住嚟主菜,肉眼扒我地order咗5成熟,但係煎到好似全熟,好乾,冇乜肉汁;豬肋骨好淋,不過又係略乾,唔夠Juicy!反而個牛肉漢堡叫做合格,夠晒件頭,塊漢堡扒都幾Juicy,啲薯條都幾crispy。呢餐我地覺得好壞參半,有少許失望! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2015-08-04
個個都話依到個麵包好正,因為牛油係自家製。今日一次又真係好唔錯,好Creamy好令人一口接一口,但又唔會好膩。好淡ge 牛油味,好開胃。肉眼係每次必食,唔中意太生,叫7成熟。今次有d失手,因為有小小老同鞋。不過好中意個味,唔駛加任何醬,原汁原味甘食,如果可以嫩返D就好! 旁邊d薯條都好脆,好怕成炸定既薯條,霉晒,好油溢,不過依到就唔會,未必係即叩即炸,但至少去貸去得快,唔會有好霉既野俾你食。佢ge粗度好適中,唔會好薯好粉。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-06-03
又一位同事比澳洲假期帶走了,真心講其實我都好想去試下,真係要有勇氣夠膽衝,可惜我香港太多包袱,所以我哋幾位靚女好開心farewell!Outback 本身就係澳洲野食,就當比同事提早適應一下澳洲嘅dishes 啊!首先$488即時join咗member先,仲有啲八五折+ coupon,好過冇咁啦!Appetiser 要咗炸蘑菇,呢個冇得頂,每次來都係必食的,香脆既炸皮,Juicy既菇菇,加少少錢又有餐湯又有Salad,同埋我都好鍾意食佢哋一個黑糖麵包,你食得晒嘅話仲可以免費refill。Combination Appetizer 肉醬味肋骨雞搥拼盆,好鍾意個炸雞搥,夠晒新鮮熱辣!Ribs,調味做得幾好,起碼加咗BBQ 汁之後,都唔似白烚豬肉。粗身炸薯條熱辣辣又夠脆。Bloomin’ Onion® 特製洋蔥花球,呢個都好好食,但真係好油膩,不過唔緊要因為我哋主力用佢影相同埋selfie~ wahaha!燒蝦凱撒沙律,沙律菜都好食,唔會好dry,但係dressing 既汁就少咗D,啲燒蝦唔得,好似蝦干咁,乾爭爭又無味道!No Rules Pasta 雞肉拼燒蝦寬條麵 ,寬條麵配自製巴馬臣忌廉汁,自選雙拼燒蝦+烤雞胸,Pasta比較乾身,都算係彈牙,但我覺得啲汁太 creamy,杰身得來又冇乜味道。Diablo Steak Skewers 秘制辛辣汁牛肉串牛肉粒都 ok 嫩口,唔會 "鞋"烚烚。坐得幾舒服,服務一般happy hour 又可以飲下啤酒~吹下水!我哋Hea左三粒鐘,正到爆炸 XD continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)