All Branches (13)
This Middle-east cuisine restaurant opened in 1993, and there are many branches in different districts. It mainly offers kebab and curry with reasonable prices. continue reading
Additional Information
Meatless Menu Details: Wide selection of vegetarian dishes available daily.
Opening Hours
11:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
Reward Dining Points
Spot payment
Certified Halal Food
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (59)
Level3 2024-04-04
🌟整體評分: 7/10🌟❤️味道:8/10🧡環境:7/10🩵服務:8/10💚性價比:7/10💗小朋友喜愛度:7/10呢間連鎖中東印度餐廳有幾間分店,尖沙咀同灣仔都有,門口經過聞到燒肉味幾香,就試試佢!Signature 既烤牛肉Kebab, 牛肉焦香配上特製醬汁,非常惹味~可惜唔夠熱,美中不足!另外叫左乳酪烤雞配薯條,雖然係雞胸但唔鞋口,3色特製醬汁加輕輕香草味不錯!奶油咖喱雞飯香料味略重,唔太岩口味。印度芒果乳酪特飲可以話係最出色之作。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
哇,今次嚟到這間餐廳,真係一個開心嘅驚喜!🎉 餐牌上嘅每樣嘢,都係咁吸引人,揀起都要諗一諗。終於,我哋揀咗幾樣嘢嚟共享。首先,Mix Kebab咬落去𠵱口,羊肉嘅滋味,啖啖肉嘅雞肉,喺嘴裏盡顯其香嫩多汁,滿足到我嘅味蕾得咁好勁!😋 配埋脆卜卜嘅皮塔麵包,真係絕配!再嚟係Fish Biryani Salad,呢個菜式真係畀我驚喜到。魚肉鮮嫩適中,帶住啲鹹香嘅海味,而且個飯,啖啖都係爽口嘅彈牙,完美balance咗魚嘅口感。當然啦,飲品方面,我哋選咗Mango Lassi。濃郁嘅芒果味,同軟滑嘅質感,真係甜入心肺,餐後咁一杯,真係令人心曠神怡。坐喺度一邊欣賞窗外嘅風景,一邊享受這些簡單卻美味嘅食物,呢種感覺實在太舒坦了。如果你都喜歡搵些好味順口嘅平民美食,記得唔好錯過呢度啊!👍🏼服务方面都無話可說,店員嘅態度好親切好有耐性,食物上得咁快,滿足晒! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-05-15
上星期同朋友行完山,係愉景灣落,兩點零鐘就喺愉景灣商場搵嘢食。見到有一間食kebab,大家都耐無食過,就二話不說入左去。空間感ok, 但得兩三枱客,全部外國人。坐就快餐店格局,正常舒適。睇餐牌,第一個係lamb kebab$99就試左。同行朋友叫bbq chicken kebab $72!最後,lamb係好食好多,juicy好多,反而本身好中意食雞既我就覺得個chicken好dry!同星期六無lunch set/tea set全散叫,可樂,仲要淨係得百事😂$20Coffee latte / cappuccino 都係禁機果隻,28$!個lamb kebab好食,但價錢性價比一般。下次可有set先來 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
平日夜晚去食,人唔多,但上菜極慢等左40分鐘,得兩杯嘢飲,催幾次先上最唔開心係隔離兩枱,遲黎十分鐘嘅都有得食先,而且嘢食一樣….價錢貴,但係中東菜又係愉景灣都算正常嘅,但旺角尖沙咀會有更多選擇同平好多….嘢飲,都幾敷衍,冇🥭冇🥭味,又要得7成(冇冰)嘢食,份量都叫夠,牛羊烤過都幾香但等咁耐,送到黎都係唔熱,溫都算唔上😂換都懶得換朋友食左兩啖都寧願走去食seven😂😂除左失望就係好失望…….. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2022-12-25
worst experience imaginable. came for a quick lunch. the many uncleared table should have ring an alarm bell.took an age to get someone to clear the table, and even longer to place an order. use the table bell they say.....must be 'aving a laugh. tried ordering from the counter but they send me back so I can order from the pleasure of own table. order now placed. half the food arrive, but the chicken kebab was no where to be seen. eventually had to chase for it, a good 45mins after placing the order. do yourself a favour, choose another place for a sit down meal. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)