該店有82年歷史之東京銀座著名吉列豬排專門店「銀座梅林」於香港開設第一間專門店。 continue reading
Good For
Business Dining
Drivers Friendly Dining
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay JCB
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
VIP Room Details
Parking Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Sea View
Live Music
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
梅林吉列豬扒定食 梅林特選豬柳飯 梅林豬扒三文治
Review (55)
Level4 2014-07-07
睇熊貓之前去填飽肚先!因為有三隻馬騮!首先係要好坐!所以在ifc內揀!去到唔使等位!三大三小坐卡位!地方好乾淨舒服!以日式裝修!坐低個侍應哥哥即刻攞幾套彩色兒童餐具比三隻馬騮!然後放低餐牌!到我叫侍應要點菜時!侍應先同我講今日星期日!無沙律同刺身供應!佢解釋係因為供應商休息!我係有少少嬲!我由入門口坐低到點菜成15分鐘你都唔同我講!我有得選擇唔去你呢間食!有少少被騙嘅感覺!因為吉列係熱氣食物!無沙律中和下係差點!叫咗:梅林豬扒三文治--豬扒係薄身!有點酸醬夾埋一齊!不過夾埋麵包感覺略乾!好普通!吉列豬扒定食(黑)--豬扒厚切!外皮鬆脆!肉質都幾肥!唔會好硬,點酸醬食一流!椰菜絲新鮮爽脆!配芝麻醬好好味!白飯係珍珠米!粒粒飽滿!麵豉湯雖然唔係即沖貨色!但偏咸!味道一般!吉列拼盤定食--我試食咗炸蝦及炸蠔!都juicy!外脆內軟!蠔一點腥味都無!good!冷稻亭烏冬--呢個好差!烏冬其實唔錯!夠凍又煙韌!但個汁係好淡好淡!無味去食烏冬真失敗!旁邊三舊炸豬肉!略硬!無乜味!唔鍾意!食物都要等一陣!吉列皮鬆脆!裡面juicy多汁!不過因為太多炸物!食到中後段已經頂唔順!好膩!雖然椰菜絲好新鮮爽脆!都幫助不大!侍應都好勤快!地方好坐乾淨!希望下次可以早啲話比客人知!比個客人選擇! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2014-06-19
男朋友想吃吉列豬,放工後便來到這間餐廳。到達時晚上7時,尚有3、4枱空位。最近不可以吃太多碳水化合物,所以點了海鮮沙律,但侍應告知沒有貨 改為單點豬肉生薑燒 ($138)比定食便宜 $40,少了白飯(任裝)及麵豉湯。刨成絲狀的生菜可無限refill,因要減肥所以沒有下任何醬汁。整體燒得不錯,肥肉部分佔2成不過汁太油膩。侍應加茶也很主動,服務態度不錯。男朋友點的吉列豬定食 賣相也頗吸引,加上每枱也有3枝醬料 可自由配搭到豬肉上,包括梅林豬扒汁、青芥辣沙律汁、芝麻沙律汁。他對食物似乎也滿意。另有一次到訪點了這個玉子豬扒蓋飯,香味十足,非常開胃。豬扒略嫌做得太軟身。整體也不錯。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2014-05-30
本身打算又食GoGyo,但係一個星期食3次確實有點過分,所以轉場去左同層嘅梅林,反正IFC 店我又未試過。星期六下午1點半,唔洗等位就入得,餓反了嘅兩個人,以9秒9嘅速度screen 完個menu,無奈店內嘅待應太游閒,小小的店有5名以上嘅待應都冇一個人見到我舉手,唯有失儀大叫 "唔該!!!!"老公點的梅林特式豬扒飯先來到,外貌吸引食落仲吸引。大大一隻生蛋黃係碗面,蛋汁滲入飯底,就算食到最尾都唔會乾爭爭配埋滑蛋豬嘅汁,真係好惹味。吉烈豬好嫩好滑,就算浸過汁,外層依然非常鬆脆。好味道!!我點左吉烈豬柳定食,但係到王生差唔多食完先上菜。鬼咩,待應弟弟妹妹唔係傾緊野就係發緊呆,明明眼見個set 已經ready 左係櫃台都一段時間,都冇上送菜… 算,阿姐今日心情好,唔同你計!終於都有得食啦,對我黎講,呢個定食嘅靈魂就係啲椰菜度,每一次我都只係食1-2件肉,同好多椰菜,呢度嘅椰菜好爽,刨得好細長,好清甜。不得不提伴隨椰菜嘅醬汁,兩款當中我比較喜歡青芥辣沙律汁,係有wasabi 味嘅黑醋橄欖油,好好味!!不過都始終都係比較喜歡別家嘅柚子汁,所以今次少少地encore 左3次咁多啦!去到"主角" 吉烈豬柳,係櫃台放左咁耐,黎到都係熱辣辣,好脆口。4件當中有2件豬柳係我嘅,唔知係黑仔,定係我咀鵰,件豬有點鞋,肉唔嫩,唔鬆軟… 第2件比第1件腍,但係都唔係我以前食過嘅口感,好失望呀!Ps. 其實睇相都見到佢啲肉有啲實…肉就唔係咀好食啦,不過啲飲就好好味,珍珠米好綿好好味。椰菜餸飯,我都食晒成碗呀! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2014-05-25
My friend and I had plans to visit 28 Hong Kong Street’s pop-up bar on May 9th but it was raining pretty hard outside so we decided to meet up at IFC for dinner. While there are a lot of restaurants in the mall we had trouble deciding what we wanted to eat. We passed by Ginza Bairin next to the MTR station and saw no line ups – so we were like screw it let’s go in!The menu consists mainly of – you guessed it – pork. There were some other deep fried goods as well but pork (particularly cutlets) were definitely their main thing. We eat got a set.Each table were equipped with a tray of 3 sauces for the (bottomless!) cabbage salad that comes with every meal.My favourite was the wasabi dressing – sharp and slightly pungent. The sesame dressing was nice as well but I usually don’t like creamy dressing My friend ordered a Pork Filet Curry Rice. It doesn’t come with any sides-Japanese boxed instant meal used to be my go-to lazy dinner in the past few years. Because of that I am actually now quite sick of the taste. Good thing this didn’t taste that generic and was actually a bit spicy-The pork was tender though a bit on the drier side. Good thing it had lots of curry sauce to help.I ordered a Rose Katsu Set – it came with bottomless cabbage salad & rice, plus miso soup and some pickles.-While they offered bottomless cabbage and rice, we didn’t get refills because the portion was enough for me as is. I was actually quite full after the meal-The miso soup was actually tonjiru which is pork miso soup. It was rich and fatty-The first bite of the tonkatsu I took was from the end piece of the cutlet which was filled with fatty meat, so I was like “WOW this is so good!”. Unfortunately the next few pieces weren’t quite the same lol. Still pretty juice & tender thoughThe total was around $170 per person which I guess sounds about right for IFC. Food is average though, so I won’t be back continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-05-15
四月廿一日(星期一)今年的復活節很特別,在於小丸子要返工平日的上班時間,港鐵班次變得稀疏,附近的食肆又關門不做生意整天大家也沒有什麼心情,午餐決定吃豪一點同事一早已訂了銀座梅林,吃過中高檔的炸豬扒吧假日,午飯時間走進了國金,人流極少平日午飯時段總擠滿人的二三樓,人也是少得很其實,即使不訂座,walkin也是沒難度的坐下來,打開餐牌,卻又不想吃招牌炸豬扒,反而想吃炸蝦點了個滑蛋吉列蝦丼,不是定食也仍有麵豉湯一碗$148的滑蛋吉列蝦丼內有兩隻大蝦蝦的炸粉真的有點厚,吃了一隻後已感膩滯蝦肉也不夠新鮮,也不太彈牙唯一可取的,是滑蛋味道香濃也許,廚房如我的心情一樣 - 點解今日要返工???邊吃著,邊想起下個月的東京之旅心情頓時興奮起來 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)