Linguini from the Italian word "lingua" meaning tongue. Fini meaning fine or of superior skill and quality. It provides authentic homemade Italian food at excellent value. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
11:30 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:30
Sat - Sun
11:30 - 16:00
18:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Fazzoletti “Nose to Tail Bolo” Linguini Fini Rotisserie Porchetta
Review (153)
Level2 2014-07-01
好朋友話帶我去中環試新美食, 我連openrice都無search就話好, 一於呢間!由於我對中環/上環既高級西餐廳係零認知, 心想放開懷抱一試又何妨? 況且我對食既要求係簡單, 好食既, 要排隊等多少個鐘都沒所謂, 好像咖X弄. 唔好食既, 免費請我食, 都沒有下次, 這道理最簡單不過.朋友其實都沒有去過此餐廳, 都是朋友既朋友推介. 雖然是朋友既朋友推介, 但朋友絕對沒有hea, 要知道星期五, 晚飯, 中環區......等, 找餐廳食飯都是較傷腦筋, 因此要訂位是常識吧! 朋友預先訂好了1945, 因為朋友怕我因最近失常的天氣而塞車遲到, 預鬆了訂枱時間, 真是非常醒目. (因為好朋友是女性, 總不能用窩心來形容, 哈!) 感謝上天聽到我既訴求, 不但沒有下雨, 車程還非常暢順, 屯門到中環只需1小時, 1900左右便抵達餐廳. 入到餐廳, 情況極不妙, 可能還是happy hours, 又可能是星期五的關係, 8成坐位已滿, 只有近電梯口對出位置, 非常不便. 朋友怕我們太早跟預約時間還有段距離, 於是提出到附近逛逛, 可是這兒是皇后大道中, 莫講話名店, 連小舖都關門了, 因此我硬著頭皮向侍應查詢可否早點入坐, 而侍應竟樂意安排, 更沒有規定我們時間還枱, 真是喜出望外. 讚!由於朋友和我都沒有看openrice推介, 於是隨便點了幾道菜, LF Wings, Brooklyn Special(其實是Pizza), Arthur Ave Linguini With Clams. 餸菜一道道慢慢送上, 差不多快完成碟, 侍應便會端另一碟來.LF Wings其實和Buffalo Wings差不多, 夠辣, 好味道.Brooklyn Special(其實是Pizza), 清新素食披薩, 有意大利水牛芝士(十分有彈性, 有口感), 配烤紅椒和蒜頭, 加上炸茄子, 誰也搶不了誰的風味, 而最高興還有是我喜歡的薄批, 不會過飽.Arthur Ave Linguini With Clams, 我平常喜愛叫的一款便是蜆肉扁意粉, 因為蛋白質高, 保肝又能增進食慾,  而這道菜配蒜蓉和蕃茄果然令胃口大開, 吃罷我們便點了點品, 為是日畫上完美句號.Dessert Broad 其實是由6款甜品(其中有款是生果, 應該不算甜品吧!)的迷你版組合而成, 有Tiramisu, Chocolate Cake, Blueberry Cheesecake, Almond Panna Cotta, Seasonal Sobretti, Fresh Berries. 當dessert on broad, 連在旁幾桌的外籍人仕都為之羡慕(側目), 我終於明白(體會)什麼叫"眼濶肚窄"了, 低慶幸我既選擇, 令我和朋友了解這兒最好味的甜品是 - 排名分先後Seasonal Sobretti, Almond Panna Cotta和Tiramisu, 哪下次我們便可以試Cheese Platter(呢個都算甜品???), 快樂的時光特別易過, 但我真係要投降, 幸而有我朋友傾力相助, 我地先無變成"大嘥鬼", 多謝!  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-06-06
係中環行街,印象中Linguini Fini評分唔錯~~所以揀左佢,環境唔錯~~星期六7點左右,只有4、5台客人~~待應俾我地自己揀位~~不過2個人唔好意思坐大Sofa位~所以揀左張4人台~~點左以下食物:煙熏魷魚沙律水牛城辣雞翅大蝦意粉麵包就送上~~竟然係凍而且好硬好乾…開始擔心食物質素….煙熏魷魚沙律唔駛5分鐘就上台~~一望就覺得好油…. 一入口…想吐出黎..勁咸…. 我平時食野都算濃味~~但真係接受唔到~~魷魚就唔咸~ 亦唔Un~ 但食唔出係新鮮~雞翼接住上場~~拉番d分~~ 新鮮炸起~~ 再配辣醬、芝士醬~~但值得一提,旁邊西芹又係勁咸…通常餐廳都係配新鮮西芹~點解依度咁特別…會係浸鹽水到依一刻,我只係想快快食完快快走人~~意粉都好快出場~~意粉口感唔錯~~但都係好咸….隻蝦肉質麻麻,唔新鮮一離開餐廳,我地都同意:永無下次幫襯 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2014-06-02
買了下午IFC看戲的票,於是有時間在中環吃個BRUNCH. Linguini Fini在皇后大道The L Place 1樓,不算難找。中午12點上到來沒有很多人,基本都是鬼佬,無亞洲面孔。為何鬼佬吃個中飯都可以這麼HIGH,題外話! Linguini意大利文是舌頭的意思,fini意思即為優質,餐廳旨在以超值價錢供應正宗家庭式意大利菜。要了一份HANGER STEAK& EGGS,一份NONNA’S SPICY SAUSAGE & MEATBALL麥包适合蘸上流心蛋黄伴吃,番茄則是本地农场種植的有机蔬菜,特別有清新番茄味。但是, 2塊STEAK個人覺得烤的過老,無汁。相比之下,homemade sausage 和 meatball 會更有自己獨特的味道。肉球和香腸的原料選用天然無激素的豬肉,吃的放心! 少少辣,對於不吃辣的人來說,可能有些過辣。但香腸與肉球肉汁豐富,配上大量番茄和蒜蓉為豬肉調味。另外這家店環境幾好,平日早餐都是匆匆打發,週末可以吃一頓悠閒的早餐十分愜意。   continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-05-14
Linguini Fini, the very restaurant that emphasises on sustainability is launching their second round of family style Beast Feast. Promoting their nose-to-tail-nothing-goes-to-waste philosophy, the Beast Feast features a whole roasted Porchetta(suckling pig) and a few delicious dishes made with homegrown food. The feast is available for parties of 4 or more, priced at HKD498 per person and need reservation 48 hours in advance. Read on to see what's on the menu!The Beast Feast comes in a set menu, featuring a range of LF specials including a salumi platter, homemade burrata, whole roasted suckling pig, classic linguini fini Pomodori, homegrown vegetables and a dessert board filled with dolce.Before the feast began, LF signature homemade bread was served. This never change throughout the years, very classy and served on an anchovies can. Yet I always want them to toast the bread first, so the edge could be more crunchy.Salumi PlatterThe salumi platter is pretty much a must order item at Linguini Fini. I have this almost every single time I dined here. LF cures all their salumi in house. This platter features Lardo, Finocchiona, Picante and Lonza along with some appetite whetting Giardinera. Lardo (Right) was a thinly sliced Salumi with a jelly like texture that melts in your mouth. The Finocchiona (Back) was an interesting one. It was made up with rump, fatback and funnel which cured for 14days. The resulting texture was tender and juicy with a good oil content. It was slightly spicy and held great fennel taste. The Picante (Front) was my favourite. The pork loin was cured in salt and little chilli for 14days. It was a chewy and spicy piece with a strong pork flavour. The Lonza (Left) was a thin translucent ham, mildly salty with a sweet finish.Homemade BurrataThe homemade burrata tasted brilliant with colourful flavours. It was creamy, herby and milky. The tomatoes were sweet and juicy, a great complement of the burrata!Whole Roasted Suckling Pig "Porchetta"Tah-dah! The climax reached as Chef Vinny showed up with the cutest thing on Earth - a whole roasted Porchetta! Naturally glossy with a deep golden brown skin, the suckling piggie stole the spot light, everyone at the restaurant literally had their eyes on the pig!The suckling pig was one of the best. The skin was thin, crispy and smokey. The meat was utterly tender and meaty. The stuffing was very flavourful and herby, but tasted a bit too heavy for me.The Morstada was a wonderful sauce to go with the pig and the side dishes. It was sweet and mildly spicy.Roasted PotatoesThe roasted potato was my personal favourite of the night. It was so good that I almost (secretly) finished the whole plate by myself while the others having their focus on the pig. The potatoes had the most crusty edge and creamy inner. It was seasoned with simple salt, garlic and rosemary, but the combining flavour was heavenly! I went straight to food coma after this.Homegrown Organic VegetablesSweet beetroots, juicy cherry tomatoes and crisp grilled courgettes were served as sides. Always good to have some greens in a big meal!Classic Linguini Fini PomodoriIt would be weird to go to Linguini Fini without having a plate of linguini, so the classic pomodori was put on the Beast Feast Menu. The linguini was al dente as always, and the tomato sauce was nice with a spicy edge.Dessert BoardAn exciting dessert board with delights especially designed by Group Executive Pastry Chef Tracy Wei. This dessert board features tiramisu, chocolate cake, blueberry cheesecake, almond panna cotta, passion fruit sorbetti and fresh berries.The chocolate cake was quite nice. It was rich and moist but not overly sweet. Banana is always a good pair with chocolate cake. The Passion fruit sorbetti was a popular item on the board. It was icy, creamy and fruity.The tiramisu looks nothing like the traditional tiramisu. The cake looks as if it was very dense, but it was actually soft and moist. It was icy and sweet, with a strong coffee taste. The cheesecake was dense, creamy and was surprisingly less cheesy and filling than I thought!  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Linguini Fini is part of the Homegrown Foods movement,  a pioneer of its kind in Hong Kong but lately it seems to have been forgotten a little - especially it's original mission.  It still house-cures all of their salumi meats as well as making in-house pastas via extraction machines,  or via manual method.  They also have a sister restaurant Posto Pubblico which was born before this concept,  and Stone Nullah Tavern does more trendier Chefy dishes with flair.   Over here at Linguini Fini,  they are doing a Pig's Feast promotion for $498 a head.  Basically if you come with a table of 4 or more,  you get a whole suckling pig and various other dishes to share!  ******************************.Salumi Platter - With Finocchiona, Lonza,  Picante & Lardo Fat -Also comes with some house Giardiniera pickles.  The fennel sausages were really awesome and moist but the Lardo Fat stole the show,  it was infused with the right herbs and salt and melts in your mouth,  it was up to the best of the Italian Arnad, Colonnata, Cinta Senese and Spanish Iberico Lardo standards.  Prosciutto ham meanwhile was a bit dry to my liking.  Overall package:   7/10.Bread Basket -.White Mersault Burgundy -The 2nd bottle was much more oakier but more balanced.  Drink up!.House Made Burrata Cheese with Tomato,  Basil,  Olive oil,  and Pepper -This Burrata is made of Mozzarella, Mascarpone and Ricotta cheese and is huge.  I have had this many times,  it is still decent albeit less Mozzarella-like than the usual offerings,  but more like a Burracotta in taste.  The succulent and sweet home grown tomatoes were actually my favourite component in the dish!  ~ 7/10.Homemade Spicy Pork Sausage with Roasted Garlic Mostarda - $108This sausage seems to have grown in size !!     .Brooklyn Special Pizza - with Fried Eggplant,  Roasted Pepper,  Garlic and Mozzarella Cheese $248 18"Remember Pizzeria Pubblico?  This is now back inside Linguini Fini.   This pizza was so big and based on the New York style pizza base.   .Spaghetti Pomodoro -House extracted and cooked to a very Al Dente state.  Served with some pretty sour tomato sugo and basil.  It was quite refreshing.   ~  7/10.Fazzoletti pasta with Nose-to-Tail Ragu from Pork Testa,  Veal and Beef Oxtail - $198A signature dish here.   I thought the pasta sheets got thinner than in the past,  which made them susceptible to being slightly overcooked too soft.   Other than that,  the ragu sauce was still rich and herbal,  topped with grated Parmigiano Reggiano cheese.  ~  8/10  (except the egg pasta can be cooked to be less flappy).Roasted Suckling Pig Porchetta -Wow, it had a thin crispy skin and the aroma was the best of it's kind.  The stuffing was very fragrant with the herbs.  The meat was also tender and meaty for once -  this was definitely one very high quality pig and with the sheer size of it....  I can't believe they give it out for only 4 people's reservation!  Super addictive and done so well.  Actually the skin being wafer thin was so Cantonese-Chinese than Italian or Spanish or Portuguese style,  but somehow they pulled off this trick so well.    ~  10/10.Roasted Potatoes with Rosemary and Sea Salt -Done decently well with some crispy edges and well seasoned.  A lot of places stuff up this simple carb dish in Hong Kong.   But here they did it reasonably well.  ~  8/10.Roasted Homegrown Organic Vegetables -Some veggies with the meat never hurts...Dessert Platter -Tiramisu,   Chocolate cake,  Blueberry Cheesecake, Almond & Berries Panna cotta,  Mango Sorbet with Fresh Berries.   The tiramisu is definitely different to the past wetter version in a chocolate cup -  I prefer this one better for the right texture and taste.  The Sorbet was refreshing and strong in taste.  Overall,  Tracy's desserts here have improved gradually and I actually am starting to enjoy them heaps!    ~  9/10*******************You need to book this Pig's Feast by 2 Days Notice!    continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)