2559 0889
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
10:00 - 20:00
Sat - Sun
09:00 - 19:00
Payment Methods
Cash Octopus
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (52)
Level2 2014-03-03
逛街時路過這麵包店,被那濃濃的原始麵包香吸引住,店內麵包全都好有份量及質感的樣子。揀了個White sourdough w Hazelnut and Prune,麵包沉甸甸的,Size足有成人的臉那麼大,賣$68也是合理的。然後再經店員推介下要了Sourdough w Blue Cheese and Walnut $58, 一向愛吃Blue cheese 但未想過可以整麵包,還是酸種的麵包,所以很好奇味道會是怎樣的。回家後,一打開紙袋,已聞到濃濃的麥香,切下去時,皮硬脆,內軟棉有彈性,Hazelnut同Prune份量足,麵包平均地散布着一個個氣孔。吃下時,先是一陣恰到好處的香酸味,細細咀嚼下,麥香味混和着果仁甘香及西梅的香甜一齊湧現,越嚼越滋味。再試Blue cheese那款,表面看不到一絲Blue cheese痕跡,但只需聞一下,就能聞到那芝士香味。吃下時是濃郁的Blue cheese味伴着點點酸味,平衡了那可能使人覺得漏的感覺,反而使人越食越想食。因這店的麵包密度高,吃了兩片約1cm厚的麵包,已覺飽肚,而那是一種使人舒服的飽,不是飽滯有胃氣那種。店內除酸種麵包外,還有法包及一般穀物包,下次可試。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2013-12-08
I have tried a few of thier breads, but mostly I get the whole grain oat bread.It is really excellent, the texture is quite soft and yet full bodied. Clearly there is some nice oil or fat used in the bread but it is in not way too much. The outer crust is really perfect. I think this in generally waht a whole grain bread should be. (juat my opinion, of course!)Beware, its truly a fresh bread, and doesn't stay soft more then a day or 2 more.I hear some people in HK complain of lack of nice full textured bread, so please go there and see what you like!I have also tried some things I didnt like so much. One was the sourdough, a bit tough and not in a good way. I know sourdough has a particular texture and taste, but this one didnt really hit it in my opinion.I also tried the 9 grain bread, which wasn't really to my taste. A bit too....uh... I want to say, too grainy or something, but anyway its still nice, just not really my fav.They also sell little cakes with odd names, which I cannot remember, but they have one which is a chocolately little ring type cake, its really very nice in a way thats not over sweet and still really flavorful.Those small ones and odd smaller breads seem overpriced to me. The loafs are around $40 something, and worth the price. I have not sat in there to eat but they have a few tables and I never seen it full. I think they are on the major slope, which probably keep foot traffic down a bit, and seems like they serve the restaurant industry.I went near closing hour a few times, and they gave me some fair sized cut offs of other breads for free!!!!! So had free trying.The one lady served me many time. she is a little plump, (sorry, just describe her) and her service is VERY GOOD!!!!!! She did a nice job, thank you to her. A rare experience with above the call of duty service. I cant go too often cos bread is too naughty for my diet, and you have to try a little hit and miss to see what you like. But for westerneres and anyone who wants to experience what i think is a good artisan type bakery, give it a try. Anyway, you'll burn a few calories walking up the slope.One down side is, i went after exercise and had used octopus card before, thsi time the machine was broken! Not sure fixed yet or not.And if they are out of what you're after, its kind of disappointing, its kind of small place after all..... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
要數香港出色的麵包店,Levain Bakery必定入圍。這間麵包店是由法國引入的,以用天然酵母來做麵包為賣點,讓人感覺健康。喜歡麵包的MissJans從很久開始已經有留意這間麵包店,第一次光顧後讓我一直印象難忘,喜歡它產品的多元化和創意,更喜歡它麵包的味道帶有確確實實的歐式風。這天又經過中環一帶,便刻意走到這邊再訪這家店。Levain Bakery位於鴨巴甸街,要走一條長長的斜路才到,地點雖然不太就腳,但為了好吃的麵包走多一點點路也無妨吧哈哈!下午兩點多到達,見店裡沒什麼客人,本來想要外帶的我就跟友人進來慢慢坐著吃。店裡的面積不算大,裝修簡約舒適,四周的紅泥磚和木帶點古歐洲的氣氛;牆上還有黑板字寫上了店裡的餐點,感覺親切溫馨!店的另外一端用上了竹籃的設計擺滿了琳瑯滿目的麵包蛋糕,選擇非常的多,不過以酸種麵包為主;糕點的價錢為$18-$2X,而麵包則大概$6X一大個,分量十足,也可以買半個。餐牌方面有大路的三文治,沙律等供應作早或是午餐,為$50-$70,下午兩點後還會特別供應草莓和朱古力蜜糖土司!($58)剛好碰著有蜜糖土司的時間,我們就點了這個還有一款麵包,悠哉悠哉的在店裡享用下午茶!天然酵母榛子西梅(半個)White Sourdough with Hazelnut and Prune $33麵包是在店裡即點即切,可以要求店員翻熱。麵包本身甚為重身足料,就算是半個也份量十足呢!從橫切面可以看到麵包的密度很高,榛子均勻地分佈再麵包裡面,而西梅就聚於麵包表皮上面。咬下去,外皮是歐式麵包那種的脆硬,且沒有任何討厭的苦焦味,心中已經大喜;裡面軟韌濕潤且有嚼口,也比坊間的帶有更重的酸味和麵粉香,味道正宗,更讓人越嚼越開胃!榛子為麵包增加了香口感和果仁香;而西梅就帶來點乾果的酸甜味,味道豐富!本來跟友人打算每人吃一片其他的外帶,但到最後竟然清光!推薦! 草莓蜜糖吐司 $58雖然蜜糖吐司在香港越來越流行,但沒想到這歐式咖啡店竟然會供應這種台式甜點,不過從這也看得出店子也懂得迎合市場需求的哈哈!這個吐司無論是賣相或是味道都跟之前在茶木吃的有很大分別呢。麵包用上了牛油吐司,比白吐司更為香甜迷人;吐司是即叫即做,下單後店員才從盒子切出麵包條烘,所以烘的時間較短,令麵包條只是帶層薄薄的微脆,中間軟韌的部分更多,也避免了外層麵包皮過硬的情況!加上店員也沒有塗上很多的蜜糖去烘,所以更能吃出Levain麵包本身的好滋味,感覺也較健康呢!但如果是喜歡非常甜蜜又帶脆脆硬硬口感的話這個就不太適合了。配料方面是簡單的一球草莓雪糕,一球雲尼拿雪糕,鮮奶油和幾顆草莓,還有草莓果醬。雪糕質感綿密,也不會溶得太快,可以陪著麵包條慢慢吃;鮮奶油打得輕盈,不會膩口,能增加麵包順滑的口感!個人最喜歡陪著草莓吃,酸酸甜甜的,吃起來味道更為清新,不錯呢!蜜桃果汁(跟蜜糖吐司+$6,單點$25)果汁質地濃稠,甜度怡人,在吃蜜糖吐司時有解膩的作用。但味道就是坊間出售的果汁味道,畢竟店裡的主打是麵包不是飲品吧!總的來說,這次再訪Levain,麵包是一貫的好質素,味道跟質感都很為正宗,非常推薦給喜歡麵包的人;而供應的蜜糖吐司感覺也比坊間的健怡,加上環境寧靜而悠閒,不失為一個下午茶或聚會的好地點!Levain Bakery地址:中環鴨巴甸街39號地下  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-08-19
這晚和泰泰熊到美食展逛逛,到了尊貴美食區,走到了Levain Bakery的攤位,正在減重本來沒打算買甚麼的。但竟然給我看到了有Pistachio danish! 十分喜歡開心果的我當然不能放過,畢竟用開心果做的甜點麵包很少。 我們便各自選了Pistachio danish和 hazelnut danish 作早餐  ($35 for 2)把danish放進焗爐翻熱,屋內充滿牛油味呢,放了一晚仍然非常酥脆。Danish的表面鋪滿hazelnut及pistachio碎和牛油糖霜層,漲卜卜的,令人心動呢!酥皮層層分明,咬下去,酥皮鬆脆得一片片脫落,中間還有朱古力軟心,朱古力味黑醇濃郁。開心果榛子果仁味香濃,香甜的牛油糖霜層加上鬆脆的danish,美味得難以形容,甚麼減肥也要拋諸腦後!! 這個和我之前在深圳書城GAGA鮮語的鬆脆chocolate danish都是我的最愛!喜歡danish/croissant的不能錯過,詳情可看< http://www.openrice.com/restaurant/commentdetail.htm?commentid=2304079 > 說著說著又想吃了! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-07-11
吃完早午餐,雖然很飽,但既然一場來到中環,就看了一下自己的wish list有沒有什麼可以買回家的,太好了,原來bookmark裡有這家麵包店,就順道買來當隔天早餐。Cheddar Cheese & Cranberry Soft Roll $28 (7.5/10)跟最近試過的台灣天然酵母麵包,Levain的偏硬一點,用夾子夾上來的時候已經feel到。這個「soft roll」外型跟上野的養生歐克有七分像,但吃下去它一點都不soft,未至於超硬,但不soft就是了。甜甜的蠻好吃的,是Cranberry的味道,但Cheddar Cheese老實說吃不太出來。Oat Meal Whole Wheat Bread with Walnut (Half Loaf) $24 (5/10)本來以為要整loaf買,原來最少可以要半loaf,就請店員幫我切,半loaf都有6大片。材料絕不欺場,麥皮和walnut份量都很多,片片都清晰可見,但首先稍嫌麵包本身不夠鬆軟,麵包皮也因為隔夜所以硬得不行,然後whole wheat的味道只能說太原始了,怎麼說,有點raw,令我想起前陣子在日本吃到的Signifiant Signifie,不是我喜歡的就是了。比起台灣的天然酵母麵包,Levain在我看來接近Po's Atelier的,如果喜歡Po's Atelier的朋友應該會懂得欣賞這裡的出品。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)