9-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Mon - Tue
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Thu - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation Details
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (43)
我食過既第5間tempura omakase。日本人師傅製作,冇太大既驚喜都冇好特別既菜式,整體食物係唔錯,但experience就唔太好,由上菜到食完都係1.5個鐘內完成,第一次食到咁急,未開始食,師傅已經上下一道菜,好飲趕頭趕命咁,大家都趕住收工。7點入座,8:30食完,一埋完單行出門口,佢地就閂燈。omakase 文化唔係環慢慢品嘗架咩?呢一晚,送佢4個字,趕頭趕命。15品 $1,980 + 10%呢個價錢有更多更好既tempura omakase 選擇。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-04-17
第一次吃天婦羅選擇了日本人主理的一寶以我所知Sekiさん是一位經驗豐富的天婦羅職人,事實也沒有讓我失望,滿載而歸的一餐全部都好好味,就算平時唔鍾意食嘅嘢,經師傅處理完居然都可以接受並且覺得好好味!!可以令客人接受佢平時唔鍾意食嘅嘢,我認為呢個係一位專業廚師的魅力~最後個天丼到今日都覺得意猶未盡呢~~下次想同未試過天婦羅嘅媽媽再黎多次!!;)) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-01-06
口味不差但沒有Surprise,粉稍厚,上菜節奏過快,同時上三件,沒有考慮周到。特意要評價是服務態度,Omakase全程沒有介紹菜品也罷,向服務員反映左口魚有點腥,一開始服務員無反應,亦無向主廚反映,再重申後才去後廚向工作人員反映,誰不知突然聽到“魚梗係腥架啦,傻仔”,我們坐在最近門口位置,卻也聽得清清楚楚!頓時背脊骨落!即時向另一位穿和服的經理(?)表達極度不滿,主廚發現不妥才追問,可明顯和服經理沒有翻譯事實之全部,還說同事不是在說我們,真係當你係傻仔!離開時我們告訴主廚我們到底聽到什麼,主廚説”I will punch him!”Yes, you should, you totally should fire him! 再去就真係傻仔,今天算大開眼界! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2022-09-02
近年來來自日本的天婦羅專門店如雨後春筍般,有走親民路線的平價連鎖店,亦有走高檔路線的傳統老店,各式各樣,應有盡有。一直以來都想嘗試天婦羅omakase,可惜疫情關係未能到日本體驗,因此今次特地選擇在港開業多年,由日本師傅關豐一郎主理的一宝,一嚐來自日本的味道。甫入餐廳,已被其裝潢所吸引,彷如置身日本老店,有種「返家鄉」的親切感。餐廳面積不大,不過樓底高,未有侷促感。餐具上均有一宝的標誌,做工精緻,令人賞心悅目。今次選擇午市的omakase,十四道炸物和一份主食。剛點菜完畢,不久便奉上前菜。清蒸鯛魚卷 配以葱白酸汁,隱約帶點港式蒸魚的影子,不過魚肉質感有少少嚡口。沙律菜新鮮爽脆,鹽昆布同蕎頭的配搭,調味上層次豐富,清新開胃。炸物食之前特地做了小小功課,一宝的炸油採用紅花油,比起芝麻油,口感相對清盈。另外,粉漿用冷水調配,保持低溫,亦有助形成輕盈酥脆的炸衣,多食也不會油膩。雖然整個過程都由主廚主導,不過旁邊有助手從旁協助,一個負責放食材入炸鍋,另一個不時翻動食材,適時夾起,配合得相當有默契。來到重頭戲,第一道炸蝦頭,香口鬆脆。擺上碟時仍聽到熱油在滋滋作響,視覺與聽覺的盛宴。之後兩道炸花竹蝦,分別為原味炸蝦及大葉炸蝦,大廚建議用鹽、檸檬簡單提鮮。前者原味炸蝦,充分展示其鮮甜。後者包上大葉和紫菜,味道和口感層次更為豐富。第四道炸番薯,口感較「粉」,入口鬆化香甜。第五道炸鳳尾魚,魚肉滑嫩,裹上薄薄的粉漿,外脆內軟。第六道炸粟米,與番薯同是蔬菜,油炸過後卻是爽口清甜。第七道炸魷魚,魚身相當較厚,本擔心會咬不開,不過師傅功夫到家,火候控制恰到好處,非常容易咬開,彈牙爽口。第八道炸舞茸,上半部分脆如薯片,下半部分軟熟多汁,菇味濃郁,一點都不油膩。第九道炸海鰻,相對失色,肉質清淡軟腍,需要蘸大量天婦羅汁才有味道。第十道炸青椒,表現不過不失。第十一道炸蟹棒,炸漿厚薄適中,蟹肉鮮甜。第十二道紫菜海膽卷,熱辣辣的紫菜卷着暖暖的海膽,紫菜香口,海膽甘香甜美,上面點了少許山葵,甘甜中帶辛辣,味道更添層次。第十三道炸帶子,壓軸登場果然是本日最佳,炸漿脆口,帶子鮮甜爽口,中心位置依然溏心,保持柔軟,火候拿捏完美。第十四道炸饅頭,意味着尾聲,紅豆作為內饀,外皮煙韌,甚有和菓子的影子。主食有兩款選擇,分別為天茶同天丼,均以野菜蝦餅與紫菜為主角,與漬物同吃。前者比較少見, 淋上綠茶,並以一小匙鹽提味,清淡舒服的茶漬飯。後者的天丼保留其香口,簡單淋上鹹甜交錯的醬汁,十分惹味。甜品抹茶雪糕、蜜瓜、提子作為結尾,唯雪糕上來時已經開始融化。整體而言,主廚上菜速度緊湊,讓食客可以立刻品嚐剛從炸鍋出來的食材味道。雖然每道菜只作簡單介紹,但均細心提點每道菜適合蘸鹽、檸檬還是天婦羅汁。這種相處模式,食得舒服自在。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-06-27
Brother’s bday dinner. Filled up all 8 seats at counter. (Hope we weren’t too noisy for the 3 diners seated in the stand-alone table next to the door.)Here’s what we had.SaladSteamed egg with mochi and uni.Prawn heads - dipped with salt.Prawn - dipped with saltPrawn wrapped in shiso leaf- dipped with salt Kisu (沙錐魚) dipped in soy sauce. Perhaps I was busy chatting, but my piece of fish was not crispy and felt a bit soggy.Sweetcorn- dipped with salt Sweet potato- dipped with saltSquid- sprayed with lemon juice. Squid was very tender and bro immediately requested seconds.Prawn toast with shiso leafUni wrapped in seaweedMaitake MushroomSakura shrimp fritter- outstandingly sweet. Everybody requested seconds.Ginkgo AbaloneScallopEel topped with spring onion Glutinous rice ball with red bean fillingTo finish off: a choice of miso soup and Ten-Don (tempura fritter of assorted seafood and seaweed with rice) or Ten-cha Dessert: crackers filled with green tea IceCream plus assorted fruit. Chefs didn’t like to explain much, just pointed at the appropriate condiment with their chopsticks. Maybe they didn’t feel like interrupting our incessant flow of chatter.Halfway through, Gutless, sitting next to me queried whether she would be provided with those grease paper to soak off the excess oil. I didn’t feel it was greasy at all, but in hindsight the batter was lighter and crisper when I was last there a year ago. (Looking back at the photos back then, ingredients were 90% identical.)Slight incident of water dripping down the aircon vents (not on me), but chefs got on it smoothly asap by giving out a bottle of sake (second row, far right). In summary: safe choice for quality tempura experience. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)