3-min walk from Exit D1, Central MTR Station continue reading
The restaurant is decorated in pure white with simple decoration. It specializes in Spanish dishes, most of the ingredients are from Spain. The cookery is authentic, and the dishes have a strong taste. There is live singing show at night. continue reading
Additional Information
Meatless Menu Details: "Green Monday" vegetarian set lunch available on Monday. Some vegetarian dishes available daily.
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Phone Reservation
Outdoor Seating
Smoking Area
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (210)
Level2 2021-09-13
生蠔:新鮮有海水味,蠔身爽脆。配上自家製cocktail 裏面有紅椒、蕃茄、小紅蔥等材料更能夠引起海鮮嘅鮮味。對板。蕃茄橄欖油脆餅:欖油同埋蕃茄嘅美妙配合。鋪上脆口嘅麵包作為餐前小食非常開胃。火腿包馬介休球:火腿嘅濃香襯托炸馬介休球。入邊嘅材料均衡啲大嘅衝擊充滿口中久而不散。小食友報告太大浸芝士味。墨魚汁小馬介休球:墨魚汁嘅鮮味充斥喺個餡裏面令到整個馬介休球都充滿鹹鮮香,回味不斷。更勝火腿馬介休。白酒:清新嘅檸檬柚子同埋百花香味。好似夏天中一陣陣地中海嘅微風吹拂。海鮮沙律配克力架:八爪魚加上帶子刺身配以蕃茄碎橄油沙律。上面再有脆米餅。脆米餅有點像和風既香脆又可口。辣椒蒜頭蝦:蒜頭辣椒煮起嘅橄欖油配以大隻嘅海蝦蝦嘅質素相當之好。肉質既有鮮味亦都有彈性。相當對板。火腿:肉質鬆化,鹹香十足。食到停唔到口。蟶子:配以本菇同埋風乾火腿。雖然加咗啲BB椰菜仔,好有東方色彩嘅一碟餸。不過個人覺得廣東人豉椒炒蟶子先至係王道。燒乳豬:豬肉嫩滑鬆軟,豬皮香脆可口。整個感覺配合得非常之好啊。但係番茄薯仔餅不似預期。比較煙韌同埋過咗火喉。海鮮燴飯:非常之香濃嘅鮮蝦海鮮湯令到整個飯都非常之鮮香。飯嘅生熟度剛剛好。入邊亦都會有好多墨魚粒,亦令到整體嘅口感提升左。上面嘅海鮮裏面龍蝦係比較鮮味而突出。不過青口同埋顯就真係好一般啦。環境:環境舒適,燈光亦非常之恰到好處。配合窗外中環嘅商業區風景以及遠處半山嘅風景,整個感覺十分舒適。不過碰巧當晚有不少多外國人喺度Happy Hour,嘈咗少少啦。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
⛄️ 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬 𝐥𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐡 🎄 疫情關係冇咗晚市堂食,唯有食Christmas lunch, 男朋友好識做咁book左位於中環M88 嘅Fofo el Willy 🥰聖誕lunch menu 同平時lunch menu 價錢相差無幾,都係大約$360 per person1. Fofo’s signature scallop ceviche 個人而言,覺得一般,好似同個sauce唔多夾,但帶子係鮮甜的👍🏼 2. Iberico ham with tomato bread 個ham鹹香味好濃,但又唔會死鹹👍🏼配合埋tomato bread 清新嘅感覺,味道唔錯!😋但唔知點解今次嘅橄欖油落得太多,令到成個包都好oily , 扣了些小分3. King crab salad with mayonnaise sauce 🦀 本身好期待,因為第一次食嘅時候呢個好surprise到我,味道好不特止,仲要口感都好,但今次佢起下面放左塊有yogurt filling ge 餅乾,yogurt味同king crab 完全唔夾!令到成件事present得好奇怪🥴失色不少4. Garlic and chilli prawns 🍤 surprisingly yummy 😋 估唔到呢個係最好味嘅Tapas 😋garlic 好香,蝦肉彈牙,簡直係完美嘅配搭😍5. Waygu beef with truffle fries (medium)超正!好好味嘅和牛牛扒😍叫咗五成熟,真係一啲都唔鞋口!食得出好鮮嫩,油脂分布同肉質都係恰到好處🥰必食之選😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-02-01
今天到中環工作,下午放半天假,心想不如享受一個悠閑的午餐。上Open Rice 見Fofo by el Willy評價唔錯,還有Tasting Menu,一於試吓。上到20樓,望見光猛的大廳,還有精緻的擺設,有點相逢恨晚的感覺。Tasting Menu ($488)有4個前菜及4個主菜,還有一甜品,好抵。第一個前菜是西班牙火腿配蕃茄麵包,火腿十分之優質,富有鹹香。蕃茄麵包做法特別,麵包有點硬但亦脆口,包上面有蕃茄蓉,帶有淡淡的蕃茄香,味道OK。配上火腿,卻十分之夾,口感及味道都豐富。蟹肉沙律配有青蕷果及沙律菜,上面加上松子,用Mayonnaise 及Wasabi 做醬汁,甜甜地更能帶出蟹肉的鮮甜,松子又香又脆,令沙律有不同口感,清新又好味。👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻第三個前菜是帶子,以牛油果做底汁,上面鋪有類似炸芋絲的物體。牛油果味不濃,口腔充滿帶子的鮮甜味,很滿足。😃😃😃食咗三個前菜,與友人已讚不絕口,最後一個前菜,一上枱已眼前一亮,樣子十分可愛。泡芙上面放了一片三文魚腩,還有片片黑松露,泡芙內是酸忌廉,三文魚新鮮甜美。三文魚混和酸忌廉,原來很夾,味道層次豐富。放入口,不單有三文魚獨有鮮味,亦有忌廉的滑溜,還有泡芙的薄脆,加埋松露的香,好味到無得彈。😋😋😋接著的主菜是西班牙紅蝦,它用了上等紅蝦,蝦肉鮮甜,經過焗,十分香口。旁邊的麵包,用來點蝦汁及忌廉,鮮甜美味。👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻乳豬絕對是皮脆肉嫩,咬落肉汁香溢,360度刺激味蕾,好食到唔停得口,我只嫌一件太少。旁邊的抱子甘藍平衡了肉味,絕配。它的乳豬比The Salted Pig是有過之而無不及,Super Yummy! 😘😘😘澳洲和牛雖不及日本和牛幼嫩,但肉質鮮嫩丶多汁兼有濃郁的牛味,正!旁邊的松露薯條又香又脆,咸度啱啱好!無論主菜或伴菜,都是水準之作。👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻甜品是吉拿棒伴朱古力醬,吉拿棒又稱西班牙油炸鬼,是麵粉加蛋然後油炸而成。其吉拿棒充滿蛋香,炸得脆口,上面灑上糖粒,甜甜地,好味。單獨食也好,點朱古力醬也好,是一地道好甜品。😋😋😋除咗Tasting Menu,我們還加熱咖啡,絕對是一完美的ending note。 😃😃😃 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2021-01-08
Good food, terrible service, not sad that it’s closing.We had the set lunch, was rushed to finish the tapas “because the main is ready” then sat waiting 15 minutes for the main. That and a few other poor service moments spoiled the experience.The food itself was good, but service frustrating. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2020-11-22
Wonderful food! The staffs are nice and the environment is comfortable. Pity that there was a private gathering with around eight people.Their voice was quite loud and two of them kept saying some indecent words.They were drinking at the bar before returning to their tables. All in all, it’s a good restaurant with high CP value. Wagyu is so scrumptious. Added $188 for Lobster paella on top of dining set (special offer from Dining City). Personally I think it’s not worth. Anyhow, my hubby said that he still would pay extra for this dish with more variety. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)