3-min walk from Exit D4, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
連鎖式經營的港式茶餐廳,以「魚蛋稱霸、咖喱稱王」做口號。 continue reading
Additional Information
Meatless Menu Details: Green Monday vegetarian dishes available daily
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
Open 24 Hours
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Other Info
Opens 24 Hours
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (75)
Level1 2018-02-18
Did you know how bad of this store, the food is bad the staffs also bad. I have visit two stores in these few days last night in Shaukeiwan order the pork chop with CURRY SAUCE actually it’s not sauce the texture is like a soup and NO taste a’ll and you claim your curry is the best in local restaurant what a fuxx.I really not want to go twice but this morning my wife say may Causeway bay better than last night and this morning in cannon street I feel I still sleeping still a nightmare even worse than last night I have order the breakfast B did you know how hard to make the bad instant noodle and this store can now you can Celebrate ha ha.....And your staff are bad argue in front of the customers bad temper when busy, throw the food on table and gone and I can hear the bad thing in their walkie talkie loud and clear but can’t see the fat manager do something to manage the situation.And stop discrimination not every oriental face are from MAIN LAND CHINA but I think all your staffs are and I feel dog eat dog there, I really Disappointed HONG KING HAVE YOU. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2018-01-21
今天有幸光顾这家店。点了一份公司三文冶,質素奇差。Toast的面包皮是冻的。服务员态度极差,一男一女的服务员好像趕客,唔想做就不要返工。真的未见过翠華有這様的分店。之前在中环翠華的姐姐虽然忙,但态度也很好。大家以后都唔好去这间店。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2017-12-11
喜歡銅鑼灣糖街呢間翠華。。。裝修新穎,地方大.....但人少多數可以坐到卡位,慢慢地食個飯---三倆個人就傾吓計大聲笑又得;一個人碌吓手機慢慢睇套戲都得~~~坐得好舒服冇錯,可以坐幾耐都冇人理你係有一個缺點gei 想落單都唔易揾到人幫你不過取長補短,鍾唔鍾意就睇你當時想要啲咩啦!今晚一個人,慢慢地,簡簡單單食碗麵,50幾蚊,响銅鑼灣都唔係有咁多地方可以咁樣舒舒服服過大半個鍾㗎今晚的豬軟骨水準保持好味~~嘆番杯正常港式口味的奶茶,咁就過咗滿足的一晚 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-06-27
一天之始在于晨,今早开工前去了景隆街翠华吃个B早餐:滑蛋,脆豬仔包和沙爹牛肉公仔麵, 整体食物質素滿意。蛋夠香滑,竅門只有鑊要熱,然后熄火,手要快,不要煮太久,滑蛋就能輕鬆上碟!但是易学難精,考考厨子有冇用心做。猪仔包外脆内軟,额外另上煉奶,变成奶油豬!沙嗲麵,湯底冇妈呼(不是外面一般用的白湯),牛肉有咬口,沙嗲汁夠濃仲要带少少牛味。 值得讃是今早人手不够,招呼还是贴身,5分钟内上齊早餐,這对上班族非常重要。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2017-01-22
今日下午5點幾到同朋友到翠華食野,我地拎住好多野,一入去既時候已經冇咩人理我地,所以我地諗住是但揾個位坐,點知張張枱都好污穢。揾左陣,我地揾左張乾淨小小既枱坐下,因為張枱仲有好多飯粒關係,我就叫侍應幫我抹枱,佢是但抹兩下就走左,但其實張枱仲有飯粒,但都算,我地其實入去係只係想食奶油多同飲碗湯,所以可以即刻叫。首先,我地叫左個男仔侍應,佢叫我等陣,好,我地等左陣,但佢都冇行過黎,所以我地叫左第二個女仔,點知果個女仔話你叫番果個男仔侍應幫你。雖然我見到果個女仔係有叫到果個男仔侍應幫我地,但佢都冇過黎,反而去左幫第二個遲過我地入黎既客人落單。見到咁樣已經好嬲,之後我地叫左另一個年紀大d既侍應幫我地,點解佢話:「我而家係食飯時間」我地聽到真係勁嬲,到底係咩態度?所以結果我地太嬲想走,當我地著嬲想走既時候,個男侍應應該見到我地想走就過黎問我地係咪落單,但我地太嬲,所以都走左。雖然翠華係茶餐廳,但佢既價錢係偏貴既茶餐廳,但服務比平價既茶餐廳都要差,我明白茶餐廳係好忙,但d態度都可以唔需要咁差,入到去,完全冇客既感覺,我同朋友叫侍應既時候都係好有禮貌,係有講:「唔該,想落一落單。」點解個回應係好似得罪左佢地咁,真係好嬲。到夜晚,我諗住打依篇野既時候,我忘記左係銅鑼灣邊一間,因為翠華分店太多,我只記得係總統戲院對面,為了唔好怪錯其他分店,我打左去問,之後我問個員工幾點關門,佢態度好差咁答:「24小時架喎。」真係嬲上加嬲。所以入去食野既人,你地真係要預左d態度係會勁差 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)