The shopfront of this skewer restaurant is designed with vintage Japanese style. It uses different types of meat, seafood to serve skewers and bake dishes that taste nice to pair with sake. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 02:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE Diners
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
Parking Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Ox-touge Lamb Rack Salty Carrot and Pork Rolls Beef Filets Chicken Wings Goose Liver
Review (38)
Level1 2016-11-19
Why are you wasting your time considering this restaurant? I came here with my girlfriend, with no expectations at all. Yet I was still appalled.How can one with no expectations be disappointed?Service. Terrible.Food. Terrible.Atmosphere. Terrible.We should have just left when we noticed they were completely empty on a Saturday night.Terrible.Just go to McDonalds if you've reached the end of this review. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2013-03-18
之前想黎食,但係WALK IN 竟然冇位!今次訂定位先黎!叫了南亭特色二人前,但一行三人,問了侍應,可以改做三人前,所有野2變3!凍豆腐,很ORDINARY啦,我亦覺很難做得出色的,沒什麼好評露筍豬肉卷豬肉燒得香脆,露筍有汁可惜有渣雞軟骨不嬲都鍾意食雞油味很香,軟骨有嚼勁~(請用國語讀出)燒雞翼很難得燒得咁JUICY但係雞皮可以再脆啲南蠻燒牛肉牛肉很腍多汁,但我個人唔太欣賞佢個醬汁,鹽燒可能更好味!大蝦,幾大隻,肉質唔”梅“但都唔爽不過佢單叫價錢都唔平,係回本之作多春魚(外加)冇食到,不評但睇落唔夠飽滿鴨胸大蔥串其實我一直都唔鍾意食個D煙鴨胸,都係加工食品味道很難會有特別吧?呢個串燒都係用呢啲即食鴨胸,所以味道都係⋯⋯大蔥甜但有渣(我係好煩,少少渣都唔中意)燒白鱔,外面燒得很脆!有少少骨但很大條的鱔很肥多油我本身唔鍾意食鱔都食晒茄子都仲幾多汁我不嬲都唔鍾意依茄子因為陣腥味但係呢度整到冇,俾面食左一舊三文魚茶漬飯唔好意思都要講句,雞肋之作談不上好味,但又唔係難食,用黎填肚吧燒牛脷唔老唔韌,但係都唔腍及格啦燒羊胺肉質軟腍,調味不覺特別出色羊味也是一般,我鍾意佢羶啲燒蕃薯朋友食舊脆皮我個舊唔係,不過很重牛油香蕃薯鬆化提子梳打特飲入面有QQ的蒟蒻條,服務:整體上員工都好殷勤但係發生左以下嘅事1本身叫了燒飯團的,但係漏了單,過了10分鐘再催單跟住都係漏單,之後有人黎CONFIRM係咪叫左燒飯團過左一陣都係未黎,最尾再黎問我地到左未,跟住都係叫佢CANCEL算2執碟時女侍應不小心彈到啲醬/汁落我個FRD度即刻連聲道歉,其他侍應都好緊張馬上遞上乾濕紙巾之後收個漬飯都唔小心滯左啲湯落檯不過冇彈到人亦都係因為咁女侍應同我地講唔好意思,為表歉意將雪米糰UPGRADE至雪糕有得揀咖啡OR 菠蘿選了菠蘿味,入面係有新鮮菠蘿肉的,幾好食埋單每人有少少貴啦,不過叫左咁多野,算係咁啦我地係左卡位,都叫有D私隱店內環境有氣氛但又唔太嘈,飲酒吹水好地方 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2012-02-10
多次在這裡流連後,我決定要鄭重寫一篇誇誇他們!我最喜愛的居酒屋晚上走過那條狹窄隱密的小街時,掀開暗藍色的簾子走進去,你會發現別有一番天地:周圍坐滿了三倆知己對酌說笑,師傅們在居中的燒烤爐旁熱火朝天地搬弄著,牆上掛著原始的小黑板,上面寫著當令的食材,簡單的描述足以讓人食指大動……這是家平凡的居酒屋 ── 南亭。開一瓶“上善若水”,淡淡的酒香,清幽的谷物味在舌上迴轉,搭配著雞泡魚乾的咸香,我感覺非常的愜意。喜歡這裡的其中一個原因是它的氛圍總是讓我很放鬆,將都市的壓力消於無形。下單不久,我摯愛的食物就陸續上場了!重點推薦的是鹽燒牛舌。爽脆的炭香加上濃烈的牛肉香氣,一點點的海鹽就足以調起一串牛舌最根本也最原始的味道。它看似普通卻很考功夫,牛舌的切狀特別厚實,不太咸,也沒有額外香料的點綴,就和“上善若水”一樣,簡單原始,但讓吃的人很滿足。接下來還有日本青蔥,鮮白菌。這青蔥雖然未至於是“日本一”的九條蔥,但勝在整串都用蔥白,最鮮嫩多汁甘甜的部份,齒頰留香啊。而烤得剛到火候的白菌嬌小玲瓏,也十分鮮甜,這種菌類的菇味不會太濃郁,但好多汁,最適合不太喜好菇味的人士。要稍微介紹一下上面提到過的雞泡魚乾,我嫌它稍微鹹了點,但蜜糖的甜香和獨特的韌糯口感,令果種略為過太的鹹味成為下酒的理由。酒香,米香,魚香,鹹香,在口中徐徐不散,特別令人感動同享受。傳統的鴨肝釀雞翼,說它傳統,是因為幾乎香港所有的居酒屋菜牌上都會有這道料理。雞翼里的鴨肝很難看得到流出來的油脂,入口都是粉嫩的感覺,被脆薄的雞皮包著,一口咬下去,每每讓我欲罷不能!最可惜的是是次鹽燒海老,不夠新鮮,肉質有點鬆散,粉粉的感覺,否則就完美了。 我喜歡驚喜的這個木魚烤飯團!飯好軟糯,配合脆脆的外皮,海苔香味濃烈的脆昆布裹著,一啖咬下去,熱烘烘的感覺很舒服,很好吃。最後,他們會致送每位客人一顆北海道冰淇淋糯米糍,我最喜歡的是荔枝味的,清涼酸甜,感覺就像是傳統法國菜的sorbet一樣。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
I didn't eat at the restaurant as the waiter was extremely unfriendly. There were roughly tens seats available and no people were lining up at the restaurant BUT the waiter said there isn't any seat available for ONE person. Furthermore, his attitude was extremely unfriendlyl!! I cannot understand why people has to be so obnoxious!!! Very bad indeed. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Food was OK but Service at this restaurant was surprisingly disappointing!3 of us went there to have dinner on Father's Day. We arrived around 6:35pm and there were only 3 tables with customers as it was still relatively early. I placed my order around 6:40-6:45pm for around 10 dishes. The food was served slowly and I needed to chase after the waiters for the rice and noodle that I ordered after the main bbq dishes started to arrive. The time that they served the bbq dishes was very inconsistent, the first dish arrived about 15mins after I ordered, then we have to wait for another 10mins for the other dishes to start arriving. By the time they were serving my 5th dish, which was around 7:40, the restaurant was already full. By around 7:50, I started to chase for the last 3 dishes that have not arrived yet, and I noticed that some other customers were also chasing after their orders. The food was ok, though some dishes were a bit salty.By 7:50, which is more than an hour since I placed orders, I decided not to wait for the last 3 dishes that have not arrived. I told one of the waiter I am not waiting anymore and ask him to please cancel the order. The waiter looked disappointed and yelled out loud to the bbq counter to stop the orders for my table, and then just walked away. Up to this point, there was not a single apology from any waiter about the delay of my dishes. I do believed that I have pretty good EQ by not complaining about the bad service.I then asked for my bill and a waiter came back with my bill after around 5 minutes. I therefore checked the bill by items because I need to make sure the cancelled items are not being charged. As soon as I started to check on the bill, the waiter just walked away.After the checking the bill, I then gave my credit card and bill to one of the waiter. After about another 7-8 minutes, I waited patiently and the credit card invoice is still not ready. A waiter then came by and said the line/machine with the credit card company is working very slowly, I need to wait longer. I therefore asked him why everything is so slow at this restaruant, I actually asked him in a good manner. He became angry and raised his voice at me and said this is not their fault, is the credit card machine that is slow. I was so suprised about his attitude and then I told him if it is not their problem, is that my problem then? He said I could give him another card and it may turn out faster. It seems that I was the one that delayed the issue because of the card I gave him! I was becoming annoyed as his attitude was bad. I told him I have been waiting for more than an hour for some of my dishes, and after I chased and cancelled the orders, I did not even get an apology from any of them. He said "I told you they are still cooking your dishes" you could have waited for them to come. Is not our fault! I told him then it must be my fault to have picked this restaurant then! He just stepped away and came back with my credit card invoivce after another few minutes. I signed the bill, of course, without giving any tips. He then took away the bill without say thank you...as expected. This has been one of my worst dinning experience, will never go to this restaurant or any of its branches again continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)