富瑤酒家供應新鮮海鮮為主,其中以花雕醉尿蝦最為出名,名人食家亦是其客人。環境寧靜,格調高雅。 continue reading
Additional Information
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 04:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
大閘蟹 花雕醉尿蝦 炭燒鴛鴦茄子 富貴蝦 鮑汁扣鵝掌
Review (22)
Level3 2013-09-15
其實   銅鑼灣富瑤  我是第一次來光顧  尖沙咀那間反而是去過好幾次  大多是宵夜時段  但這兩店   間直令人懷疑  是否同一集團在經營   奇怪的是  任你樓面的同事服務水平也好   出品部的師傅製作技術也好   總不能差那麼遠吧  實話說  尖沙咀分店  大多都是我的朋友提議要去的  而我試過這邊後  哈哈  驅車越海  也值得的吧   入店後   部長招待我   有笑容地問問我幾位   半鞠躬的為我帶路  更幫我的女皇放好手袋   問問喝的茶  有禮地點頭  就工作去了   簡單幾個動作   表明對貴客的歡迎最令人受落也 因當時只顧食 到吃到一半時才記得拍照  抱歉 豬腳仔   鹵水味道剛好   肉夠實  但筋又淋  愛吃有骨食物的我  推薦石蠔煲   味道一流  蠔又大隻肥美  剛好熟  配料和蠔比例也合理 乾扁四季豆  好乾身  有味又唔油  食到後來我一粒一粒碎肉都夾乾淨  失禮了古法金錢雞  好肥膩  好罪惡  食完有內疚感  好似做在件錯事一樣  但別誤會  原來好好食  有些像潤腸的粉粉的口感  外層軟綿的飽  包著蜜汁雞塊  是誰研究出這菜式的   害我常掂念著這菜肴再來   天下第一豬半隻  外皮脆像餅干  肉嫩像小孩  骨中也有味  我只兩人來吃  寧負上吃不完會浪費  眼寬肚窄的罪名  也堅持來半隻  活該總結:銅鑼灣店和尖沙咀店  招呼  出品皆天渊之別  最後埋單約$1400 難怪人們總愛過海來晚飯  香港島和九龍  就真差異點水平嗎? continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-12-22
看了openrice, 才知道, 原來銅鑼灣店與尖沙咀店是天堂地獄的分別, 當然天堂地獄只是比喻, 比喻銅鑼灣有十多個好, 而尖沙咀只有一個好, 這晚跟隨友人來, 全由他發辦, 我只負責”食”, 當然要比錢. 第一道菜, 懷舊金錢雞, 兩小包夾肥肝, 底部再加件肥膏, 不覺得太出眾, 香味和蜜味都不足, 窩打老道近太平道的那間好得多, 第二味, 薑蔥鮑魚煲, 斷隻時價計, 上枱時十分熱, 炸炸聲, 蔥多疆太少, 汁已收干, $40一隻, 鮑魚比想像中厚身, 肉質口感十分彈牙, 但略為實了些, 應該再調耐些少, 第三味, 西洋菜烏魚豆腐肉片湯, 烏魚滾湯, 沒需火喉, 味道算不差予, 烏魚肉質鮮但多骨, 試了小件便放棄了, 天下第一豬, 果然皮脆, 肉身不算太肥, 半隻轉眼間消失了, 花雕蒸蟹, 一大隻一碟, 黃金色湯汁, 混和了蟹膏和蛋黃, 再以花雕烹調, 清甜酒香, 送飯一流, 泥鯭粥, 泥鯭肉打碎已在粥內, 泥鯭不算太足, 粥底尚算滑, 灣仔利苑第一, 富瑤第二啦, 可是人家的只是午餐貨式噃, 豉油皇炒麵, 麵身幼細, 炒得干身, 十分出眾, 唔夠喉, 想叫多碟九層咖啡糕, 咖啡味香及濃, 想不到, 不算太租, 出色, continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-10-16
十月份我有口福,飯局不少之餘,享受了不少水準出色的食物!今日跟家人在重陽節假日,一起到富瑤酒家吃食晚飯環境: :-銅鑼灣店環境一流-到處典雅擺設,環境寧靜,格調高雅, 還設貴賓房。食物:在「富瑤海鮮酒家」是常可吃到創意海鮮料理!蘋果雪梨豬腱湯-味道還算不錯天下第一豬$498/半隻-極花工夫的佳餚,上枱時先食脆如薯片的豬皮,品嘗完才細嘗豬腳、豬手及豬肋骨....... 趁熱吃。豉油皇炒麵-出色的作品,陰力炒麵 條條夠味,吃起來口感夠爽口, 簡單的菜式,有驚喜!生拆泥鯭粥- 泥鯭新鮮拆肉混合果皮絲煲煮, 鮮味鮮味!薑蔥鮑魚煲-熱辣辣, 鮑魚夠厚身,肉質彈口,不錯薑蔥石蠔煲-又是熱騰騰的-蠔隻隻肥美,鮮味雕醉尿蝦-最為出名, 味道一流魚湯鮮腐竹浸菜苗-簡單的菜式, 好滋味雪影杏汁包-心機炮製, 我一向都喜歡! 整體:位置好 旺中帶靜招牌菜 馥郁芳香開心盡興, 一家共渡歡樂時光。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2010-09-12
今次係第2次睇完呢個網的 "好評" 而去試的第2間食市,結果又一次中計......講得中計,當然係同事實相反,十分唔掂.呢間可以話係1流價錢,4流質素,9流服務首先,價錢絕對唔平,每位食好普通 (無叫咩游水魚,翅) 果D,剩係叫煲仔菜都要每位約$300食物質素方面,雖然未至於非常難食,但絕對不是好食.隨便找一間酒樓例如富臨,稻香都差唔多 or 好食過佢.服務方面: 侍應態度普通,但叫白飯居然趨促左幾次,最後都超過半小時先有.而開茶蓋加茶,往往等好耐都無人黎加.依我所見,大廳只有約10張臺,仲要後期好多走左.咁都無人加茶,可見人手幾咁 "充足". continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2010-03-11
This was supposed to be my night to eat roast goose (I’m still mad I didn’t get to eat it), I made a reservation at the restaurant, the next day (the day I was eating there), I was like omg what if I need to reserve a roast goose, so then I called them and they were like sorry you need to reserve a day in advance, I was literally like NOOOOO! Oh well, to anyone that goes there now you know. The restaurant is a fairly upscale restaurant in Causeway Bay, the service was nice and good and the atmosphere was a little formal, but decent.On to the food:- Suckling pig: to make up for no roast duck, I ordered roast suckling pig. As a consolation it was very good. The skin was beautiful and crispy and they gave you tiny pancake with hoisin sauce and spring onions. The combo tastes great. I liked this a lot- Vermicelli with shrimp in sizzling clay pot: same as the dish at Fu Sing except the shrimp were larger. Very good as well.- Steamed crab in wine sauce: this was way different than what I envisioned. The crab itself was excellent, very fresh and sweet meat. But, I didn’t really like the sauce, it was a buttery sauce that had wine in it, didn’t taste Chinese at all. Great crab, bad sauce.- Mapo tofu: I didn’t order this, but a friend wanted it, so we got it. Didn’t taste like mapo tofu, but it was good. It was more of a Cantonese rendition of it and was much less sauce and oily than normal.- Lettuce with shrimp paste in a sizzling clay pot: tasted exactly the same as Fu Sing. So it was good.Overall, I liked this place and I'd like to come back to try other stuff some day continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)