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Review (4)
小南洋位於銅鑼灣波斯富街48號軒尼詩大廈2樓的大食代,從天橋方向來的話,甫進入大食代左手面第一家就是。這個大食代雖位於銅鑼灣鬧市,但卻有點隱閉,我也是偶然間發現的。因為鄰近的希慎廣場也有美食廣場,確實搶了不少客人。正好下午茶時段,下午2:30-6:00提供下午茶精選套餐,價格$28-$38不等,還已包含凍/熱飲品。在銅鑼灣鬧市,這真是非常化算。星洲雞喇沙米粉套餐$34,不是很大碗,正好是下午茶的份量。因為怕太辣,但店員說明湯底已預先調味,只好加入雞湯減辣。先聞一下已經有濃濃的喇沙湯味,入口還有香濃椰奶味。雖然加入了雞湯,但喇沙湯味仍然很濃郁,非常鮮味。而雞肉卻是很嫩滑,還有鮮雞的味道。這家我必定會再來,或者嚐嚐海南雞飯也不錯~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-12-02
同行如敵國,試探一下軍情先。不幸地食完副作用強勁,口渴到想死,三四個鐘都依然好頸渴呢!到底係湯有問題?還是雞有問題呢?燒雞海南雞套餐,仲有菜、有湯、有油味飯添喎,銅鑼灣區 $64 蚊好正路,不過唔包餐茶。蠔油炸蒜小棠菜,凍冰冰唔夠熱,菜爽多水但無味,靠晒炸蒜香及蠔油鮮咸味,當涼菜食還可以。個湯好特別,勁甜勁濃非常好飲。黏黏雞湯十分可口,帶點蔘鬚味道,正到不得了呀!有趣的雙併,燒雞併切雞有創意。燒雞皮脆肉嫩,切雞皮厚但滑溜不肥膩。兩款都肉汁澎湃,加埋酸辣汁撈油味飯,好食到不得了!油味飯乾爽飽滿嚥韌,雞油香濃甜美,食到一粒飯都無剩。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2015-07-03
銅鑼灣呢個food court好少人食上次食過一次韓國野...好難食...呢次就食另一間星馬菜, 試下海南雞喇沙~雖然我食唔到好辣, 但一般喇沙嘅辣度我都接受到,不過呢日因為天氣好熱, 唔想再食到身水身汗, 所以我叫喇沙嘅同時, 問左侍應嬸嬸會唔會好辣, 佢就話可以幫我整小辣, 結果咁就出事......拎完飲品返去counter取餐時, 個侍應嬸嬸同我講加多左湯俾我, 令我碗喇沙冇咁辣, 仲話如果仲係覺得辣, 可以再拎返俾佢再加多d湯,今時今日呢個服務態度其實真係無得彈!! 可惜, 就係因為加左湯, 結果成碗野好淡.............如果係正常版我諗會好d嘅......不過d配料就真係削左d, 得幾件雞同豆腐卜...唔似得其他地方嘅喇沙咁多配料,而所謂嘅海南雞亦只係得d雞翼位, 我又唔食雞皮, 可以話係冇咩肉食菜我叫左全走, 冇乜特別之處....飲品係去另外counter拎, 我因為健康考慮揀左熱檸水, 好澀......今次碗野咁淡係自己攞嚟冇得怨, 不過其他方面都係麻麻, 最好嘅可能係侍應嬸嬸嘅服務態度! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-12-12
Spent too much time shopping and forgot the time to buy groceries to make dinner. So, I came to Food Republic again to try another food stall. This time I tried 小南洋 (or Little Nanyang in English). This place serves Singaporean/Malaysian favorites. Like laksa and hainan chicken.I decided on the hanian chicken rice set. It included a plate of vegetables, soup and rice ($58). It was not made to order. Everything was already premade the minute I paid. I knew this already going in so not surprised.Rice was hainan chicken rice. In that it was cooked in the chicken fat. It was not too salty and actually, not as oily as expected. Soup was typical MSG soup. Nothing special.Vegetables was alright. Juicy. Though not loving all the fried garlic on top as there was way too much.Hainan chicken was good. Bones were removed but there were still a few small bone fragments present. So, one should be careful when eating as you won't choke from a mini bone fragment but you can chip your tooth..It was ok. Price was fairly reasonable. It's a food court. I didn't have high expectations. Would probably return. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)