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Review (4)
Level1 2010-07-23
從未飲過咁難飲既奶茶!!今日因為食左一份好辣既午餐!辣得滯唯有買杯野飲!咁附近有呢間又諗住無咩所謂叫左杯烏龍奶茶點知成杯都係奶!!!!一d茶味都無!!解辣就一流!!但飲飲下真係好想嘔!救命!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2010-03-17
有朋友話旺角輕鬆飲係灣仔開左分店,午飯時間特意同同事去幫襯下,1點幾去到門口好多人排隊,但係都係排一陣就到,叫左5杯野飲同1份甘梅薯條,我同事鍾意飲咖啡,叫左個輕鬆咖啡,咖啡味好濃,啱晒鍾意飲咖啡既人,另一個同事叫左杯荔枝玉露+寒天珍珠,荔枝味好香,同事話下次一定再試,另外兩個同事叫左2杯招牌波霸奶茶,因為朋友話唯一真正即調奶茶只得番輕鬆飲,佢地係即時落奶落茶去冲,唔同其他早就冲好茶只係差落糖既珍珠奶茶店,招牌奶茶果然名虛傳,同事話好正,我就叫左杯檸檬愛玉凍,飲落感覺好清涼,甜度亦啱啱好,至於個甘梅薯條收銀話要等5-10分鐘,因為即炸冇辦法,同事試過後即刻買多份番公司食,味道好特別同好香口,非常推介,如果等既時間短D就very good,總括5個人只係消費80蚊超抵,但台灣人口味較重,怕甜最好要半糖或微糖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2010-03-16
黎呢度買野飲係前2個星期既事.見間野新開, 即管試下.本來想叫烤奶, 佢話冇.咁我叫左杯魔力水晶奶茶啦, 已經叫左微甜......點知杯野出黎仲係甜到離晒譜!!真係想像唔到如果唔叫微甜會甜到咩程度!為左健康著想, 我飲左唔夠1半就丟左 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Spring garden lane, is a very busy road with narrow pavements, it is one of the streets to access Hopewell and the offices at Queens Road East. Not only is the pavement constantly a path for pedestrians the constricted road is also busy with cars too. It’s a fight between people and traffic.As we all know is a popular shop for drinks, people will be willing to queue for it, which is bound to cause chaos on a small road like that. Currently people are beginning to walk on the roads too, as the pavement can only fit one person in one direction, and especially if they are slow walkers, you just have to over take them!~!Now is there, people will need to battle against other pedestrians to buy their drinks, and after paying for it, they will need to wait where waiting space is limited.I can imagine the people waiting for drinks and people trying to get their drinks, pedestrians, cars are going to cause a huge hold up at Spring garden lane, just like a tiny blood clot causing a stroke!!Anyway, I went there late evening to avoid the daytime madness, the drinks options is much bigger than when they first opened in Dundas Street, there are more options to add in the drink too.They now have fruit tea too with bits of fruit in it. The items that can be added to the drinks are: big pearls, mini pearls, grass jelly, cheung fun (fat strands of chewy jelly), aiyu jelly, wheat, konjac jelly, crystal jelly, cream, mango cream, aloe vera, nata de coco, red beans, caramel puddingFor my drink, I got the hazelnut latte with extra cream and strands of jelly.I did not know it was latte until I searched the Chinese for it, it didn’t taste of coffee, but strong in hazelnut. The extra cream just made it smoother, and it didn’t have that milk powder taste, the taste was very natural rather than artificial. Also the jelly strands were slightly chewier than I would have liked. The sweetness at 30% was slightly too sweet, but that is the least sweet you can ask for.Degrees of sweetness they offer: 100%, 50%, 30% 0.Apart from drinks they also do sweet dumplings: taro and sweet potato, and for savory snacks they have chips with plum powder, luckily I didn’t get the chips as it looked like a big portion, also they are potato wedges rather than proper chips.As there was not many people, the service was very good, I added many things to my drink, which was too long to show up on their internal screen. The staff spotted that something was missing before she gave it to me, and fixed it before giving it to me. She was quite friendly and said my drink was rather expensive from adding lots of other things to it, anyway as long as it tastes good, it is worth paying extra.It is also helpful that they displayed their drinks on the counter, people can see the different add ons you can have without having to ask. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)