菜式主要以炭燒烹調。 continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
11:30 - 15:00
17:30 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE Diners
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (60)
Level1 2011-04-02
This is one of my favourite Thai places. I've gone here many times, and their dishes have always been consistently awesome.Unfortunately, I believe this restaurant may be closing by the end of March 2011 due to leasing issues, but hopefully it stays open!Taste of the dishes are great. We especially enjoy the below:Kale with Salted Fish - Very crispy vegetables, and not too oily.Satay (3 types) - Very tender and flavourful. Excellent sauce.Minced Chicken with Betal Leaves - Very good flavour and large quantities of lettuce wrap. A bit different than the traditional Labh Gai though.Steam Fish with Plum on Tray - This dish is a bit more hit or miss depending on the freshness of the fish that day.Service is good and consisent. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Book 左枱所以唔洗等位,一行四人到Simply Thai 食晚飯。已經唔係第一次去銅鑼灣呢間分店, 環境十分舒適。叫左幾個餸同埋 main courses, 都相當唔錯。沙爹拚盆 - 唔錯, 個沙爹汁好味。飛天通菜 - 好夠味道,用左黃豆醬加辣椒炒,但要小心食到同D菜好似既青辣椒。薄餅 - 非常好味,好軟,好香晚牛油味,雖然唔係好大塊,但都值得推介一下。芒果軟殼蟹米紙卷 - 每次都會食既前菜,一定要連埋個好特別既汁一齊食。冇得唔推介。蒜蓉包 - 普通, 0黎到個時個包凍左,硬左。要叫返個waitress 整返熱。燒鱸魚青咖哩 - 如果唔鍾意有魚腥味,唔建議叫呢道菜。但魚煎得幾香。蜜糖雞翼 - 冇乜特別既雞翼。泰式炒米 - 好味道,非常泰式既sauce, 鍾意個蝦。冬陰功湯 - OK 啦,唔覺得有乜鮮味。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2011-02-08
我鐘意食泰國菜,四圍去試。雖然無咩研究,不過都食得出佢唔算係正宗泰國野食。主要原因可能係無乜用香料,泰國野唔係好似好多香港人既stereotype咁,淨係得個辣字同椰汁。佢煮法好中式,可能係咁,幾岩我口味。但係我朋友平時食開東南亞野就唔多鐘意。入到去差d想走點左4樣野,海鮮喇沙米線,炒通菜,泰。串同埋甜品芒果糯米飯1. 海鮮喇沙米線個喇沙湯好重椰汁味,好香。不過辣左d同太油,我唔食得辣,所以係咁呻鼻涕,出晒洋相 :S 如果怕辣就唔好點呢個啦,配埋米線中和返少少辣味。所以我都鯨吞左大半碗。d送好足,好多漁肉,2個人都夠食。2. 蝦醬炒通菜唔係馬拉盞!! 夠晒中式!幾夠味,幾好食,不過太油! 3. 泰。串乜都有,賣相幾好,有燒烤味,不過可能天口仲冷,好快凍左。個燒菠籮好呃錢,唔當灶,酸到死! 個汁都係好辣呀,得個辣字,無其他味4. 芒果糯米飯賣相一流呀,上面塊糖醬好靚,岩岩上菜個時有d燈光襯托好靚,有d surprise幾好食,不過不失,唯一挑剔到既係糯米入面有d硬食左3舊幾水,都合理餐廳黎講係好食,不過泰國菜黎講就唔合格下次都係食返正宗既好d,唔會一味得個辣字 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
好鍾意約朋友去SIMPLY THAI 食飯... 因為食物味道唔錯之餘, 環境亦都算舒適... 重黠係嚟親呢度都唔駛點等位... ^^內在環境... ok 喇, 喜歡呢d 唔好太嘈, 唔好太光既地方食飯... 感覺relax d, 不過如果坐梳化仲舒服...每次嚟食飯都必定order既柚子大蝦沙律~ d 蝦好爽口既呢~ 非常喜歡酸酸地辣辣地既味道, 好香口又夠開胃~同個男仔friend去食dinner, 點都要order個飯既, 怕佢唔夠飽... 佢選左菠蘿炒飯... 個飯炒得唔錯呀... 仲有唔少海鮮添...我地仲叫左個青咖哩羊架... 味道都唔錯, 不過可以整得更出色... 有咖哩當然要order埋薄餅喇~呢餐晚餐食左三百幾蚊... 算係reasonable呀...! 我會再嚟幫襯, 原因好簡單... 地方方便, 仲要唔駛等位, d 野食仲幾好味... 嚮cwb真係好難搵呢! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2010-09-12
這個甜品忘記了名字,最底是暖暖的香蕉蛋糕頂頂有脆脆的焦糖同雪糕,好吃哦!伴碟還有雲尼那味的汁其他食物都可以呀有個燒鱔又是好吃哦!皮很脆的而且還可做到肉滑多汁哈哈服務員都很有禮貌的! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)