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Review (5)
呢間嘢一直匿藏北角, 唔熟路嘅, 行過都見佢唔倒, 但就真真體現咩叫"hidden gem", 至於乜嘢對我為之係"hidden"但唔係"gem"就請看小弟之前嘅食評.本來以為佢哋唔打算續約, 冇諗住寫呢篇嘢, 但當發現生機重現, 真心覺得可喜可賀, 自然要打返幾粒字. 唔係因為佢係小店而支持, 而係因為佢咁細, 但出品差不多好過晒出邊嘅而寫.之前已寫過佢嘅什錦湯金邊粉, 水準保持, 唔再重覆沙嗲香口, 醬濃郁呢度嘅冬陰湯我敢話係連龍城都冇得揮, 香料足, 酸辣都平衡倒, 又唔會一口椰漿, 入口有"爽"嘅感覺, 奇! 而呢個新發現, 係加埋mama麫,啲麫質正過丁麫,放耐都唔會索晒啲湯!足料另一日食嘅, 比啲麫大家睇吓間舖蚊型,裡邊好逼地只坐得兩個人,我選擇坐出邊街 (都係最多坐兩個). 間嘢勁好生意,午市人流不絕,主要做外賣,但連鬼都識嚟幫襯啲甜點放喺門口, 一陣就比人掃晒,應該唔錯, 亦聽聞唔錯.蝦醬炒飯,香到冇人有,仲加埋好多料頭eg.炸脆左嘅蝦米,口感超豐富,惹味!所以話, hidden gem唔一定要匿埋喺山卡啦嘅 ^^ps. 佢嘅香葉肉碎飯就麻麻, 冇鑊氣. 同埋因得一個爐頭, 等候時間幾長, 最好打定電話落柯打 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
We are so lucky to live close to this little Thai hut! We order from here all the time. The food is so authentic and the best thing about the taste is that it's all very natural. My favourite from here is the Tom Yum Gung! Its packed full of fragrant herbs/spices that I don't even know the name of. I also really like the pineapple fried rice, the smoked fish and the crabcakes. This little place is very popular in the area and they sell out very quickly. There have been times where I wanted to order the smoked fish but they had sold out. One time they sold out of rice!Very highly reccomended. Be warned on a couple of things...telling them you want no spicyness is no use, it will still be spicy! And also, expect to wait a long time, there have been times where we have waited 50mins for our food continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-01-17
三人行,不是太肚餓本來想堂食,但呢間食店實在太細,只可以放一張摺枱,所以我哋到嘅時候,已經「滿座」唯有選擇外賣,叫咗:泰式炒貴刁:好味,酸甜香口,蝦膏炒飯:咸香足料,本來係跟雞肉,但無哂,可以轉豬頸肉或蝦,我揀咗蝦,仲要唔使加錢三色糕:見新鮮出爐,要咗一盒,有六件三款,椰汁西米榚ok,另外有兩款係千層榚,煙韌不太甜,幾好埋單;$80 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2008-11-03
泰笠碰真係好細間舖,加埋坐唔夠八個人,所以都係外賣好D。有時夜晚行過,因為泰笠碰門口係小巴站,成日見到有人邊等車,邊買隻$10 雞脾醫肚,串燒都有,應該幾多熟客。今日去食午飯,叫蝦醬炒飯加酸辣豬肉湯;個湯底同冬蔭公一樣,係一個加蝦、一個加豬肉。飲啖湯,好正!夠味,酸辣平均,飲完真係會出身汗,好過飲去濕茶!蝦醬炒飯係我至愛,呢度因為即炒,所以熱辣辣!蝦醬味唔太濃,不過好足料,有臘腸、有細蝦米、有蛋、有辣椒仔、仲有泰菜有辣時必配的兩片青瓜。炒飯最重要乾身,佢做得到!唔覺唔覺成盒食晒,好滿足。水準以上的一湯一飯收費$33,抵!以前我仲試過無骨海南雞飯,又係一流水準。係呢度食要有耐性,因為家庭式作業,真係等好耐,要食好野,無法喇,等緊個陣咪整串串燒先囉! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)