
T'ang Court
Restaurant: T'ang Court
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Terms & Details:
  • Asia Miles can be earned on eligible transactions of up to HKD10,000.
  • Members can earn HKD4 = 1 mile when dining at Cathay partner restaurants and presenting a membership QR code.
  • Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard® holders can earn HKD4 = 1 mile when dining at our partner restaurants, plus HKD4 = 1 dining rewards when you pay with your card for a total of HKD4 = 2 miles.
  • Asia Miles earned are based on the total amount spent including service charges, taxes and tips.
  • Asia Miles may not be earned on certain promotional menus. Please check with individual partner restaurants prior to dining.
  • Asia Miles will be credited to members’ accounts 7 working days after each eligible dining transaction.
Other Cathay Terms & Conditions apply.
Exit C1/ L5, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
A three-Michelin-star Cantonese restaurant, T'ang Court aims to reflect the timelessness of the Tang Dynasty. The interior of the restaurant is decorated with lavish fabric and they serve a wide range of authentic Cantonese cuisine. The executive chef is Kwong Wai Keung who has over 20 years of experience. continue reading
Awards and Titles
Michelin 2 Starred Restaurant (2009-11, 2014-15), Best of the Best Culinary Awards (2014), Michelin 3 Starred Restaurant (2016-24)
Good For
Business Dining
Additional Information
All patrons should dress in smart casual attire, and must wear covered shoes and sleeved shirts. No shorts, singlets or flip flop casual shoes are allowed.
Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Mon - Fri
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Sat - Sun
11:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday
11:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay JCB OpenRice Pay Others
Number of Seats
Other Info
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Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
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Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
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Restaurant Website
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
T'ang Court
One of only two three Michelin-star Cantonese restaurants in Hong Kong, T'ang Court reflects the classic timelessness of the Tang Dynasty, China's golden age. Amid lavish furnishings, T’ang Court restaurant serves a wide selection of authentic Cantonese cuisine. Behind the culinary masterpieces is Executive Chef – Chinese Cuisine, Kwong Wai Keung who has shaped Cantonese restaurants in Hong Kong with over 20 years of experience. Winner of several gourmet awards, T'ang Court has been named as one of the "World's Best Hotel Dining Rooms" by U.S. Gourmet Magazine, listed in the top "Ten Great Hotel Restaurants" by HOTELS Magazine and one of the "100 Hot Places and Things" by Travel & Leisure Magazine.

Restaurant: T'ang Court
Offer: Dine at partner restaurants and earn up to HKD4 = 2 miles as a Cathay member. T&C apply.
Terms & Details:
  • Asia Miles can be earned on eligible transactions of up to HKD10,000.
  • Members can earn HKD4 = 1 mile when dining at Cathay partner restaurants and presenting a membership QR code.
  • Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard® holders can earn HKD4 = 1 mile when dining at our partner restaurants, plus HKD4 = 1 dining rewards when you pay with your card for a total of HKD4 = 2 miles.
  • Asia Miles earned are based on the total amount spent including service charges, taxes and tips.
  • Asia Miles may not be earned on certain promotional menus. Please check with individual partner restaurants prior to dining.
  • Asia Miles will be credited to members’ accounts 7 working days after each eligible dining transaction.
Other Cathay Terms & Conditions apply.
Review (338)
Level2 2024-04-03
🥢 蜜汁鱈魚 配 蜜味叉燒Fried diced Cod Fish with Honey and BBQ Pork👍🏻 鱈魚帶有煙燻味, 魚身結實軟硬適中, 蜜汁甜度剛好, 不太甜。👍🏻叉燒外脆內軟有肉汁, 脂肪分怖均勻。The cod’s texture is just fine with pleasant smoky flavour. Honey sauce is not too sweet.The BBQ pork fat is evenly distributed. Its crispy outside, tender and juicy inside. ******************************🥢 胡椒牛肉酥餅Baked Pastries filled with diced Beef and Spring Onion topped with Sesame✏️ 饀料帶有胡椒味, 胡椒味足, 某些人可能會覺得有點辣。The filling has rich flavor of pepper. It might be a bit hot and spicy to some people. ******************************🥢 釀焗鮮蟹蓋Baked stuffed Crab Shell with Crab Meat, Onion and Cream Sauce👍🏻👍🏻 蟹蓋的金黃面層香脆, 蟹肉饀很足料, 味道濃郁。The golden outer crust is crunchy with very creamy filling that full of crab meat. ******************************🥢 富貴鹽香雞Crispy Salted Chicken✏️ 雞肉有咸香, 雞皮十分香脆,皮薄透光也沒有帶著黃油脂肪。The salty taste of the chicken is just right. The skin is thin and crispy without any fat.******************************🥢 和牛粒炒飯Fried Rice with Wagyu Beef, Coriander and topped with Olive Kernel👍🏻 飯粒粒分明, 飯身軟硬適中, 帶點嚼勁,每粒飯都沾滿濃郁的醬汁及帶有微微的欖菜香。The grains are well-separated and slightly chewy. Each grain is coated in a savory soy-based sauce with subtle hint of olive kernel.******************************🥢 芝麻卷 Black Sesame Roll👍🏻 有濃郁的芝麻香味The roll has rich flavour of black sesame. 🥢 蛋撻 Egg Tart👍🏻 撻皮酥脆, 蛋滑也甜度適中。The egg is smooth and not too sweet. The puff pastry tart is crispy. ******************************🥢 蛋白杏仁茶 Almond Cream with Egg White👍🏻👍🏻杏仁茶滑身, 有香濃的杏仁味, 甜度適中。Its very smooth and creamy. Its rich in flavour of almond which is fresh-ground. Its not too sweet. ******************************👍🏻 服務方面:服務很好,服務程序跟足,客人的茶飲到一半,服務員會主動去斟滿,主動更換骨碟等等,送上每道菜也會先向客人交待等等…The service: Very good. The service procedures are followed. The waitress takes initiative to refill the tea, replace the bone plate, let the guest knows what dish they are serving etc… continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-04-01
每一道菜式都好值得食,冇失望,有驚喜,尤其係「海鮮酸辣湯」,其他餐廳多數都會將海鮮切碎上,應該係我見識少,第一次體驗酸辣湯會將海鮮原上,帶子、🦐球大大粒,真係好有口感👍🏻蟹鉗同蟹蓋10分吸引,好香口,又啖啖肉。蟹肉草菇,啲蟹肉多到一個點,好有滿足感。甜品亦10分出色,尤其是個外型做到好似啤梨咁嘅鳳梨酥, 10分精緻。值得一讃,係佢哋嘅服務!因為太飽,有一個甜品小點我想拎走,waiter話用普通外賣盒可能比較大,唔方便攜帶,佢叫我俾少少時間佢諗諗,之後佢就攞咗個紙杯俾我,既方便,個甜品又唔會碌嚟碌去,細心服務👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-03-26
来之前看到网上评价参差不齐还一直有些担心,现在石头落地了哈哈,结论就是我很喜欢这家店。感觉可能是小马过河的故事吧哈哈哈。赠送的一个前菜是类似避风塘炒蟹的做法做的鲜鲍鱼,好吃。入口是炒蒜炒辣椒的香味,随着咀嚼慢慢鲍鱼的香味会伴随着蒜香和油炸的香味出现。但是可能鲜鲍本身味道轻吧,最后没有很重的鲍鱼鲜味爆出来。毕竟送的哈哈也不错。一品盆是四个部分吧,海蜇鲍鱼叉烧鳕鱼。海蜇没啥特别的咸鲜口有香油味,可能是我家乡是北方沿海吃海蜇吃得多,没感到有啥海蜇的鲜甜…南非鲍配上一点鲍汁很鲜,重点在叉烧和鳕鱼上。叉烧入口是蜜汁的甜味,慢慢肥肉的味道会慢慢爆发出来,再然后是猪肉本身的香味;鳕鱼很新鲜,入口是甜咸的酱味,然后炸酥壳的香味,再然后是鳕鱼本身的鱼香油香,我很喜欢哈哈。蟹盖我也觉得好吃。入口是螃蟹的鲜香味,蟹肉很足。随后慢慢出现的是奶香。我自己很能接受这个味道不会觉得腻。而且为了去腻,一方面蟹盖里加入了洋葱来去腻,另一方面也配了一款chardonnay为主的香槟酒,味道本身很脆很新鲜,可以来去除一口之后的腻感也是有心。坏处是我感觉这款酒没有和蟹盖味道融合在一起,如果蟹和酒一起入口,洋葱本身的味道会被非常重的激发出来奶香蟹香都会被盖住…umm…我不那么喜欢洋葱。所以这个菜就还是吃完之后喝一口酒好一些…然后是鸽子了。鸽子腿很香,油脂和烤制的香味真的是一下子抓住了我,第一嘴是研制的水的味道,有点葱香,完全没有血腥味。但是鸽子身体的肉那里还是有一些血腥味,我不确定像一些厨师说把从卤水用针管打进肉里面会不会变好一些。但是总体好评。对了顺便一提摆盘!有种云中鸽的感觉,我感觉是用了心的。再然后是汤,一个是鱼胶钥匙螺,味道对我来说算是很新鲜的海鲜汤吧,没有说不喜欢或很喜欢。里面干贝很鲜甜,螺肉味道也是好的螺,鱼胶对我来说没有腥味处理的不错。然后里面给的肉很多但是肉质很柴,毕竟都是汤底了…所以是不是减少一些肉多加点汤会好些。另一个是蟹肉火腿啥的燕窝,味道很好!入口咸鲜,慢慢蟹肉的味道会出来,再然后蟹黄的味道会进一步渗透出来,我很喜欢哈哈!接下来是三葱龙虾,配一款比较脆和水果香但是chardonnay。菜本身很好吃,入口是龙虾的鲜甜味,慢慢的葱香和酱的味道会慢慢走出来,回味是葱香的味道,但是说到配酒有点普通吧。龙虾本身可能配还可以,但是这种葱香酱香不怎么配酒的味道。也是不能一起入口的感觉,分开会对我来说更好吃…然后是鲍鱼海参,好吃肯定好吃,对于这个价格感觉中规中矩吧,鲍汁能配一口米饭就更好了哈哈。鲍鱼本身比较小,味道就是正常干鲍的味道,入口鲍汁鲜香,慢慢浓缩的鲍鱼味和甜味就会出来。海参发的也不错,没有腥味。配一款西班牙的小品种葡萄,我不太熟悉,但是问题也是不能一起入口哈哈哈。再然后是牛肉粒,和牛不错哈哈,味道我很喜欢。和牛的油香多汁配上蘑菇的香味是个很好的搭配。这里配的酒是一款merlot,这款酒我喜欢的,玫瑰烟草的香气,哈哈得去买。然后龙虾汤混沌和鲍汁面,都很好吃。说起来馄饨肉质很近,弹牙的口感,吃到了一点点胡椒粉的味道,我很喜欢。虾汤配的脆米,泡一下吃,入口炸米的香和虾汤的鲜的确可以融合的很好,我很喜欢。最后是甜点啦,布丁,蛋挞,哈密瓜冻,桂花冻,凤梨酥。好吃的。布丁的奶香豆香,桂花冻的花香我非常喜欢。这里我自己要了一款moscato d asti,忘记牌子了会有种玫瑰或者什么的花+蜂蜜的味道。我个人感觉味道很搭布丁和桂花糕融合的很好。然后也提一下服务,我很满意,对于食量的推荐,食物的推荐都很好。一个小建议是当然可能在吃完鲍鱼小前菜,桌子上可能会掉渣渣,可以用那种清理桌子的小金属卡帮助客人把渣渣扫走。最后总结,菜很好吃,服务员很负责,酒搭配一般。我感觉100美元的配酒的价格,四款酒我个人感觉可以有更好的搭配,而且加个甜点酒也可以呀。但是瑕不掩瑜,我觉得好吃,没有网上说的那么糟。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-02-19
[🇭🇰香港- 尖沙咀].龍年繼續食好嘢🙌🏻 相信呢度繼續會喺我最愛嘅中餐廳之一🤣📸1️⃣ 鮮蝦蔥油拌麵2️⃣ 金蒜遼參鳳眼餃3️⃣ 柱侯醬蒸鵝4️⃣ 金華滑燒賣5️⃣ 京都豚肉骨6️⃣ 薑蔥花膠雞絲撈麵 - 必食‼️之前有一排冇咗呢個主食, 好開心佢返返嚟啦😋.🔻🍽 唐閣 @langhamhk 📌 地址: 尖沙咀北京道8號香港朗廷酒店1樓及2樓.#tummysreadyattsimshatsui #tummysreadyforchinese #tummysreadyformichelin continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
推介指數 Recommendation Level : 🔥🔥🔥🔥雖然之前已經試過這間米芝蓮三星的中式餐廳,不過由於餐廳經常會利用時令的食材去製作點心,還會按季節更換菜式,所以在不同的季節,也絕對值得到餐廳品嚐他們的新菜,也可以知道餐廳是否仍然保持高水準。Having previously experienced this Michelin three-star Chinese restaurant, the restaurant frequently incorporates seasonal ingredients to craft dim sum and rotates its menu with the changing seasons. Therefore, dining at the restaurant during different times of the year is definitely worth it to taste their new dishes and to assess whether the restaurant maintains its high standards.金蒜遼參鳯眼餃($118)Steamed dumplings filled with shrimp and garlic, topped with diced sea cucumber這個鳳眼餃,之前一次吃的時候廚師使用了花膠,今次卻換上了關東的遼參,兩者比較實在是不分高低,因為遼參非常爽口彈牙,配以鮮甜的蝦餃餡,不能味道及口感都有很多層次For instance, the Dumplings, which previously featured fish maw, now showcases the premium Japanese sea cucumber, offering a delightful contrast of textures alongside the sweet and fresh shrimp filling, creating a multi-dimensional flavor experience.金華滑燒賣($108)Steamed dumplings filled with shrimp pork, black mushrooms & Yunnan ham 金華滑燒賣的豬肉餡料真的是十分滑,有時候會很怕點燒賣這樣點心,因為怕肉太瘦的話就會很硬,如果肥肉就會令燒賣變得肥膩,但這個卻做到恰到好處,而且金華火腿更加提升了燒賣的鮮味The finely textured pork filling of the Jinhua Ham Siu Mai is exceptionally smooth, showcasing a delicate balance that avoids being too lean or overly fatty. The addition of Jinhua ham elevates the freshness of the siu mai, enhancing its savory profile.荔茸藏珍盒($88)Crispy-fried taro puffs filled with shrimp, duck and black mushrooms荔芋角現在已不常見於中式的酒樓中,因為烹調的方法不簡單,而且很難做得好,但這個炸得非常香脆,但又沒有吸收了太多油分,內裏的芋頭餡料非常又,配以炒香的鴨肉在餡料,絕對是一絕The taro Puffs, a rare find in Chinese restaurants due to their intricate preparation, are perfectly fried to a crisp without being greasy, and the filling of taro and fragrant minced duck meat creates a remarkable combination of flavors.百花釀魚肚 ($108)Steamed fish maw filled with shrimp paste and topped with conpoy蝦膠釀魚肚的蝦膠非常彈牙,而且充滿了鮮味,上面鋪滿了香濃的瑤柱及蠔油汁,至於底層的魚肚質吸收了蝦膠及瑤柱,還有蠔油汁的鮮味,真的是非常好吃The Shrimp Paste-Stuffed Fish Maw impresses with its springy and flavorful shrimp paste topping, complemented by the rich savory taste of dried scallops and oyster sauce. The bottom layer of fish maw absorbs the essence of shrimp paste, dried scallops, and oyster sauce, culminating in a delicious dish.酥皮焗叉燒包($88)Baked BBQ Pork Bun雖然這個菜式不是這間餐廳首創,但他們亦做得十分出色,因為喜用了他們馳名的叉燒,叉燒肥瘦非常適中,而且充滿了蜜汁的香味,而且包的面烘得非常鬆脆While not an original creation of the restaurant, the Char Siu Buns are expertly executed using their renowned char siu. The balanced fat and lean meat of the char siu, infused with a sweet honey glaze, is encased in a perfectly baked fluffy bun.鹵水豬腳仔($150)Pork knuckle simmered in herb sauce鹵水豬腳仔雖然在很多酒樓也能夠品嚐得到,但這個可以吃得出他們是用了非常新鮮的材料去炮製,鹵水汁不但沒有掩蓋了豬肉的肉香,而且將味道提升到另一個層次,而且豬肉嘅不會太腍The restaurant's Braised Pig's knuckle exhibit a freshness that sets them apart from typical offerings in other establishments. The braising sauce enhances the natural pork flavors without overwhelming them, elevating the dish to another level while maintaining a tender texture without being overly greasy.蜜瓜椰青凍糕(上)  ($60)Chilled Young coconut & honey dew melon Jelly (Top)蜜瓜椰青凍糕時時令的甜品之一,上層是清淡的椰青配上椰子肉,下層即是青甜的蜜瓜奶凍,是一個不太甜的健康甜品The Honeydew melon and Coconut Jelly Cake offers a light and refreshing dessert option, with a layer of delicate coconut jelly topped with coconut flesh, while the lower layer features the subtly sweet honeydew milk jelly, creating a healthful and mildly sweet treat.蓮蓉焗西米布甸 (左) ($70)Baked sago pudding filled with lotus seed paste (Left)焗西米布甸是傳統的中式甜品之一,但現在已很難在酒樓尋找得到,這個一放上枱已經充滿蛋香,西米的比例十分平均,而且內裏的蓮蓉又不會太甜The Baked Tapioca Pudding, a traditional Chinese dessert that is becoming rare in restaurants, exudes a rich eggy aroma upon arrival, with evenly distributed tapioca pearls and a not overly sweet lotus seed paste filling.川貝蘋果燉雪燕 (右) ($70)Double-boiled apple,  fritillary bulb with gum tragacanth (Right)喜歡滋補的朋友可以選擇這個燉糖水,蘋果燉過後不會有酸味,配以川貝及雪燕,口感清爽,很適合做飯後甜品Those seeking nourishment can opt for the Stewed Tonic Soup, where the apple base is refreshingly devoid of tartness, enhanced with fritillary bulb and gum tragacanth, providing a soothing dessert after the meal.😎 評價 - Epicurean Explorer's comments: 🍽️食物Food: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥✅餐廳不是會提供時令的菜式,以保持新鮮感,而菜色的水準亦保持得十分好The restaurant's practice of offering seasonal dishes ensures freshness, and the consistently high quality of the dishes maintains its reputation.❌無Nil🏡環境Environment: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥✅裝修以傳統的中式酒家作主調,採用了柔和的燈光,配以木質為主的裝飾。枱與枱之間的距離很寬闊,私隱度十分高The decor takes inspiration from traditional Chinese teahouses, featuring soft lighting and predominantly wooden accents. The spacious layout between tables ensures a high level of privacy.❌無Nil💁服務Service:🔥🔥🔥🔥✅侍應非常有禮,上菜的速度亦十分快速,而且還會主動給客人加添熱茶The attentive and courteous waitstaff serve dishes promptly and are proactive in refilling hot tea for guests.❌由於店舖面積比較大,而且侍應生的比例不算太多,所以繁忙時間要侍應生幫忙,可能需要一點耐性Due to the restaurant's substantial size and the moderate number of staff, patrons may need to exercise patience during peak hours when requiring staff assistance.💰價格Price:🔥🔥🔥🔥✅五星級的水準,食物價錢固然較普通酒樓高,但是由於起用了高級的食材,所以性價比十分高While the prices at this five-star establishment may surpass those of typical restaurants, the use of premium ingredients ensures excellent value for the quality offered.❌無Nil continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)