Good For
Group Dining
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Cash
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May Bring Your Own Wine Details
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Signature Dishes
Chicken Tikka Fajitas King Prawn Pomodoro Pizza
Review (15)
Level4 2015-11-06
I was reluctant to write this review since Pomodoro is in my neighborhood, and the food used to be really good.  Since I read another review that said that the owner doesn't like people to post photos of the food because it leads to bad reviews, I didn't want to irritate the restaurant by posting a mediocre review.  However, after thinking about it, I decided to write this review hoping that the owner would know the food quality has gone down, and he needs to rectify the issues!On a lazy Saturday evening last month, my brother and I didn't feel like going out for dinner, so we decided to order delivery.  I said that I wanted pizza, so we picked Pomodoro.We chose the Italian deal which was a $245 set that included 1 pizza, 1 pasta, and 1 Caesar salad.  We also ordered a fish and chips, and my brother ordered the chicken tikka fajita, which I didn't have.The order took over an hour to arrive, which was still understandable since it's a Saturday night.  My brother answered the door, and he paid and didn't grab the receipt, so I don't know the exact total for the meal.Small pizza (half pepperoni, half mushroom): I only ate the pepperoni half, since we saved the mushroom half for mom to eat later.  The pizza crust was good; it was crispy and had a good bite to it.  They didn't skim on the toppings either, which was good!  Overall, this was a good pizza by Hong Kong standards. Caesar Salad: This was a little bit of a let down because I know how fresh and crunchy the romaine lettuce used to be when I ordered Caesar Salad from Pomodoro in the past.  The salad is not bad at all.  The lettuce is still fresh, just not as cold and crunchy as I was used to!Spaghetti Carbonara: The menu I have lists a fettucine carbonara, but I was told on the phone, they don't have fettucine anymore, just spaghetti.  That's fine with me.  But, they didn't just change the pasta in the dish!  This spaghetti carbonara is nothing like the carbonara we used to order from Pomodoro!  The spaghetti was bland!  There are slices of sandwich ham in the pasta, not bacon, not pancetta!  The worst was the sauce; it was watered down milk that didn't cling to the spaghetti at all!  It felt like they boiled the spaghetti, then dumped salted milk and ham slices on it.  The dish was a total disappointment!Fish and Chips: This used to be another one of our favorites, but this time, it's not up to par either.  The whole dish was greasy!  They didn't fry both the fish and chips long enough.  The fish was luke warm and translucent in the middle, the batter was soggy, and a pool of oil would leak out when I cut into it!  The chips were actually hard in the middle.I don't know if they changed chefs or if the owner wasn't present at the restaurant that night, but this was not the Pomodoro I know!  The pizza was good, the Caesar Salad and Chicken Tikka fajita were ok, but the spaghetti and fish and chips were terrible!  I really hope that I just caught them on an off night! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2014-10-29
看著門面,沒有特別的小店。進入裡面,乾淨,舒服,簡單,整潔。樓面服務員只有1個,等待食物時間長達20分鐘。餐牌上的午市套餐,燴羊肉沒有說明是咖哩,但下單前已經問清楚。咖哩汁很香,不太辣,汁多,整個飯吃完還有汁,羊肉很少,只有4小塊,但味道真心不錯。海鮮pizza方面,餅底很脆,但pizza面的材料比較少,令整體味道較差了不少。這2人午餐價格倒是相宜,130有找,1點也不用等位。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-12-27
《出黎食飯,相機食先》,已經成為了一種風氣。現在,就算不會舞文弄墨的人,都會在進食之前,以相機代替祈禱,把食物最美的一態留下,再利用不同的社交網站,把是日得到的美食,宣揚出去。對於顧害在餐廳周圍拍照,或是對食物拍照,不同的餐廳有不同的睇法。有一些高級食肆,認為你們會滋擾到其他食客,不讓拍照是正常;有一些餐廳,尤其是一些很特別的日本餐廳,需要保持他們的神秘感,不讓拍照是正常;有一些食店,曾經遇到了一些不愉快經歷,不讓拍照,這一個原因,就時常被人長篇小篇地評論及批評一番了。這一次的食歷,我終於遇到了好多博客或普通客人,被餐廳不禮貌地阻止拍照的事了,這一家位於跑馬地但位置不算顯眼的餐廳,是一家 Pizza 店,主要是西式的飲食,但由於是由南亞人經營,當中的食品也帶有豐富的印巴色彩,這餐廳名字叫《Pomodoro》。不敢拍門面相了,給大家一個 Menu 相吧。拍完這一張照片之後,店員已經開始不滿,上餐前,我被 told off。除禁止拍照之外,我並無其他要批評的地方,畢竟事後他解釋了他們的苦衷 (不過我不大接受)。晚上,套餐的東西好像不太合我們心意,於是我們就決定散點,一人一份再加一個頭盤小食。在場,因為不許拍照而偷偷地用手機只拍了一張。這一個是煙三文魚沙律。這是一個新鮮而味道豐富的沙律,以新鮮的蔬菜伴上了橄欖油同醋,味道甜美,再加上肉嫩味咸香的煙三文魚,甜美得來也多了一份的惹味。另外我們點了一個牛肝菌天使麵,這就是因為該南亞人店員全程盯著我們而不敢把該食物攝入鏡內。這一個牛肝菌天使麵,我們要求了走蔥同蒜,所以天使麵連牛肝菌忌廉汁都比較清淡,但我們亦嫌味道做得太淡了。其他的東西如 Pizza 同 Samosa 就食唔晒而打包,以下的照片是回家後第一時間拍的。改日,翻熱了以上的兩樣繼續食,因為這店是由南亞人主理,所以會有 Samosa (咖喱角) 出現在餐牌上。純薯蓉加綠豆的 Samosa,當中加有咖喱香料同薑,熱熱辣辣的食入口,香口惹味,再者,皮脆而酥香,更令人垂涎三尺。Parma Ham Pizza (沒留意到手震了)。以正宗的意大利薄批的製法,批底脆而香,Parma Ham,原先半熟的咸香味道,的確是沒有擋,再加上了火箭菜同乾蕃茄,很有南歐的風味。回家翻熱,無耐地把 Parma Ham 也焗熟了,味道依然是香,只是入口時少了一份煙韌的 texture口感。據說,這店的老闆曾經是《Jasper》的大廚 (不知這 information 是否 up to date),難怪會有這樣的一個好水準。我們結賬後,店員說出他們為何不讓人去拍照,他們說明是以前搞了一次團購,客人影了相之後放上網,也有一次被生果日報暗訪了一次,因為這些事件(當然是負面的事),給予他老細一個 very bad experience。所以,往後,除了預約好的採訪之外,一律禁止食客拍照。理由是明白的,但合不合理就由大家去決定了。在食物方面作總結,這一家小小的餐廳/外賣店是有水準的,我更可以說是有大餐廳的水準,只是價錢 set 得高了一點,有點點令人卻步而已。希望我這一篇文不會帶給該店老闆一個壞影響啦!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-01-08
想食PIZZA既朋友又唔想叫PIZZA核之類,就搵搵下搵到呢間外賣主角PIZZA材料,都係D 腸呀波羅之類,無咩特別,因此食完都係覺得無咩特別,個pizza面粉味不足,有小小失望但係我最唔想食既RIBS就幾好味,肉夠SOFT,tender,汁就係都係O個D啦,酸酸地O個隻,texas rib 咁囉,同埋勁多肉,第一次食有咁多肉既RIBS,呢個好其他squid圈無味,要靠個tartar sauce沙律都幾好,樣樣都有D,食落算新鮮好爽脆,油醋汁夠balance.主打既PIZZA無咩特別,但鐘意食RIBS既可以考慮呢間,又唔貴 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-08-10
由團購go buyer購買每人$58+$18service charge的晚餐,首先這間餐廳好難book,特別是五六日常常都full booking,於是我們只能平日去,但平日去到所見沒什麼客,最繁盛時只有三枱客,餐廳大概可容納十組客人。雖然那裡賣的食物是意大利式西餐,但主理的卻是印巴籍人士,播的音樂也是其國家本土歌,電視上播的也是其家鄉台,實在是有夠不配合,為何不做印巴菜?從電車路行上來,都要行5-10分鐘,天氣又熱,我們坐下水都沒有一杯,而且全程冷氣甚弱,但到有walk in熟客來時,侍應卻送上兩杯凍水,喝到一半還會加水,團購客和正價客待遇相差頗大。忌廉湯:湯裡面有些蓉,吃來吃去吃不出這個湯是什麼味道,只能猜它是忌廉湯的一種,味道算是可以了凍檸茶:無茶味,得個甜字和凍字,因餐廳冷氣不足,冰溶得很快,好快就變淡了,難飲也。煙三文魚沙律:也尚算OK,用的是沙律醋,菜都幾多。青口:有芝士/cream味,本來味道都幾好,但肉質太過實淨,有一隻食完有殘渣添。雞肉意大利飯:雞肉雖鞋身,但還算能咬開吞下,不幸中已算大幸,意大利飯的汁料完全是罐頭茄汁豆的味道,感覺有夠怪異,好像整餐吃罐頭飯般,很可憐的感覺,不過飯質還OK,不會太硬。肉眼扒:如果可以,我會比十個差這個菜。肉眼扒下單時沒有問幾多成熟,自行幫我們決定了,出來大概六七成熟的樣子,肉質十分靭,咬不開,吞不下,疑似肉眼扒太劣質,導致這個情況。伴碟的薯蓉沒什麼特別,不夠creamy,而幾塊蔬菜是白烚,完全沒味道。甜品是疑似布朗尼,本來朱古力的味道還OK,但蛋糕十分鬆散,一叉下去就散開了,還要是很碎的樣子。其實也不能說是叉下去,因為根本沒有甜品的叉奉上,我們只得到一隻叉和一隻刀,叉在吃主菜時已用了,只剩下刀,唯有用刀吃甜品,而侍應見到也沒反應,不會送上甜品叉。吃了非常失望的一餐,唯有努力寫個食評,反映一下這個餐廳的真實情況,給其他食家參考。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)